メッセージシステム内のテキストを揃えることができるプラグイン – RS_MessageAlign.js

This plugin allows you to align the text in the message system.
That plugin is an addon, so it should be installed the plugin somewhere
below 'YEP_MessageCore'.

All text codes process before drawn the text.
For each line you can set a different text alignment.

\TA[0] - LEFT
\TA[1] - CENTER (It is easier to use the <CENTER> tag)
\TA[2] - RIGHT

When using Yanfly Message Core :
- Do not use the text code like as 'px' and 'py'.
- Do not use the wordwrapping.

Ex 1 :)
<CENTER>All of scenes have default implementations
for create, start and update that can be
in derived classes. and then the scene class </CENTER>
has a lot of the member functions.

Ex 2 :)
\TA[1] The Game_Player object inherits from
\TA[2] the Game_Character class and implements
<CENTER> its own functions.</CENTER>

Ex 3 :)
<CENTER>Hide in 5 seconds!

Change Log
2017.01.25 (v1.0.0) - First Release
2017.06.25 (v1.0.1) - Fixed an issue that resets a font setting at each line
2017.07.23 (v1.0.2) - Fixed a bug that the alignment is not processing in a newly line
2017.10.13 (v1.0.3) - Fixed the class name.
2018.05.09 (v1.0.4) - Added a variable that stores a last alignment value.
2018.07.09 (v1.0.5) :
- Fixed the text padding for left, center, right alignment.
- Now it is worked fine even without YEP Message Core.
2018.08.14 (v1.0.6) - Fixed the LF(line feed) and CR(carriage return)
2018.11.05 (v1.0.7) :
- Added text codes like as <LEFT>, <CENTER>, <RIGHT>, </LEFT>, </CENTER>, </RIGHT>
2018.12.22 (v1.0.8) :
- Now it is possible to use a text alignment in scroll text window and item window.
2019.03.18 (v1.0.9) :
- Added something for Galv's Message Styles Compatibility.
2019.04.13 (v1.0.10) :
- Fixed the issue that is not working in the scrolling text.
2019.04.15 (v1.0.12) :
- Added the feature that recalculates the text height when using a text code called \fs[x].
- Fixed the bug that goes a font resetting for each line.
2019.08.29 (v1.0.13) :
- Fixed the issue that is added the spaces from the second line when the text alignment is the left.
2019.09.23 (v1.0.14) :
- Fixed issues that conflict with YEP_StatAllocation and YEP_StatusMenuCore plugins.
2020.05.13 (v1.0.15) :
- Removed unused value.
2020.08.13 (v1.0.16) :
- Fixed an issue that worked twicely when using text codes such as "\!", "\.", "\|" in the vanilla mode.
2023.07.13 (v1.0.28) :
- Converted to the ES6 (Object Literal Shorthand, Spread Syntax, Arrow Function, Const/Let)
2023.07.15 (v1.0.29) :
- Fixed the issue that is not defined the variable called 'tx' after refactoring the code.
2023.11.08 (v1.0.30) :
- Fixed a compatibility issue with the YEP_EventMiniLabel plugin.
( なし )
  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2017 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_MessageAlign.js