– A simplistic quest system with various customization options. – GameusQuestSystem.js

- A simplistic quest system with various customization options.
Report any bugs, editor or plugin related here:
Before reporting a bug, check the version of editor/plugin to see if you're using an outdated version

I highly recommend checking out the demo found here:
These are a list of following Plugin Commands:
Quest Add QuestID
Activates a quest.

Quest NextStep QuestID
Progresses the quest to the next step.

Quest BackStep QuestID
Makes the quest go back a step, allowing for steps to be failed.

Quest Complete QuestID
Completes the quest, if Auto Reward is on, the script will give out the rewards.

Quest Fail QuestID
Fails the quest.

Quest Remove QuestID
Removes the quest from the quest log, allowing it to be reset.

Quest Reset QuestID
Resets the step and status of a quest. NOTE: Any switches/variables you might have set during a quest, WILL have to be reset manually.

Quest Open
This opens up the quest log. Alternatively, there's a script call you can use below.

Here's a list of script calls you can use in a conditional branch:
This opens up the quest scene, for those who enjoy script calls or are using it in a different plugin

These calls are used to check the progress of a quest
Note, even if the party does not have the quest yet, these will return true/false.

This is how you check if the party has activated the quest yet. Use in conjunction with the above script calls

$gameParty.hasQuests([quest ids], filter)
Not to be confused with the one above, this checks multiple quests the party has and see if they match the filter.
Filter can be "progress", "completed", or "failed"
Returns true if all the input quests match the filter AND the party has them active. e.g. Can be used to see if the party has completed a range of quests before moving on

$gameQuests.get(quest_id).currentStep === step_number
This is how you check which step a quest is on. step_number starts from 0. NOTE: This will still return a number even if the quest hasn't been activated.

$gameQuests.get(quest_id).status === "status"
This will return what status the quest is. "status" can be "progress", "completed", or "failed"

This gets you a total number of quests by the filter. Filter can be "all", "progress", "completed", or "failed". This applies to all quests.

Does the same as above, but only applies to the quests that the party has.
param Auto Rewards
desc True or False. Tells the script whether or not to automatically give quest rewards upon completion.
default true

param ---------------

param Words

param ---------------

param Hidden Reward Text
desc The text used to hide rewards
default ??????

param No Quests Text
desc The text used for "No Quests"
default No Quests

param All Word
desc Word for "All"
default All

param Completed Word
desc Word for "Completed"
default Completed

param Failed Word
desc Word for "Failed"
default Failed

param In-Progress Word
desc Word for "In-Progress"
default In-Progress

param Steps Word
desc Word for "Steps"
default Steps

param Rewards Word
desc Word for "Rewards"
default Rewards

param ---------------

param Display Options

param ---------------

param Reverse Layout
desc Reverses the quest log layout
default false

param Filter Position
desc Positions the filter window. Can use Top or Bottom
default Top

param Use Categories
desc Use customizable sub-categories e.g. "Story", "Crafting", "Gathering" quests.
default true

param Show Empty Categories
desc 0 - Don't show; 1 - Show but greyed out; 2 - Show, but with "No Quests" under it
default 0

param Show Quest Count
desc This shows the quest count for each category.
default true

param Bullet Character
desc The character used to display each step and reward
default -

param Max Steps
desc Defines the number of steps to show at once under a quest info. Will only show steps you've completed or are already on.
default 3

param ---------------

param Image Options

param ---------------

param Use Icons
desc Option to allow quest icons
default true

param Completed Image
desc Image that's drawn over a quest when it's completed. Leave blank for no image

param Completed Image Opacity
desc The opacity for the above image
default 128

param Failed Image
desc Image that's drawn over a quest if it's marked as failed. Leave blank for no image

param Failed Image Opacity
desc The opacity for the above image
default 128


紹介ページ https://github.com/triacontane/RPGMakerMV/blob/master/GameusQuestSystem.js