Creates an In-Game Manual Scene – ARP_InGameManual.js

Creates an In-Game Manual Scene
Please report any bugs you find to 'atreyo.ray[at]'
Credit Atreyo Ray to use this plugin.
You can use it on free or commercial games.
You're free to modify it to suit your needs.

1) Create a 'Manual.txt' file.

2) Inside your text file, copy, paste, and fill the following 'form' for each
entry in your manual:


<end entry>

3) Inside your text file (may be above all entries), copy, paste, and complete
the tag below to define which entries should appear when your manual opens:

<main entries> Entry 1 Name; Entry 2 Name; Entry 3 Name

4) Save your text file inside 'data' folder.

HideManualEntry Entry_Name
ShowManualEntry Entry_Name

REMEMBER: Entry Names with whitespaces should have them replaced by
underscores when used on plugin commands. For example,

(in Manual.txt) -> (in Plugin Commands)
'Monsters Defeated' -> 'Monsters_Defeated'

You can use a custom background to the manual. Just place your PNG image file
inside the 'img/system' folder and set the 'Custom Background' parameter.
If you decide to do so, all the windows within the manual will have their
backgrounds hidden (opacity set to 0), even if you are using custom
windowskin files.

Remember that windowskin files should be PNG and their extension should not
be writen in the parameters.

If you need to set a color that requires CSS format, you can use:
Hexadecimal colors
RGB colors
RGBA colors
HSL colors
HSLA colors

For more information on CSS color format specification check

If you need to use a system font color number (for Navigation Parameters),
check Window.png file inside 'img/system' folder. At the right lower part of
it, you'll see colored squares. Start counting from 0 at the upper line,
left to right, and you'll have your system font color number.
You can also use it below the <text> tag in your manual file by typing
\c[NUMBER] to change the folowing text color.

Working with customized fonts in your game manual requires a little more
work. Follow these steps:

1) Copy the custom font file to the 'fonts' folder in your project.
Make sure you either own the font file, paid for it, or have given credits
for its usage.
Tip 1: TTF (True Type Fonts) work best with RPGMaker.
Tip 2: Make sure you test different caracters with your custom font before
you start using it to avoid issues later.

2) Inside your project fonts folder, there's a file called 'gamefont.css'.
Edit it to include a block like the one below for each different font you are

[at]font-face {
font-family: Font Name;
src: url("font file.ttf");

change [at] for the 'at sign' (the same you use on emails). It can't be
written inside the help contents.
Change Font Name and "font file.ttf" accordingly.
Do not remove the first block, usually:
[at]font-face {
font-family: GameFont;
src: url("mplus-1m-regular.ttf");
To learn more about custom fonts, access:

v1.00 - First release (Nov, 27, 2015)
v1.10 - (Dec, 02, 2015)
- You don't need to write down tags you'll not use in an entry.
- You can now indent comments (#) in your manual data file.
- You can now create multiple manuals.
- You can now hide and show entries using Plugin Commands.
- A detailed illustrated tutorial now comes with the plugin.
- Removed 'Manual Name' parameter.
- Added 'Manual Names' parameter.
- Changed how 'Show in Menu' parameter works.
param === MAIN CONFIG ===

param Manual Names
desc Name shown in the main menu and in the navigation window for each manual. Use symbol:Name; symbol:Name.
default manual: Game Manual

param Manual File
desc File name (with extension) of the file in 'data' folder
with manual data. Default: Manual.txt
default Manual.txt

param Show In Menu
desc Shows defined manuals in the main menu. Separate each manual symbol with a semicolon (;). Default: manual
default manual

param === ENTRY LIST ===

param Entry List Width
desc Width of the window that lists entries in the manual.
Default: 320
default 320

param Entry List Position
desc Position of the window that lists entries in the manual.
Use left or right. Default: left
default left

param Entry Font
desc Font face used in the entry list. Leave blank to use default.

param Entry Size
desc Font size used in the entry list.
Default: 28
default 28

param Entry Color
desc Font color used in the entry list. Use CSS Format or leave blank to use standard.

param Entry OL Color
desc Text Outline color. Use CSS Format or leave blank to use standard.

param === NAVIGATION ===

param Show Navigation
desc Shows a navigation window that informs current and
past entries. YES: true NO: false
default true

param Navigation Position
desc Places the navigation window. Use top or bottom.
Default: top
default top

param Navigation Font
desc Font face of the navigation text. Leave blank to use standard font.

param Navigation Size
desc Size of the font on the navigation text.
Default: 28
default 28

param Navigation OL Color
desc Outline of the text. Use CSS format, or leave blank to use standard color.

param Navigation Separator
desc Separator drawn between entries in the navigation window. Default: >
default >

param Current Entry Color
desc Current entry system font color number. (see Window.png)
default 0

param Past Entry Color
desc Font color number of entries that are not current. (see Window.png)
default 7

param === DETAILS TITLE ===

param Title Font
desc Font face for the title. Leave blank to use standard. See help.

param Title Size
desc Font size for the Title in the details window.
Default: 38
default 38

param Title Color
desc Title font color. Use CSS format, or leave blank
to use standard color.

param Title Outline Color
desc Title text outline color. Use CSS format or leave
blank to use standard.

param Title Italic
desc Title font in Italic. YES: true NO: false
Default: false
default false

param === DETAILS LINE ===

param Line Center Color
desc Center color of the gradient line below the title.
Use CSS format. Default: rgba(255,255,255,1)
default rgba(255,255,255,1)

param Line Border Color
desc Border color of the gradient line below the title.
Use CSS format. Default: rgba(255,255,255,0)
default rgba(255,255,255,0)

param === MORE INFO ===

param More Info Text
desc Text shown below the line when there are subentries.
Default: Select entry for more information
default Select entry for more information

param More Info Font
desc Font face for the 'More Info Text'. Leave blank to use standard. See help.

param More Info Size
desc Size of the font of the 'More Info Text'
Default: 15
default 15

param More Info Color
desc Color of the font of the 'More Info Text'
Use CSS format or leave blank for standard color.

param More Info OL Color
desc 'More Info' text outline color. Use CSS format or
leave blank to use standard.

param More Info Position
desc Position of the 'More Info Text'.
Use right, left, or center. Default: center
default center

param === DETAILS TEXT ===

param Text Font
desc Font face for the details text. Leave blank to use standard. See help.

param Text Size
desc Font size for the details text.
Default: 28
default 28

param Text Outline Color
desc Details text outline color. Use CSS format or leave blank to use standard.

param === BACKGROUND ===

param Custom Background
desc Custom background png image (don't write extension here).
Place image file inside 'img/system' folder.

param Navigation Windowskin
desc Custom png windowskin file for the navigation window.
Place file inside 'img/system' folder.

param Entry List Windowskin
desc Custom png windoskin file for the entry list window.
Place file inside 'img/system' folder.

param Details Windowskin
desc Custom png windowskin file for the details window.
Place file inside 'img/system' folder.

You can use it on free or commercial games.
