オプションメニューをアップグレードする – SRD_OptionsUpgrade.js

Upgrades the Options Menu

Options Upgrade
Version 1.01

This Plugin upgrades the Options Menu!
The options are placed into different categories and a description window
has been added.

One may also manipulate the various positions of all the windows, and can
control the rows/colums for the category window.

Setting up Categories/Descriptions

By default, all of the default options have descriptions and categories
set up for them. These are all customized through the Parameters.

If an option does not have a category assigned to it, it will be placed
in the default category. If an option does not have a description, one
will not be used.

In order to assign a category or description, you'll need the symbol
for the command.

First, place the command in an Option X Symbol Parameter.

Once you do so, then the Option X Category and Option X Description will
be used with the option associated with this symbol.

Window Color Customizers

This plugin also adds options to change the tone of the game's windows.

You can remove these by setting the "Add Window Colors?" parameter to false.

Keep in mind that doing so may leave the "Window" category blank. Be sure
to remove the category from the list if that happens. However, you could
simply add other options to it if necessary.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Categories
desc A list of all of the categories in the Options Menu.
Separate each with a comma.
default General, Volume, Window

param Default Category
desc If an option does not have a category specified for it, it will use this category.
default General

param Add Window Colors?
desc If 'true', then the Window Color options will be added.
Symbols are: "windowRed" | "windowGreen" | "windowBlue"
default true

param == Reset Option ==

param Add Reset Option?
desc If 'true', then a "Reset" option will be added to the Category Window.
default true

param Reset Option Name
desc The name of the "Reset" option on the Category Window.
default Reset Options

param Reset Option SE
desc The sound effect played when the "Reset" option is used.
default Save

param == Category Window ==

param Category Window Cols
desc The amount of columns on the Category Window.
default 4

param Category Window Rows
desc The amount of rows on the Category Window.
default 1

param Category Window X
desc The X position of the Category Window.
default 0

param Category Window Y
desc The Y position of the Category Window.
default this._helpWindow.y + this._helpWindow.height

param Category Window Width
desc The width of the Category Window.
default Graphics.boxWidth

param Category Text Align
desc The alignment of the text on the Category Window.
Choices are: left | center | right
default center

param == Options Window ==

param Options Window X
desc The X position of the Options Window.
default (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2

param Options Window Y
desc The Y position of the Options Window.
default this._categoryWindow.y + this._categoryWindow.height

param Options Window Width
desc The width of the Options Window.
default 500

param == Help Window ==

param Help Window X
desc The X position of the Help Window.
default 0

param Help Window Y
desc The Y position of the Help Window.
default 0

param == Option 1 ==

param Option 1 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 1.
default alwaysDash

param Option 1 Category
desc The category that Option 1 will be placed in.
default General

param Option 1 Description
desc The description shown when Option 1 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default If this is turned ON, then you will dash automatically; \notherwise, you will have to hold SHIFT.

param == Option 2 ==

param Option 2 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 2.
default commandRemember

param Option 2 Category
desc The category that Option 2 will be placed in.
default General

param Option 2 Description
desc The description shown when Option 2 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default If this is turned ON, then the position of the \ncommand cursor will be saved throughout battle.

param == Option 3 ==

param Option 3 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 3.
default bgmVolume

param Option 3 Category
desc The category that Option 3 will be placed in.
default Volume

param Option 3 Description
desc The description shown when Option 3 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This changes the volume of the background music.

param == Option 4 ==

param Option 4 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 4.
default bgsVolume

param Option 4 Category
desc The category that Option 4 will be placed in.
default Volume

param Option 4 Description
desc The description shown when Option 4 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This changes the volume of the background sound.

param == Option 5 ==

param Option 5 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 5.
default meVolume

param Option 5 Category
desc The category that Option 5 will be placed in.
default Volume

param Option 5 Description
desc The description shown when Option 5 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This changes the volume of music effects.

param == Option 6 ==

param Option 6 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 6.
default seVolume

param Option 6 Category
desc The category that Option 6 will be placed in.
default Volume

param Option 6 Description
desc The description shown when Option 6 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This changes the volume of sound effects.

param == Option 7 ==

param Option 7 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 7.
default windowRed

param Option 7 Category
desc The category that Option 7 will be placed in.
default Window

param Option 7 Description
desc The description shown when Option 7 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This determines the amount of \c[2]red\c[0] tone within \nthe window's base color.

param == Option 8 ==

param Option 8 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 8.
default windowGreen

param Option 8 Category
desc The category that Option 8 will be placed in.
default Window

param Option 8 Description
desc The description shown when Option 8 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This determines the amount of \c[3]green\c[0] tone within \nthe window's base color.

param == Option 9 ==

param Option 9 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 9.
default windowBlue

param Option 9 Category
desc The category that Option 9 will be placed in.
default Window

param Option 9 Description
desc The description shown when Option 9 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This determines the amount of \c[1]blue\c[0] tone within \nthe window's base color.

param == Option 10 ==

param Option 10 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 10.
default windowSkin

param Option 10 Category
desc The category that Option 10 will be placed in.
default Window

param Option 10 Description
desc The description shown when Option 10 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default This game's window style can be selected from a list \nof available choices using this option.

param == Option 11 ==

param Option 11 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 11.
default fullscreen

param Option 11 Category
desc The category that Option 11 will be placed in.
default General

param Option 11 Description
desc The description shown when Option 11 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line
default If this is turned ON, the game will be switched \nto full-screen mode.

param == Option 12 ==

param Option 12 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 12.

param Option 12 Category
desc The category that Option 12 will be placed in.

param Option 12 Description
desc The description shown when Option 12 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 13 ==

param Option 13 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 13.

param Option 13 Category
desc The category that Option 13 will be placed in.

param Option 13 Description
desc The description shown when Option 13 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 14 ==

param Option 14 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 14.

param Option 14 Category
desc The category that Option 14 will be placed in.

param Option 14 Description
desc The description shown when Option 14 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 15 ==

param Option 15 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 15.

param Option 15 Category
desc The category that Option 15 will be placed in.

param Option 15 Description
desc The description shown when Option 15 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 16 ==

param Option 16 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 16.

param Option 16 Category
desc The category that Option 16 will be placed in.

param Option 16 Description
desc The description shown when Option 16 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 17 ==

param Option 17 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 17.

param Option 17 Category
desc The category that Option 17 will be placed in.

param Option 17 Description
desc The description shown when Option 17 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 18 ==

param Option 18 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 18.

param Option 18 Category
desc The category that Option 18 will be placed in.

param Option 18 Description
desc The description shown when Option 18 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 19 ==

param Option 19 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 19.

param Option 19 Category
desc The category that Option 19 will be placed in.

param Option 19 Description
desc The description shown when Option 19 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 20 ==

param Option 20 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 20.

param Option 20 Category
desc The category that Option 20 will be placed in.

param Option 20 Description
desc The description shown when Option 20 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 21 ==

param Option 21 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 21.

param Option 21 Category
desc The category that Option 21 will be placed in.

param Option 21 Description
desc The description shown when Option 21 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 22 ==

param Option 22 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 22.

param Option 22 Category
desc The category that Option 22 will be placed in.

param Option 22 Description
desc The description shown when Option 22 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 23 ==

param Option 23 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 23.

param Option 23 Category
desc The category that Option 23 will be placed in.

param Option 23 Description
desc The description shown when Option 23 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 24 ==

param Option 24 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 24.

param Option 24 Category
desc The category that Option 24 will be placed in.

param Option 24 Description
desc The description shown when Option 24 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 25 ==

param Option 25 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 25.

param Option 25 Category
desc The category that Option 25 will be placed in.

param Option 25 Description
desc The description shown when Option 25 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 26 ==

param Option 26 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 26.

param Option 26 Category
desc The category that Option 26 will be placed in.

param Option 26 Description
desc The description shown when Option 26 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 27 ==

param Option 27 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 27.

param Option 27 Category
desc The category that Option 27 will be placed in.

param Option 27 Description
desc The description shown when Option 27 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 28 ==

param Option 28 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 28.

param Option 28 Category
desc The category that Option 28 will be placed in.

param Option 28 Description
desc The description shown when Option 28 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 29 ==

param Option 29 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 29.

param Option 29 Category
desc The category that Option 29 will be placed in.

param Option 29 Description
desc The description shown when Option 29 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 30 ==

param Option 30 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 30.

param Option 30 Category
desc The category that Option 30 will be placed in.

param Option 30 Description
desc The description shown when Option 30 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 31 ==

param Option 31 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 31.

param Option 31 Category
desc The category that Option 31 will be placed in.

param Option 31 Description
desc The description shown when Option 31 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 32 ==

param Option 32 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 32.

param Option 32 Category
desc The category that Option 32 will be placed in.

param Option 32 Description
desc The description shown when Option 32 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 33 ==

param Option 33 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 33.

param Option 33 Category
desc The category that Option 33 will be placed in.

param Option 33 Description
desc The description shown when Option 33 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 34 ==

param Option 34 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 34.

param Option 34 Category
desc The category that Option 34 will be placed in.

param Option 34 Description
desc The description shown when Option 34 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 35 ==

param Option 35 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 35.

param Option 35 Category
desc The category that Option 35 will be placed in.

param Option 35 Description
desc The description shown when Option 35 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 36 ==

param Option 36 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 36.

param Option 36 Category
desc The category that Option 36 will be placed in.

param Option 36 Description
desc The description shown when Option 36 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 37 ==

param Option 37 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 37.

param Option 37 Category
desc The category that Option 37 will be placed in.

param Option 37 Description
desc The description shown when Option 37 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 38 ==

param Option 38 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 38.

param Option 38 Category
desc The category that Option 38 will be placed in.

param Option 38 Description
desc The description shown when Option 38 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 39 ==

param Option 39 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 39.

param Option 39 Category
desc The category that Option 39 will be placed in.

param Option 39 Description
desc The description shown when Option 39 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 40 ==

param Option 40 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 40.

param Option 40 Category
desc The category that Option 40 will be placed in.

param Option 40 Description
desc The description shown when Option 40 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 41 ==

param Option 41 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 41.

param Option 41 Category
desc The category that Option 41 will be placed in.

param Option 41 Description
desc The description shown when Option 41 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 42 ==

param Option 42 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 42.

param Option 42 Category
desc The category that Option 42 will be placed in.

param Option 42 Description
desc The description shown when Option 42 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 43 ==

param Option 43 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 43.

param Option 43 Category
desc The category that Option 43 will be placed in.

param Option 43 Description
desc The description shown when Option 43 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 44 ==

param Option 44 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 44.

param Option 44 Category
desc The category that Option 44 will be placed in.

param Option 44 Description
desc The description shown when Option 44 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 45 ==

param Option 45 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 45.

param Option 45 Category
desc The category that Option 45 will be placed in.

param Option 45 Description
desc The description shown when Option 45 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 46 ==

param Option 46 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 46.

param Option 46 Category
desc The category that Option 46 will be placed in.

param Option 46 Description
desc The description shown when Option 46 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 47 ==

param Option 47 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 47.

param Option 47 Category
desc The category that Option 47 will be placed in.

param Option 47 Description
desc The description shown when Option 47 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 48 ==

param Option 48 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 48.

param Option 48 Category
desc The category that Option 48 will be placed in.

param Option 48 Description
desc The description shown when Option 48 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 49 ==

param Option 49 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 49.

param Option 49 Category
desc The category that Option 49 will be placed in.

param Option 49 Description
desc The description shown when Option 49 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line

param == Option 50 ==

param Option 50 Symbol
desc The symbol of the option that will use the info defined for Option 50.

param Option 50 Category
desc The category that Option 50 will be placed in.

param Option 50 Description
desc The description shown when Option 50 is highlighted.
Use \n to create a new line


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_OptionsUpgrade.js