画面上の文字を鏡像で示すことができます – RS_MirrorArea.js

This plugin allows you to indicate the mirror image the character on the screen
How to Use
You can set up the comment in your mirror event and change an image as mirror.

Try to set up this comment to player and player's followers :

Try to set up this comment to certain event :

Try to set up this comment to player and player's followers :

Try to set up this comment to certain event :
Plugin Commands
Mirror Show
Mirror Hide
Change Log
2016.12.07 (v0.0.1) - Beta.
2016.12.08 (v0.0.4) :
- Fixed an issue that events are not displayed in the mirror.
- Added a dresser for a decoration.
- Added a toggle functionality in blur filter.
- Changed the name of the plugin command.
2016.12.08 (v0.0.5) - Fixed an error that could not find a list of events when there was an erased event.
2016.12.09 (v0.0.6) - Fixed an error that could not find deleted events in the event list.
2016.12.10 (v0.0.7) - Fixed the problem that could not find event ID of an event when you loaded saved file.
2016.12.16 (v0.0.8) - Fixed a scale and the scale mode in the mirror sprite.
2017.06.10 (v0.0.9) - Fixed the bug that is not working fine on RMMV 1.5.0 or more
2018.08.21 (v0.0.10) - Fixed the bug that causes a new error after dissecting a long method as small pieces of code.
param Mirrors
desc Define the mirror as you want
default ["{\"note\":\"MIRROR_NORMAL\",\"w\":\"28\",\"h\":\"42\",\"mask_ox\":\"10\",\"mask_oy\":\"25\",\"char_ox\":\"10\",\"char_oy\":\"25\"}","{\"note\":\"MIRROR_DRESSER\", \"w\": \"34\",\"h\":\"15\", \"mask_ox\": \"10\", \"mask_oy\": \"-5\", \"char_ox\": \"10\", \"char_oy\": \"70\"}"]
type struct<MirrorBase>[]

  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_MirrorArea.js