開発者は、新しいタイトル前のシーンでゲームを実行する前に、特定のオーディオと画像をあらかじめ読み込むことができるプラグイン – SRD_PreloaderCore.js

Allows developers to preload specific audio and images before running the game through a new pre-title scene.

Preloader Core
Version 1.02

This plugin allows developers to preload specific audio and images before
running the game through a new pre-title scene.

Preload Options

For all of the audio and img folders, you have four options for preloading
files: none, custom, important, all.


If a preload is set to "none", no files from that folder will be preloaded.

custom: f1, f2, ...

If set to "custom", specific files can be selected to be preloaded.
Simply input the filenames, no extensions, and separate each with a comma.
For example - custom: Battle1, Battle2, Theme6


If set to "important", then files that are deemed "important" will be
preloaded. What's considered "important" is different for each folder. For
example, important BGMs include ones specified in the database, important
Animation Images include all images used in animations, etc.


All files within the folder will be preloaded.
This feature can only be used on Node.js supported platforms.

Plugin Commands

If you wish to manually preload audio or images in game, the following
Plugin Commands can be used:

PreloadAudio [folder] [name]

Replace "folder" with one of the audio folders, and replace "name" with one of
the file names within that folder.
For example - PreloadAudio bgm Theme6

PreloadImage [folder] [name] [hue]

Replace "folder" with one of the img folders, and replace "name" with one of
the file names within that folder. You can also use the optional "hue"
argument to have the preloaded image preload a specific hue.
For example - PreloadImage titles1 Book 0

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Custom Background
desc A custom background image for the preload scene.
Leave blank for default. Place in /img/SumRndmDde/preload/

param Loading Text
desc The format of the text used to describe which files are being loaded. Use %1 to represent the filepath.
default Loading %1

param Complete Text
desc The text used when all of the loading is complete.
default Load Complete!

param Use Fade Transitions
desc If 'true', a fade will occur between the Title and Preloading scenes.
default true

param Load Font Size
desc The font size of the text when displaying the loading url.
default 28

param Gauge Back Color
desc The color used for the background of the loading gauge.
default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4)

param Gauge Main Color
desc The color used for the main part of the loading gauge.
default rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)

param == Audio Preloads ==

param Cache Audio
desc Keeps previous audio objects stored for quick retrieval.
List all the audio folders that will use caching.
default bgm, bgs, me

param Preload BGM
desc Determines which BGM are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default important

param Preload BGS
desc Determines which BGS are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload ME
desc Determines which ME are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default important

param Preload SE
desc Determines which SE are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param == Image Preloads ==

param Preload System
desc Determines which system images are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Animations
desc Determines which animations are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Battlebacks1
desc Determines which battlebacks1 are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Battlebacks2
desc Determines which battlebacks2 are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Characters
desc Determines which characters are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Enemies
desc Determines which enemies are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Faces
desc Determines which faces are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default important

param Preload Parallaxes
desc Determines which parallaxes are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Pictures
desc Determines which pictures are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload SV_Actors
desc Determines which SV actors are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload SV_Enemies
desc Determines which SV enemies are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Tilesets
desc Determines which tilesets are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default important

param Preload Titles1
desc Determines which titles1 are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param Preload Titles2
desc Determines which titles2 are preloaded. Choices are:
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none
default none

param == Custom Path 1 ==

param Preload Path 1
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 1
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 1.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 2 ==

param Preload Path 2
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 2
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 2.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 3 ==

param Preload Path 3
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 3
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 3.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 4 ==

param Preload Path 4
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 4
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 4.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 5 ==

param Preload Path 5
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 5
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 5.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 6 ==

param Preload Path 6
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 6
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 6.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 7 ==

param Preload Path 7
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 7
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 7.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 8 ==

param Preload Path 8
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 8
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 8.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 9 ==

param Preload Path 9
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 9
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 9.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 10 ==

param Preload Path 10
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 10
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 10.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 11 ==

param Preload Path 11
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 11
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 11.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 12 ==

param Preload Path 12
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 12
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 12.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 13 ==

param Preload Path 13
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 13
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 13.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 14 ==

param Preload Path 14
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 14
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 14.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 15 ==

param Preload Path 15
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 15
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 15.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 16 ==

param Preload Path 16
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 16
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 16.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 17 ==

param Preload Path 17
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 17
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 17.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 18 ==

param Preload Path 18
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 18
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 18.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 19 ==

param Preload Path 19
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 19
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 19.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none

param == Custom Path 20 ==

param Preload Path 20
desc This is a custom folder path to reference the images to be preloaded in the /img/ folder.

param Preload Images 20
desc Determines which images are preloaded from Path 20.
all | important | custom: f1, f2, ... | none


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_PreloaderCore.js