代替メニュー画面バストセレクト – SRD_AltMenuScreen_BustSelect.js

Alternative Menu Screen Bust Select

param Show Gold Window
desc Set this to 'true' and the menu will contain the gold window.
default true

param Show SV Window
desc Set this to 'true' and the Side-View Battler window will be visible.
default true

param == Bust Position ==

param Bust X Pos
desc By default, the busts are positioned at (0, 0). Using this Parameter, all the busts' default X positions can be set.
default 0

param Bust Y Pos
desc By default, the busts are positioned at (0, 0). Using this Parameter, all the busts' default X positions can be set.
default 0

param == Bust Window ==

param Bust Window Rows
desc The amount of rows the Bust Window has.
default 1

param Bust Window Cols
desc The amount of columns the Bust Window has.
default 1

param Bust Window X
desc The X position of the Bust Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default 20

param Bust Window Y
desc The Y position of the Bust Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default (Graphics.height / 2) - (this._statusWindow.height / 2)

param Bust Window Width
desc The width of the Bust Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default (Graphics.width / 2) - 40

param Bust Window Height
desc The height of the Bust Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default Graphics.height - 120

param == Command Window ==

param Command Window X
desc This is the x position of the Command Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default Graphics.width - this._commandWindow.width - 20

param Command Window Y
desc This is the x position of the Command Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default (this._statusWindow.y + this._statusWindow.height) - this._commandWindow.height
param Max Columns
desc The maximum amount of columns the command window can have.
default 1

param Visible Rows
desc The visible amount of rows the command window will show at once.
default 5

param == HP Window ==

param Draw MP Bar
desc Set this to 'true' and the HP Window will also have an MP bar displayed underneath the HP.
default false

param Draw TP Bar
desc Set this to 'true' and the HP Window will also have a TP bar displayed underneath the HP.
default false

param HP Window X
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this._commandWindow.x

param HP Window Y
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default ((this._commandWindow.y - (this._goldWindow.y + this._goldWindow.height)) / 2) - (this._hpWindow.height / 2) + (this._goldWindow.y + this._goldWindow.height)

param HP Window Width
desc This is the width of the HP Window. Set this to be larger or smaller depending on screen size. Default is 256.
default 256

param == Battler Window ==

param Battler X Pos
desc The X position of the Side-View Battler in the window.
default 6

param Battler Y Pos
desc The Y position of the Side-View Battler in the window.
default 6

param B. Window X
desc The x position of the Battler Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default Graphics.width - 128

param B. Window Y
desc The y position of the Battler Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this._hpWindow.y

param B. Window Width
desc The width of the Battler Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param B. Window Height
desc The height of the Battler Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param == Gold Window ==

param Gold Window X
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this._commandWindow.x

param Gold Window Y
desc This is the x position of the HP Window.
Can be a Number or JavaScript eval.
default this._statusWindow.y

紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_AltMenuScreen_BustSelect.js