「名前入力」を改善しました RPGツクールMVゲームのスクリーン – SRD_NameInputUpgrade.js
- タイトル
- Improves upon the "Name Input" screen for your RPG Maker MV game.
- 作者名
- SumRndmDde様
- ヘルプ
Name Input Upgrade
Version 1.00
That darn boring, old Name Input screen.
It's one of the first things your players see, but it looks so boring.
Fortunately, this Plugin will change that.
This Plugin is solely run with Parameters.
Most of them are self explanatory, but here are some extended explanations
for some of the more important or complex ones.
= Keyboard Mode? =
This Parameter should either be set to 'true' or 'false'.
Setting this to 'false' gives you the default keyboard mode.
Setting this to 'true' makes the user use his or her keyboard to input
the name of the Actor.
= Display Message =
= Display Message 2 =
These are the messages shown in the help window in Keyboard Mode.
= Show Face =
This Parameter should either be set to 'true' or 'false'.
Setting this to 'true' results in the default.
Setting this to 'false' removes the Actor's face from the Name Input.
= Background Image =
If you wish to use an image from your /img/pictures folder as a background
image for your Name Input screen, input its file name here.
Do not input the file extension.
= Scale Background? =
This Parameter should either be set to 'true' or 'false'.
Setting this to 'false' keeps the background at its default image size.
Setting this to 'true' stretches the background to fit the screen.
= Custom Characters =
Set this to a list of characters seperated by commas for each row.
These will be the characters avaliable for the player to select when
not using Keyboard Mode and relying on the on-screen keyboard.
End of Help File
Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.
Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!
Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde - パラメータ
param Keyboard Mode? desc 'true' - Use keyboard to input characters
'false' - Use on-screen keyboard to input charactersdefault true param Display Message desc The message displayed on the first line of the help window when using Keyboard Mode. default Input a name. param Display Message 2 desc The message displayed on the second line of the help window when using Keyboard Mode. default Press ENTER when ready. param Help Window Width desc The width of the help window. Can be a JavaScript eval. This window is only shown in Keyboard Mode. default 400 param Help Window Height desc The width of the help window. Can be a JavaScript eval. This window is only shown in Keyboard Mode. default this.fittingHeight(2) param == Display Options == default param Show Face desc 'true' - Shows Actor face on Name Input display
'false' - Removes Actor face on Name Input displaydefault true param Background Image desc Name of the background image. Place in /img/pictures.
Do not include file extension. Leave blank for default.default param Scale Background? desc 'true' - Stretches background to window size
'false' - Keeps background at original sizedefault true param Name Opacity desc The opacity of the window with the name of the Actor. Input a value from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid). default 255 param Keyboard Opacity desc The opacity of the window with the keyboard characters. Input a value from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid). default 255 param Help Opacity desc The opacity of the window that has the help text in it. Input a value from 0 (invisible) to 255 (solid). default 255 param Underline Color desc Input the window.png color code you wish to use.
Example: 0 = white, 1 = blue, 2 = red, etc.default 0 param Text Color desc Input the window.png color code you wish to use.
Example: 0 = white, 1 = blue, 2 = red, etc.default 0 param Name Display X desc The x offset added to the window that has the name displayed. Can be a JavaScript eval. Only for keyboard input version. default 0 param Name Display Y desc The x offset added to the window that has the name displayed. Can be a JavaScript eval. Only for keyboard input version. default 100 param Help Window X desc The x offset added to the window that explains the keyboard input. Can be a JavaScript eval. Only for keyboard input version. default 0 param Help Window Y desc The x offset added to the window that explains the keyboard input. Can be a JavaScript eval. Only for keyboard input version. default 40 param = Custom Characters = default param LATIN 1 Row 1 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default A,B,C,D,E,a,b,c,d,e param LATIN 1 Row 2 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default F,G,H,I,J,f,g,h,i,j param LATIN 1 Row 3 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default K,L,M,N,O,k,l,m,n,o param LATIN 1 Row 4 desc A list of characters for row 4 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default P,Q,R,S,T,p,q,r,s,t param LATIN 1 Row 5 desc A list of characters for row 5 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default U,V,W,X,Y,u,v,w,x,y param LATIN 1 Row 6 desc A list of characters for row 6 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default Z,[,],^,_,z,{,},|,~ param LATIN 1 Row 7 desc A list of characters for row 7 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default 0,1,2,3,4,!,#,$,%,& param LATIN 1 Row 8 desc A list of characters for row 8 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default 5,6,7,8,9,(,),,+,- param LATIN 1 Row 9 desc A list of characters for row 9 of LATIN 1 keyboard. default /,=,?,<,>,:,;, ,Page,OK param LATIN 2 Row 1 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Á,É,Í,Ó,Ú,á,é,í,ó,ú param LATIN 2 Row 2 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default À,È,Ì,Ò,Ù,à,è,ì,ò,ù param LATIN 2 Row 3 desc A list of characters for row 1 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Â,Ê,Î,Ô,Û,â,ê,î,ô,û param LATIN 2 Row 4 desc A list of characters for row 4 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Ä,Ë,Ï,Ö,Ü,ä,ë,ï,ö,ü param LATIN 2 Row 5 desc A list of characters for row 5 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Ā,Ē,Ī,Ō,Ū,ā,ē,ī,ō,ū param LATIN 2 Row 6 desc A list of characters for row 6 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Ã,Å,Æ,Ç,Ð,ã,å,æ,ç,ð param LATIN 2 Row 7 desc A list of characters for row 7 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Ñ,Õ,Ø,Š,Ŵ,ñ,õ,ø,š,ŵ param LATIN 2 Row 8 desc A list of characters for row 8 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default Ý,Ŷ,Ÿ,Ž,Þ,ý,ÿ,ŷ,ž,þ param LATIN 2 Row 9 desc A list of characters for row 9 of LATIN 2 keyboard. default IJ,Œ,ij,œ,ß,«,»,,Page,OK - ライセンス表記
紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_NameInputUpgrade.js