This plugin makes your game a first person labyrinth explorer. – MBS_FPLE.js

This plugin makes your game a first person labyrinth explorer.
First Person Labyrinth Explorer
by Masked

This plugin makes your game a kind of 3D so it looks like a first person
labyrinth explorer.

How to use

1. Setup

I really recommend using the Demo as a base for creating your FPLE
projects, so you can skip this part.
If you create the project from scratch, however, you'll need to download
babylon.js by yourself from and
save it at your project's "js/libs" folder. This plugin was made using
babylon.js 2.3, so you should use this version too to avoid possible
bugs, but feel free to try later versions.
Then, edit your index.html and add this after line 14:
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/libs/babylon.js"></script>
Now, you're half a step nearer to be ready to go.

2. Textures

Textures can be set creating a file named "{tileset}_{row}-{col}",
replacing '{tileset}' by the FPLE tileset number on the database and
'{row}' and '{col}' with, respectively, the row and column the tile you are
texturing is on the tileset's A5 layer, and placing it at your game's
img/textures folder.
There's no maximum/minimum size for the textures, but keep in mind that
bigger textures are more expensive and can cause some serious performance
decrease, specially on older computers.

3. Tilesets

Setting tilesets up for FPLE is quite simple: first, create the tileset
and set just the A5 layer (which is, currently, the only one supported by
FPLE). Then, you can set passability flags as you want, and mark wall
tiles with the terrain tag you choose on your plugin settings.
Note that the first tile at the first row is always invisible, so it's
recommended you use a black tile or something like that.

4. Mapping

Mapping is quite intuitive, just put wall tiles wherer you want to be walls
and floor tiles where you don't, you can use the first tile at the first
wall to create holes since it's invisible. Also, you may want your map to
have a ceiling, if so, you just have to set the tiles you want with the
ceil region you choose on the plugin settings.
To activate FPLE on your map, just add "<FPLE>" (without quotes) to its notes.

5. Plugin commands

FPLE setResolution <x | v[n]> : Sets the FPLE canvas resolution (higher
is better)
FPLE setViewDistance <x | v[n]> : Sets the FPLE view distance in tile

FPLE setResolution 0.5 : Sets the resolution at half
FPLE setResolution v[42] : Sets the resolution to the value of
variable 42

FPLE setViewDistance 3 : Sets the view radius to 3 tiles
FPLE setViewDistance v[42] : Sets the view radius to the value of
variable 42


- Masked, for creating;
- babylon.js team (,
for their aweasomer library.
param View Distance
desc The amount of tiles ahead the player can see by default.
default 3

param Field Of View
desc The angle your camera covers
default 75

param Light Color
desc The hex code for the color used on the light.
default #ffffff

param Wall Terrain
desc The ID for wall tiles terrain tag on FPLE tilesets.
default 1

param Ceiling Region
desc The Region ID for ceiled tiles.
default 0

param 3D Anaglyph
desc Whether to use 3D cyan and red anaglyph to give your game depth. 1 = YES, 0 = NO.
default 0

param Texture Filter
desc The texture's filter type. (nearest/linear)
default linear

param Texture Format
desc The texture file format used. (png/jpg/dds/gif/...)
default png

param Texture Anisotropy
desc The amount of samples taken from textures. (usually a power of 2)
default 1

param Antialiasing
desc Whether to use antialiasing or not (expensive). 1 = YES, 0 = NO.
default 0

param Optimization Level
desc The level of optimization applied (degrading). (none/low/medium/high)
default none

