一時停止ができるプラグイン – RS_MessagePausePosition.js

This plugin allows you to change the pause position
In the plugin parameters, You had set x and y values of our pause sign sprite.
So you could then use to pass them into message system's update method.
The x and y values for pause sprite we used can be represented using a Cartesian coordinate system.

if you set the plugin parameter named pauseX as follows,
you will set the pause sign image's position to the bottom-middle of our message system.

this.width / 2

if you set the plugin parameter named pauseX as follows,
you will set the pause sign image's position to the right-bottom of our message system.

this.width - padding;

if you set the plugin parameter named pauseX as follows,
you will set the pause sign image's position to the left-bottom of our message system.


To change its position during the game, you can use the global variables, as follows.

RS.MessagePausePosition.Params.pauseX = "this.width / 2";
RS.MessagePausePosition.Params.pauseY = "this.height";

or you can use plugin commands, as follows.

ChangePauseSpriteX this.width / 2
ChangePauseSpriteY this.height

Version Log
2019.05.06 (v1.0.0) - First Relase.
2019.08.26 (v1.0.1) :
- Fixed the issue that the pause sprite is moving to original position in the balloon mode.
- Fixed the issue that the variables named tx, ty are not defined.
param pauseX
text pauseX
desc Specify the posotion to x.
(Note that this will be evaluant as the Javascript)
default this.width / 2

param pauseY
text pauseY
desc Specify the posotion to y.
(Note that this will be evaluant as the Javascript)
default this.height;

  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2019 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_MessagePausePosition.js