「js / plugins.js」というファイルを作成または変更するプラグイン – RS_RefreshManager.js

This plugin allows you to change the plugin configuration during the game.
This plugin allows you to change the plugin configuration during the game.
You can change the configuration of a specific plugin that didn't use during
the game without restarting the program.

To change a plugin configuration scene, you need to call below plugin command.

RefreshManager open

it can create a new plugin configuration and then it loads a map faster without
starting the title scene.

Note that this tool can be used only in PC platform and this tool is for game
developers, not game user.

If you change a plugin configuration without selecting the plugin in the plugin
configuration window, You must call the script code, as follows.

PluginManager.refreshStatus("Community_Basic", false);

In the script command,
if you are execute it safety after exiting the current event, you can call below code blocks.

setTimeout(function() { PluginManager.refreshStatus("Community_Basic", false); }, 0);

Change Log
2016.05.16 (v0.0.1) - Beta
2016.05.23 (v1.0.0) - Added new function and Fixed a bug.
2016.05.23 (v1.1.0) - Added the window auto reload function and the preview
window that could be able to show the json file.
2016.07.12 (v1.1.01) - Added two plugin parameters about File Path.
2016.07.20 (v1.1.02) - Added hyphen(-) and three plugin parameters.
2016.07.21 (v1.1.03) - Fixed the bug that is separating wrong identifier.
2016.07.25 (v1.1.04) - Fixed default save file id.
2016.08.07 (v1.1.05) - Fixed save bug.
2016.12.08 (v1.1.08) - Added code to remove references to URL objects.
2017.01.08 (v1.1.1) - Converted sources to ES6
2018.02.27 (v1.1.2) : (RMMV 1.6.0)
- Now that it will be restored as the previous plugins.js file after exiting the game.
- Fixed an encoding of of text in the preview window.
2019.09.19 (v1.2.0) :
- Fixed the bug that is not parsed the plugin parameter that is written with Korean.
- Removed the unstable JSON parser that I've written while studying the compiler theory.
2020.01.13 (v1.2.1) :
- Fixed the bug that is not working a function called 'PluginManager.refreshStatus("Community_Basic", false);'
- Fixed the issue that can't show the content of preview window.
param Save File ID
type number
desc Specify the filename that saves the current game status.
default 1

param Show Preview Window
type boolean
desc if true, the preview window will file's contents show after saving the file named plugins.js
default false

param Auto Reload
type boolean
desc Loads a map faster after saving the file named plugins.js
default true

param Auto closing time
type number
desc The preview window can be hided automatically after some seconds take.
(1000ms = 1s)
default 2500

param Target Path
desc Specify the file path that is saved the plugin configuration.
default /js/plugins.js

param Save Path
desc Specify the file path that would be saved the plugin configuration.
default /js/plugins.js

  • MIT License
The MIT License
Copyright (c) 2016 biud436
Free for commercial and non commercial use.

紹介ページ https://github.com/biud436/MV/blob/master/RS_RefreshManager.js