メニューのメイン部分に表示されるアクターステータスをさらにカスタマイズすることができるプラグイン – SRD_MenuStatusCustomizer.js

Allows you to have more customization over the Actor Statuses that appear in the main part of the menu.

Menu Status Customizer
Version 1.10

Allows you to have more customization over the Actor Statuses that appear
in the main part of the menu.

How it Works

The main purpose of this Plugin is to allow the developer to manipulate
the various pieces of infomation shown on the "Actor Status Window" shown
on the menu.

The way it works is simple:

Beside each Actor face is a group of information.
This information is organized in a grid format; this means there are rows
and columns for this grid.

This plugin allows you to place pieces of infomation into specific rows and
columns of this grid.

How to Set the Amount of Rows and Columns

The amount of rows and columns that information can be organized into
can be set by using the "Status Info Columns" and "Status Info Rows"

How to Organize the Info

In the Parameters, you will find Parameters that say "Show" and "Location".

The "Show" Parameters (example: Show Name) allow you to choose whether or
not that piece of info is shown in the status. For example, setting
"Show Name" to false will make it so the Actors' names won't appear in the
status for the Actors.

The "Location" Parameters (example: Name Location) allow you to place each
piece of the info into the imaginary grid. In order to do this, the
Parameter must use the format:

row x, column y

This will allow you to set the row and column this piece of info will
reside in.

Custom Statuses

You can customize piece of information to be shown using JavaScript.

For example, if you input:


within "Status 1 Eval" and set "Status 1 Location" to a specific spot,
then the Actor's ATK stat will appear there.

Custom Statuses for Actors

If you wish for an Actor to have its own Eval for a custom status, use the

<Status [id] Eval: [code]>

Replace "id" with the number of the Status Eval (1 - 10), and replace
"code" with the code you wish to use.

The Actor with this in their notetag will use the "code" defined in there
as opposed to the code in the Parameters. Keep in mind the Custom Eval
must be turned on in the Parameters for it to be seen in game.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param == Retain Mode ==

param Retain Mode
desc If set to 'true', the menu will retain its usual width, even for width screen resolutions.
default false

param Retain Mode Width
desc The assumed width used for Retain Mode.
Default is 816.
default 816

param == Visual Options ==

param Command Width
desc The width of the menu's Command Window.
Default is 240.
default 240

param Visible Rows
desc The amount of rows in the Menu Status Window.
default 4

param == Status Window ==

param Status Info Columns
desc The amount of columns for the info in the Status Window.
default 2

param Status Info Rows
desc The amount of rows for the info in the Status Window.
default 3

param Status Col Padding
desc The amount of padding in between each column.
default 24

param --------------------

param Show Name
desc Set this to 'true', and the Name bar will be shown.
default true

param Name Location
desc Where the Name is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 1, column 1

param --------------------

param Show Nickname
desc Set this to 'true', and the Name bar will be shown.
default false

param Nickname Location
desc Where the Name is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 0, column 0

param --------------------

param Show Class
desc Set this to 'true', and the Class bar will be shown.
default true

param Class Location
desc Where the Class is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 2, column 1

param --------------------

param Show Level
desc Set this to 'true', and the Level bar will be shown.
default true

param Level Location
desc Where the Level is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 3, column 1

param --------------------

param Show Icons
desc Set this to 'true', and the Icons bar will be shown.
default true

param Icons Location
desc Where the Icons is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 1, column 3

param --------------------

param Show HP Bar
desc Set this to 'true', and the HP bar will be shown.
default true

param HP Bar Location
desc Where the HP Bar is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 1, column 2

param --------------------

param Show MP Bar
desc Set this to 'true', and the MP bar will be shown.
default true

param MP Bar Location
desc Where the MP Bar is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 2, column 2

param --------------------

param Show TP Bar
desc Set this to 'true', and the TP bar will be shown.
default true

param TP Bar Location
desc Where the TP Bar is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 3, column 2

param --------------------

param Show EXP Bar
desc Set this to 'true', and the EXP bar will be shown.
default true

param EXP Bar Location
desc Where the EXP Bar is located in the Actor's Status.
Use the format: row x, column y
default row 3, column 3

param EXP Bar Text
desc The text shown on the EXP bar.
default To Next Level

param EXP Bar Color 1
desc The first color shown on the EXP bar.
default #00ff00

param EXP Bar Color 2
desc The second color shown on the EXP bar.
default #00ff00

param --------------------

param Status 1 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 1 Location
desc The location of Status 1.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 1 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 2 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 2 Location
desc The location of Status 2.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 2 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 3 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 3 Location
desc The location of Status 3.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 3 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 4 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 4 Location
desc The location of Status 4.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 4 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 5 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 5 Location
desc The location of Status 5.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 5 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 6 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 6 Location
desc The location of Status 6.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 6 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 7 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 7 Location
desc The location of Status 7.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 7 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 8 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 8 Location
desc The location of Status 8.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 8 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 9 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 9 Location
desc The location of Status 9.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 9 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false

param --------------------

param Status 10 Eval
desc Input a JavaScript eval to be shown in the Status.
Leave blank to not use.

param Status 10 Location
desc The location of Status 10.
Use the format: row x, column y

param Status 10 Codes?
desc If this is set to true, text codes can be used in Evals.
For example: "\\i[30] SumRndmIcon"
default false


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_MenuStatusCustomizer.js