ゴーストのようにキャラクター効果を実装することができます – RS_GhostEffect.js

This plugin allows you to implement the character effect like as ghost.

Note that this plugin only works in WebGL mode.

Scripts Call
In the event command called 'Set Move Route',

To activate ghost mode, you call the following script code:

To disable ghost mode, you call the following script code:

Plugin Commands
All of the effects has a lifeTime.
After that time, the effect pattern will be changed.
The time unit is milliseconds,
so setting it to 100 will result in 0.1 second.

GhostEffect lifetime 100

If the threshold is close to 1, the effect may be reduced.

GhostEffect threshold 0.7

When the value approaches 0.0, it would look like the paper burning.

GhostEffect xoffset 0.07

Version Log
2019.01.19 (v1.0.0) - First Release.
2023.08.12 (v1.0.1) - ES6 Refactoring and tested in RMMV 1.6.2 (nw v0.55.0)
param Uniform

param lifeTime
parent Uniform
type number
desc All of the effects has a lifeTime, After that time, the effect pattern will be changed.
default 100
min 1

param threshold
parent Uniform
type number
desc if threshold is higher, the effect can decrease.
default 0.7
decimals 2
min 0.10
max 1.00

param xoffset
parent Uniform
type number
desc When the value approaches 0.0, it would look like the paper burning.
default 0.07
decimals 2

  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_GhostEffect.js