画面にテキスト編集ボックスを表示できるプラグイン – RS_InputDialog.js

This plugin allows you to display Text Edit Box on the screen.
Plugin Commands
- Opens Input Dialog.
InputDialog open

- Changes the width of Input Dialog.
InputDialog width 488

- Changes the text of Input Dialog for representing the description.
InputDialog text Please enter the string...

- Changes an id of the variable for saving the value.
InputDialog variableID 3

- Displays a alert window of the browser when you are pressing the enter
InputDialog debug true

- Specifies the maximum number of character for an input field
InputDialog maxLength 10

- This plugin commands decide how to set the position of the input dialog.
InputDialog pos center
InputDialog pos 0 0

Change Log
2016.08.09 (v1.0.0) - First Release.
2016.08.09 (v1.0.1) - Added Background Color.
2016.08.10 (v1.0.1a) - Added ID Variables.
2016.08.10 (v1.1.0) - Fixed Window_DialogHelp class into the plugin.
2016.08.16 (v1.1.1) - Added the direction property setting the direction of content flow.
2016.08.16 (v1.1.1a) - Fixed a whitespace bug.
2016.10.14 (v1.1.2) - Fixed the issue that is not working in Battle.
2016.10.14 (v1.1.3) :
- Fixed the bug that does not change the background color.
- Fixed the bug that does not change the variable ID.
2016.10.17 (v1.1.4) - Fixed the frame works of input dialog in battle.
2016.10.18 (v1.1.5) - Fixed an issue that battler's movement is too fast.
2016.10.29 (v1.1.6) - Added the function that allows you to specify the maximum number of character for an input field.
2016.11.13 (v1.1.6a) - Fixed the issue that is directly calling the requestUpdate function of SceneManager.
2016.12.02 (v1.1.6e) :
- Added some style codes such as a text shadow and an outline into the text box.
- Fixed the way that can temporarily stop attack and skill actions with an enemy when the text box is activated in the battle.
- It will not process the text input when the text box is not shown in the battle.
- In the debug mode, It adds the result value to a log window after the text input is done.
2016.12.08 (v1.1.6h) - Removed the text hint window.
2016.12.17 (v1.1.6i) - Fixed an issue that an integer value could not be checked due to the text type issue.
2017.01.30 (v1.1.7) - Fixed an issue that is not working properly if the text dialog has a string to start with a number.
2017.02.16 (v1.1.8) :
- Fixed incorrect position and width, height values in the text box.
- Added new feature that indicates the input dialog at the top position of the screen when pressing any key on your own mobile device.
- Added new feature that automatically returns a result of the text box if you did not press anything.
2018.01.25 (v1.1.8a) - test...
2018.01.30 (v1.1.9) :
- Added the button called 'OK'.
- Added the button called 'Cancel'.
- Removed the feature that can change the background-color of the input dialog.
- Fixed the issue that is not clicking the button in the mobile.
2018.02.03 (v1.1.10) :
- Fixed the issue that is not working in RMMV 1.5.1
- Fixed the default value of the plugin parameter called 'CSS'.
2018.02.06 (v1.1.11) :
- Fixed the issue that is not working in the battle scene.
2018.10.22 (v1.1.15) :
- Added a plugin command that sets the position of the input dialog.
- Added a feature that the keyboard layout is displayed again if you touch the text box from android devices.
- On the mobile device, the font size is now set to 1rem (16px).
- Fixed the default UI-theme is to black.
- In the chromium 69+ more over, The input element is always displayed even though <canvas>'s z-index is large than <input> element's z-index. so I've fixed that.
2019.03.05 (v1.1.16) :
- Fixed the issue that can not create a background when using Irina_PerformanceUpgrade.
2023.04.30 (v1.2.1) :
- Added a feature that can change the font family.
- Added 'const' or 'let' keyword instead of 'var' keyword.
- Added a comment called 'MV'
2024.01.01 (v1.3.0) :
- fixed the issue that can't move cursor by touch on mobile device
target MV
param textBox Width
type number
desc Sets the width of Text Box.
default 488
decimals 0
min 28

param textBox Height
type number
desc Sets the height of Text Box.
default 36
decimals 0
min 8

param variable ID
type variable
desc Sets an id of the game variables.
default 3

param debug
type boolean
desc Whether this determines the alert window.
default false

param Text Hint
desc Sets the string that is the top of the text box.
default Please enter the value...

param direction
type select
desc Sets the direction of content flow.
default ltr
option Left to Right
value ltr
option Right to Left
value rtl

param Max Length
type number
desc Specifies the maximum number of character for an input field
default 255
min 1
max 255

param Style

param CSS
parent Style
type note
desc Edit the css as you want.
default ""

param Font Family
parent Style
type String
desc Specify the font family.
default GameFont

param Button Name

param Ok
parent Button Name
text Ok Button Name
desc Specify the name of the Ok Button.
default OK

param Cancel
parent Button Name
text Cancel Button Name
desc Specify the name of the Cancel Button.
default Cancel

param Position
text Initial Position
desc Specify the position of the input dialog.
('center' or '0, 0')
default center

  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_InputDialog.js