代替メニュー画面のバストとアイコン – SRD_AltMenuScreen_BustIcons.js

Alternative Menu Screen Bust and Icons

Alternative Menu Screen: Bust + Icons
Version 1.01

This is a combination of the Bust and Icon menus.

The command window now uses Icons and the Actor Window uses Busts.

Use the Parameters to manipualte the positions and other aspects
of the Windows.

How to Set Up Bust Images

In order to set the Bust Image for each Actor,
use the following Notetags in the Notebox of the Actor:

<Menu Bust: filename>

Input the filename of the image file you wish to use
for this Actor's Bust Image.

The image MUST be stored in:

How to Set Custom Offsets for Bust Images

The following are optional notetags.
Use the following to set the X and Y of the Bust (inside Actor Note):

<Menu Bust X: number>
<Menu Bust Y: number>

By default, the bust image is set to the coordinates in the Parameters,
but these Notetags can set the specific bust image of the Actor to a
different position if it looks a little off center.

How to Set Icons

You can manipulate the Icons used by using the Parameters at the top
of the list.

You should definitely use "Iconset Viewer" to find the Icon you wish
to use.

Setting up Icons for Custom Commands

At the very bottom of the Parameter list, there are places available
for inputting Icons for custom commands.

You need to first provide the "symbol" of the command.
(A symbol is usually a word. For example, the symbol for the Debug
Command added by Yanfly's Main Menu Manager is "debug" (without quotes))

Then, after you have done so, you can place the Icon Index in the
proceeding Parameter.

If you're using Yanfly's Main Menu Manager, you can find a command's
symbol in the Parameter section it's help in.

On the other hand, if you have a Plugin that adds a command without
telling you the symbol for it, leave a comment on the YouTube video
or Forum post linking me to the Plugin; I'll help ya. ~

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Item Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Item" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 176

param Skill Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Skill" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 64

param Equip Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Equip" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 96

param Status Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Status" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 87

param Formation Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Formation" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 82

param Options Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Options" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 83

param Save Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Save" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 225

param Game End Icon
desc The icon index of the icon used for the "Game End" choice.
Right-click and press "IconSet Viewer".
default 245

param == Bust Position ==

param Bust X Pos
desc By default, the busts are positioned at (0, 0). Using this Parameter, all the busts' default X positions can be set.
default 0

param Bust Y Pos
desc By default, the busts are positioned at (0, 0). Using this Parameter, all the busts' default X positions can be set.
default 0

param == Bust Window ==

param Status Background
desc The RGBA color for the background of the information for each Actor.
default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)

param Show TP?
desc Set this to 'true', and TP bars will be shown in the menu.
default false

param == Icon Window ==

param Icon Window X
desc The X position of the command (icons) window.
Can be Number or JavaScript evaluation.
default (Graphics.boxWidth / 2) - (this._commandWindow.width / 2)

param Icon Window Y
desc The Y position of the command (icons) window.
Can be Number or JavaScript evaluation.
default this._commandLabel.y + this._commandLabel.height

param Standard Padding
desc The amount of space around the border of the window.
Default is 12.
default 12

param Icon Padding
desc The amount of space around the icon, but still highlighed.
Default is 12.
default 12

param Icon X Position
desc The X position of each icon in the "button".
Default is 0.
default 0

param Icon Y Position
desc The Y position of each icon in the "button".
Default is 6.
default 6

param == Label Window ==

param Label Window X
desc The X position of the label window.
Can be Number or JavaScript evaluation.
default (Graphics.boxWidth / 2) - (this._commandLabel.width / 2)

param Label Window Y
desc The Y position of the label window.
Can be Number or JavaScript evaluation.
default 0

param Label Alignment
desc The alignment of the label text.
Choices are: Left, Right, or Center
default Center

param == Gold Window ==

param Gold Window X
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default 0

param Gold Window Y
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default Graphics.boxHeight - this._goldWindow.height

param == Custom Commands ==

param Command Symbol 1
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 1.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 1
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 1.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 2
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 2.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 2
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 2.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 3
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 3.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 3
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 3.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 4
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 4.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 4
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 4.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 5
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 5.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 5
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 5.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 6
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 6.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 6
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 6.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 7
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 7.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 7
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 7.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 8
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 8.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 8
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 8.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 9
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 9.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 9
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 9.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 10
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 10.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 10
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 10.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 11
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 11.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 11
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 11.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 12
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 12.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 12
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 12.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 13
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 13.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 13
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 13.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 14
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 14.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 14
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 14.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 15
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 15.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 15
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 15.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 16
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 16.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 16
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 16.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 17
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 17.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 17
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 17.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 18
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 18.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 18
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 18.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 19
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 19.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 19
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 19.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Symbol 20
desc The symbol of the command that will have Command Icon 20.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.

param Command Icon 20
desc The icon of the command that will have Command Icon 20.
The order it's listed in the Parameters is irrelevant.


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_AltMenuScreen_BustIcons.js