「ハングル」と呼ばれる韓国語の文字を入力することを可能にします – RS_Hangul.js

This plugin allows you to type the Korean.
This plugin combines the korean alphabet so you can type the Korean, without Input Method Editor.

Q. What is Hangul?
Hangul is the the Korean alphabet and it has been used to write the Korean language
since its creation in the 15th century by King Sejong the Great.

See more information : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hangul

Q. How do we use this plugin?
To use this plugin, you can require plugin called 'RS_MessageSystem.js'
its plugin provides extra text codes for Korean so I've need to it.

There are 19 consonants and 21 vowels and 28 final letters used in the modern alphabet.

Initial Consonants : ㄱㄲㄴㄷㄸㄹㅁㅂㅃㅅㅆㅇㅈㅉㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ
Vowels : ㅏㅐㅑㅒㅓㅔㅕㅖㅗㅘㅙㅚㅛㅜㅝㅞㅟㅠㅡㅢㅣ
Final Consonants : (none)ㄱㄲㄳㄴㄵㄶㄷㄹㄺㄻㄼㄽㄾㄿㅀㅁㅂㅄㅅㅆㅇㅈㅊㅋㅌㅍㅎ
("none" means there is no final letter)

= Initial Consonants + Vowels + Final Consonants
= ㄷ + ㅏ + ㄺ
= 닭
target MV
  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2018 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_Hangul.js