背景を追加/カスタマイズしたり、すべてのメニューシーンのウィンドウの不透明度を変更したりできるプラグイン – SRD_MenuBackgrounds.js
- タイトル
- Allows you to add/customize backgrounds and change window opacity for all menu scenes.
- 作者名
- SumRndmDde様
- ヘルプ
Menu Backgrounds
Version 2.05
This allows you to give all the menu pages of your menu custom
You can control the scale of the background images, the opacity of the
windows in the menus, and the motion of the background images.
How to set up the images
Place all the background images you wish to use in:
(this is so that when you export your game, all you have to do is copy
the SumRndmDde folder inside of the img folder to the exported game files)
Anyway, simply input the picture's name without the file extension
into the Parameter of choice and it should work perfectly.
How to set up Custom Scenes
In order to set up a background for a custom menu scene, input the scene's
name in a "Custom X Scene". Then input all of the other informtion you wish
for that scene to have within the other Custom X parameters.
Background Image Motions
Here is a list of all the motions that can be used in the "Motion" parameters:
scroll [xSpeed] [ySpeed]
This makes it so the background scrolls at the X and Y speeds provided.
Here is an example:
scroll 3 3
zoom [zoomSpeed] [maxZoom]
This makes the background image zooms in and out at a certain speed.
Here is an example:
zoom 0.01 5
rotate [rotateSpeed] [maxRotate]
This makes the background image rotate at a certain speed.
Here is an example:
rotate 0.01 0.5
blur [blurSpeed] [maxBlur]
This makes the background image blur at a certain speed.
Here is an example:
blur 0.01 1
End of Help File
Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.
Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!
Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde - パラメータ
param Scale Background desc Set this to 'true' and the backgrounds will automatically scale to the window size. default true param == Main Menu == default param Menu Background desc The background used for the main menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Menu Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the main menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Menu Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Menu Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Item Menu == default param Item Background desc The background used for the item menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Item Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the item menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Item Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Item Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Skill Menu == default param Skill Background desc The background used for the skill menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Skill Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the skill menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Skill Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Skill Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Equip Menu == default param Equip Background desc The background used for the equip menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Equip Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the equip menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Equip Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Equip Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Status Menu == default param Status Background desc The background used for the status menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Status Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the status menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Status Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Status Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Save Menu == default param Save Background desc The background used for the save menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Save Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the save menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Save Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Save Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Options Menu == default param Options Background desc The background used for the options menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Options Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the options menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Options Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Options Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == End Menu == default param End Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param End Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param End Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param End Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 1 == default param Custom 1 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 1 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 1 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 1 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 1 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 2 == default param Custom 2 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 2 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 2 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 2 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 2 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 3 == default param Custom 3 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 3 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 3 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 3 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 3 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 4 == default param Custom 4 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 4 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 4 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 4 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 4 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 5 == default param Custom 5 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 5 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 5 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 5 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 5 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 6 == default param Custom 6 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 6 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 6 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 6 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 6 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 7 == default param Custom 7 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 7 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 7 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 7 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 7 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 8 == default param Custom 8 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 8 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 8 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 8 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 8 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 9 == default param Custom 9 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 9 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 9 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 9 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 9 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 10 == default param Custom 10 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 10 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 10 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 10 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 10 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 11 == default param Custom 11 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 11 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 11 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 11 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 11 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 12 == default param Custom 12 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 12 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 12 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 12 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 12 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 13 == default param Custom 13 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 13 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 13 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 13 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 13 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 14 == default param Custom 14 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 14 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 14 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 14 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 14 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 15 == default param Custom 15 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 15 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 15 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 15 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 15 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 16 == default param Custom 16 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 16 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 16 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 16 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 16 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 17 == default param Custom 17 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 17 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 17 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 17 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 17 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 18 == default param Custom 18 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 18 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 18 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 18 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 18 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 19 == default param Custom 19 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 19 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 19 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 19 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 19 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default param == Custom 20 == default param Custom 20 Scene desc The name of the custom menu's scene default param Custom 20 Background desc The background used for the end menu screen.
Place it in img/SumRndmDde/menu/default param Custom 20 Opacity desc The opacity of the windows in the end menu screen.
Set to a number between 0 and 255default 255 param Custom 20 Scale desc The base scale of the background image.
1 is a normal scale; 0.5 is half; 2 is double; etc...default 1 param Custom 20 Motion desc The motion of the background image.
Visit the HELP section for a list of motions.default - ライセンス表記
紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_MenuBackgrounds.js