視覚的装備シーンの本体とアイコンの設定 – BM_EquipCore.js

VK Visual Equipment Scene Equipment body & icons setup
Title: BM VK Equipment Scene
Author: Blackmorning
Version: 1.20
Website: http://bmscripts.weebly.com/vk-equip.html
Visual Equip Scene such as in "Valkyrie Stories" made for RPG Maker VX by
Hanzo Kimura
- Icons can be assigned to equipment slots
- Visual placement of equipment onto an image
- Image can be assigned to actors/classes in the Database Notebox
(actors take priority)
- Window padding can be adjusted to eliminate cutoff of images.
Text is still placed properly.
- Image can be assigned to weapon/armor in the Database Notebox
- Equipment icon positions can be assigned/changed to match new images
- Decide what parameters to show/compare (using symbols in table below)
- Decide what parameters are called

-- Compatiblity --

- YEP Equip & Item Core Users (Put YEP above this script)
- YEP Equipment requirements (Put YEP above this script)
--- Pressing Left/Right will toggle the stat comparison window with the info
window (if using YEP item core) and
requirements window (if using YEP equipment requirements).
Pressing Tab on the keyboard will also switch them as well as clicking
on those windows.
- Quasi ParamPlus (Put above this script)
--- use the same abbreviations that are used in Quasi in the EquipParameters section
to make them appear (uses name/abr as chosen)

Table of built-in parameters:
| Symbol | Name |
| mhp | Max HP |
| mmp | Max MP |
| atk | Attack |
| def | Defense |
| mat | M.Attack |
| mdf | M.Defense |
| agi | Agility |
| luk | Luck |
| hit | Hit Rate | percent |
| eva | Evasion | percent |
| cri | Critical Rate | percent |
| cev | Crit Evasion | percent |
| mev | Magic Evasion | percent |
| mrf | M. Reflection | percent |
| cnt | Counterattack | percent |
| hrg | HP Regen Rate | percent |
| mrg | MP Regen Rate | percent |
| trg | TP Regen Rate | percent |
| tgr | Target Rate | percent |
| grd | Guard Effect | percent |
| rec | Recovery Effect | percent |
| pha | Pharmacology | percent |
| mcr | MP Cost Rate | percent |
| tcr | TP Cost Rate | percent |
| pdr | Phys Damage % | percent |
| mdr | Magic Damage % | percent |
| fdr | Floor Damage % | percent |
| exr | Exp Gain Rate | percent |


You can use the following notetags to change a actor/class's equipment setup.
Actor/Class Notetags:
<ebodyimage: x>
- x must be the corresponding filename from the Img\Pictures folder.

For those who purchased the "Cover Art Characters Pack" and copied the data
into their projects, <Portrait: Package1_1> would be a good example use.

<ebodyscale: x> - Specifies the desired scaling of the body image.
x = 1 provides the default scaling behavior; x = 0.5 halve the size, while
x = 2 doubles it. Note that the image is confined to within the body image

If not provided, the scaling factor will default to 1 and use the original
image size.

<ebodyoffset: -x, -y>
<ebodyoffset: +x, +y>
- Specifies an offset from the default positioning to use for the body image.
Positive x moves the image further right, negative x moves left.
Positive y moves the image further down, negative y moves up.
Note: the image may be clipped as a result of such adjustments.
The equip window's border will automatically overwrite such parts of the

<eicon-id: x, y> with id as the equipment slot, x, y are the position.
This changes the actor's slot positions to wherever is listed.
An actor's custom equip slots will take priority over a class's
custom equip slots, which will take priority over the default equip slots.
When using Yanfly custom equipment slots, the icon id is in the order written,starting at 0 for the first slot.
Weapon/Armor Notetags:
<eiconimage: string>
- Uses a picture from Img\Pictures\ of your RPG Maker MV Project's
directory with the filename of "string" (without the extension) as the image
picture. Will adjust to size of box.

Version 1.20: 2018-Mar-16
- updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0
Version 1.19: 2017-Aug-12
- adjusted icon placement to better work with changed equipment slots
Version 1.18: 2017-July-07
- fixed adding character error
Version 1.17: 2017-June-28
- can remove body window and just show status compare window
Version 1.16: 2016-June-03
- adjusted visual options
- changed coding
Version 1.15: 2016-May-13
- adjusted font issues
Version 1.14: 2016-May-12
- adjusted equip status window to include the difference
Version 1.13: 2016-May-11
- added paper doll mode, can now choose to dress the body image.
Version 1.12: 2016-May-11
- compatible with QuasiParamPlus
Version 1.11: 2016-May-10
- compatible with YEP equipment requirements
Version 1.10: 2016-Apr-11
- compatible with yanfly equip core
- put below Yanfly Equip
Version 1.01: 2016-Mar-14
- fixed images when changing classes
Version 1.00: 2015-Nov-24
- Finished plugin!
param ---General---

param CommandWindowAlign
parent ---General---
type combo
option left
option right
desc Location of the command window.
left right
default right

param CommandColumns
parent ---General---
type number
min 1
desc Number of columns in the command window.
default for basic 3, yanfly 1
default 3

param CommandRows
parent ---General---
type number
min 1
desc Number of rows visible in the command window.
default for basic 1, yanfly 4
default 1

param CommandFull
parent ---General---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc Command window goes all the way across (best with 1 row)
false true
default false

param HideEquipItemList
parent ---General---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc Hide or show item list until selecting.
Show - false Hide - true
default true

param HelpEquip
parent ---General---
desc The text for the command Equip.
default Manually equip items

param HelpOptimize
parent ---General---
desc The text for the command Optimize.
default Automatically equip the best items

param HelpRemove
parent ---General---
desc The text for the command Remove.
default Unequip all items

param ---Slot Window---

param EquipmentType
parent ---Slot Window---
type combo
option icons
option names
desc Use icons or slot names.
icons names
default names

param EquipmentIcons
parent ---Slot Window---
desc The icons for each equipment slot.
Separate the icon ID's by a space.
default 97 128 130 135 145

param ---Status Window---

param EquipParameters
parent ---Status Window---
desc Parameters shown when comparing equipment.
Separate parameters by a space.see help
default mhp atk def mat mdf agi luk hit cri

param ShowDifference
parent ---Status Window---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc shows the change in parameters
Show - true Hide - false
default true

param ParametersFontSize
parent ---Status Window---
type number
min 1
desc Font size of parameters.
default 20

param BodyInStatus
parent ---Status Window---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc Let the body image show behind parameters.
Show - true Hide - false
default false

param ComparePlusIcon
parent ---Status Window---
desc Choose icon to show positive stat changes.
default - leave blank to show none.

param CompareMinusIcon
parent ---Status Window---
desc Choose icon to show negative stat changes.
default - leave blank to show none.

param ---Body Window---

param ShowBodyWindow
parent ---Body Window---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc Show Equip Body window.
true false
default true

param BodyWindowWidth
parent ---Body Window---
type number
min 1
desc Width of the Equip Body window.
default 400
default 400

param BodyImage
parent ---Body Window---
desc Default image of the body. (found in Img\Pictures)
default equip_m

param BodyPadding
parent ---Body Window---
type number
min 0
desc Adjusts the padding of the body window so image can go right to window frame.
default 10

param PaperDollMode
parent ---Body Window---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc if true, changes mode to dress up body image
true false
default false

param EquipmentFramed
parent ---Body Window---
type boolean
on Enable
off Disable
desc The icons are framed.
Show - true Hide - false
default true

param ScaleEquipIcons
parent ---Body Window---
type number
min 0
desc Scaling/multiplier of size of item icons on body.
(based on default icon size)
default 1

param IconXLocation
parent ---Body Window---
desc Gives the default x-location of each icon.
Separate the x by a space.
default 60 160 108 108 40 40

param IconYLocation
parent ---Body Window---
desc Gives the default y-location of each icon.
Separate the y by a space.
default 330 330 60 220 100 220

param ---Parameters Vocab---

param QuasiParams
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
type combo
option name
option abr
desc show names or abr in list (for Quasi Custom Params)
name abr
default name

param MhpVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for maxHp
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.
default Hit Points

param MmpVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for maxMp
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param AtkVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for atk
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param DefVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for def
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param MatVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mat
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param MdfVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mdf
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param AgiVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for agi
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param LukVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for luk
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param HitVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for hit
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param EvaVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for eva
default - leave blank to use the database's entry.

param CriVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for cri
default Critical
default Critical

param CevVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for cev
default Crit Evasion
default Crit Evasion

param MevVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mev
default Magic Evasion
default Magic Evasion

param MrfVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mrf
default M. Reflect
default M. Reflect

param CntVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for cnt
default Counterattack
default Counterattack

param HrgVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for hrg
default HP Regen
default HP Regen

param MrgVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mrg
default MP Regen
default MP Regen

param TrgVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for trg
default TP Regen
default TP Regen

param TgrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for trg
default Target Rate
default Target Rate

param GrdVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for grd
default Guard Effect
default Guard Effect

param RecVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for rec
default Recovery
default Recovery

param PhaVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for pha
default Pharmacology
default Pharmacology

param McrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mcr
default MP Cost
default MP Cost

param TcrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for tcr
default TP Cost
default TP Cost

param PdrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for pdr
default Phys Dmg %
default Phys Dmg %

param MdrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for mdr
default Magic Dmg %
default Magic Dmg %

param FdrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for fdr
default Floor Dmg %
default Floor Dmg %

param ExrVocab
parent ---Parameters Vocab---
desc Vocab for exr
default Exp Gain
default Exp Gain


紹介ページ https://bmscripts.weebly.com/mv-vk-equip.html