「キングダムハーツ」のメニューをもとにした代替メニュー – SRD_AltMenuScreen_KH.js

An alternative menu based off of the menu from Kingdom Hearts.

Alternative Menu Screen: Kingdom Hearts
Version 1.03

Gives your game an alternative menu screen.

This menu is based off of the menu from Kingdom Hearts.

The following is added:
- A reorganized Status Window
- A "Play Time" display
- Customizable descriptions for each command
- A map display
- A location display which can be customized per each map

How to Set Descriptions for Commands

Commands can be given descriptions that are shown in the menu.

The default commands can be set up in the Parameters.
Keep in mind that since the Parameters are only one line, you'll need to
use the escape code:
to create a line break.

Now, if you have additional commands besides the default ones, you can
insert descriptions for them through the "Custom Desc." Parameters.

First, find the symbol for the command.
This may be located in the help file for the Plugin it was added in or
displayed through some Parameters. Anyway, insert that symbol into a
"Command Symbol" Parameter.

After that, simply input the description of the custom command in the
Parameter underneath the "Symbol" Parameter.

How to Set Up Location

To set up a location for your maps, use the following notetag within
a map's notebox:

<General Location: location>

If the Player is in a map with this notetag, the "location" will appear
in the top-right of the menu. This allows developers to organize maps
into general areas and have the Player be aware of these groupings.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param == Basic Options ==

param Use Transition
desc If set to 'true', the menu will use a sliding transition when opening.
default true

param Use Characters
desc If set to 'true', your menu will use the overworld sprites of the Actors as opposed to their face images.
default false

param Use Display Name
desc If set to 'true', the "Display" names of the maps will be used in the map display in the menu.
default false

param Show TP
desc If set to 'true', the Actors' TP bars will be shown in the status section.
default false

param Max Commands
desc The maximum amount of commands for the Command Window.
Use if using a unique screen resolution.
default 9

param Play Time Text
desc The text that appears next to the current game time.
default Play Time

param Currency Text
desc The text that appears next to the currency.
default Money

param Map Text
desc The text that appears next to the map display.
default Map

param Location Text
desc The text that appears next to the map display.
default Location

param == Colors ==

param Play Time Color
desc The color for the text that appears next to the current game time.
default #80FFFF

param Currency Color
desc The color for the text that appears next to the currency.
default #FFBF00

param Map Color
desc The color for the text that appears next to the map display.
default #66FF99

param Location Color
desc The color for the text that appears next to the location display.
default #E699FF

param == Window Options ==

param Status Position
desc The position of the Status Window.
Choices are: 'top' or 'bottom'.
default bottom

param Status Cols
desc The amount of columns in the Status Window.
Increase this number on larger screen sizes.
default 3

param Map Rows
desc The amount of rows on the map window.
Increase or decrease as you choose.
default 2

param Gold/Time Rows
desc The amount of rows on the gold/time window.
Increase or decrease as you choose.
default 3

param Command Width
desc The width of the Command Window.
default 240

param == Trans. Speed ==

param Command Speed
desc The speed of the Command Window during a transition into the menu.
default 10

param Status Speed
desc The speed of the Status Window during a transition into the menu.
default 24

param Location Speed
desc The speed of the Location Window during a transition into the menu.
default 4

param Gold Speed
desc The speed of the Gold/Time/Description Window during a transition into the menu.
default 6

param == Descriptions ==

param Item Desc.
desc The description for the "Item" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Item
The place where you can check
out and use your current items.

param Skill Desc.
desc The description for the "Skill" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Skill
This is where you can see your
Actors' Skills and use them.

param Equip Desc.
desc The description for the "Equip" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Equip
All of your armors and weapons
can be viewed and equipped here.

param Status Desc.
desc The description for the "Status" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Status
In-depth info about your party
members can be viewed with this.

param Formation Desc.
desc The description for the "Formation" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Formation
The command that can change
the order of your party.

param Options Desc.
desc The description for the "Options" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Options
Manipulate the settings of your
game here!

param Save Desc.
desc The description for the "Save" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Save
If you wish to save your game,
use this command to do so.

param Game End Desc.
desc The description for the "Game End" choice in the menu.
to create a break line.
default Game End
Are you done? If so, use this
command to return to the title.

param Command Symbol 1
desc The symbol for custom command 1.

param Command Desc. 1
desc The description for custom command 1.

param Command Symbol 2
desc The symbol for custom command 2.

param Command Desc. 2
desc The description for custom command 2.

param Command Symbol 3
desc The symbol for custom command 3.

param Command Desc. 3
desc The description for custom command 3.

param Command Symbol 4
desc The symbol for custom command 4.

param Command Desc. 4
desc The description for custom command 4.

param Command Symbol 5
desc The symbol for custom command 5.

param Command Desc. 5
desc The description for custom command 5.

param Command Symbol 6
desc The symbol for custom command 6.

param Command Desc. 6
desc The description for custom command 6.

param Command Symbol 7
desc The symbol for custom command 7.

param Command Desc. 7
desc The description for custom command 7.

param Command Symbol 8
desc The symbol for custom command 8.

param Command Desc. 8
desc The description for custom command 8.

param Command Symbol 9
desc The symbol for custom command 9.

param Command Desc. 9
desc The description for custom command 9.

param Command Symbol 10
desc The symbol for custom command 10.

param Command Desc. 10
desc The description for custom command 10.

param Command Symbol 11
desc The symbol for custom command 11.

param Command Desc. 11
desc The description for custom command 11.

param Command Symbol 12
desc The symbol for custom command 12.

param Command Desc. 12
desc The description for custom command 12.

param Command Symbol 13
desc The symbol for custom command 13.

param Command Desc. 13
desc The description for custom command 13.

param Command Symbol 14
desc The symbol for custom command 14.

param Command Desc. 14
desc The description for custom command 14.

param Command Symbol 15
desc The symbol for custom command 15.

param Command Desc. 15
desc The description for custom command 15.

param Command Symbol 16
desc The symbol for custom command 16.

param Command Desc. 16
desc The description for custom command 16.

param Command Symbol 17
desc The symbol for custom command 17.

param Command Desc. 17
desc The description for custom command 17.

param Command Symbol 18
desc The symbol for custom command 18.

param Command Desc. 18
desc The description for custom command 18.

param Command Symbol 19
desc The symbol for custom command 19.

param Command Desc. 19
desc The description for custom command 19.

param Command Symbol 20
desc The symbol for custom command 20.

param Command Desc. 20
desc The description for custom command 20.


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_AltMenuScreen_KH.js