(第1部)各アクターの戦闘ステータスウィンドウに表示される情報を管理するプラグイン – SRD_BattleStatusCustomizer.js

(PART 1) Gives control over the information provided within the Battle Status windows for each Actor.

Battle Status Customizer
Version 1.06

This plugin gives developers control over the information provided within
the Battle Status windows for each Actor.

This plugin requires that you have both PARTS 1 and 2!
Be sure you have them installed!

Part System

Within this plugin, each Actor is given it's own window. These windows
act as the Actor's small section for information.

In order to customize which pieces appear within the Actor's section,
one can use the "Default Parts Used". However, if one wants to specify
the parts used, they can use the following notetag:

<Battle Status Parts: parts>

For example:

<Battle Status Parts: Face, Icons, Text 1, Text 2, Gauge 1, Gauge 2>

All the parts that are available are:


Shows the Actor's face.


Shows the State Icons for an Actor.

Text [num]

Shows a text defined in the Parameters.

Gauge [num]

Shows a text defined in the Parameters.

Actors Notetags

In order to specifically customize the window tone for an Actor's window,
use the following notetag:

<Battle Status Window Tone: red, green, blue>

For example:

<Battle Status Window Tone: 100, -50, 0>


In order to customize the window skin used for an Actor's window, use
the following notetag:

<Battle Status Window Skin: filename>

Determines a special window skin to use for the Actor's window.

<Battle Status Window Skin: Window2>


In order to customize the opacity of the Actor's window, use the following

<Battle Status Window Opacity: opacity>

For example:

<Battle Status Window Opacity: 192>

Plugin Command

If you wish to change an Actor's part list, use this plugin command:

SetBattleStatusParts [actorId] [partList]

For example:

SetBattleStatusParts 2 Face, Icons, Text 1, Text 2, Gauge 1, Gauge 2

Absorption Barrier

If you're using Yanfly's Absorption Barrier, and you wish to create an
HP bar with it, simply input:

<Draw Absorption Barrier>

within the "Text" input for a gauge.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Default Parts Used
desc A list of all the parts Actors use by default.
Separate each with a comma.
default Face, Icon, Text 1, Gauge 1, Gauge 2, Gauge 3

param Active Updating
desc If 'true', information will be constantly checked to be updated. This may slow down your battles, but required for active systems.
default false

param == Actor Window ==

param Actor Window Width
desc The width of the Actor's individual window.
Input a Number or JavaScript code.
default this._statusWindow.width / 4

param Actor Window Height
desc The height of the Actor's individual window.
Input a Number or JavaScript code.
default 180

param Actor Window Ori. X
desc The formula for the X position of the first window.
default this._statusWindow.x

param Actor Window Ori. Y
desc The formula for the Y position of the first window.
default this._statusWindow.y

param Actor Window X
desc The formula for the X position of each succeeding window.
Use "prev" to reference the previous window.
default prev._mainX + prev.width

param Actor Window Y
desc The formula for the Y position of each succeeding window.
Use "prev" to reference the previous window.
default prev._mainY

param Actor Default Opacity
desc The default opacity used by the Actor windows.
Input a Number or JavaScript code.
default 255

param Actor Default Tone
desc The default tone used by the Actor windows.
Input a Number or JavaScript code.
default $gameSystem.windowTone()

param == Face Options ==

param Face Position
desc The position in the Actor's "section" the face appears.
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]
default (boxWidth - 144) / 2 | 0

param Face Size
desc The width and height the face image will be stretched to.
Use the format: [Width] | [Height]
default 144 | 144

param == Icon Options ==

param Icon Position
desc The position in the Actor's "section" the State icons appear.
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]
default 0 | 32

param Icon Width
desc The width used for the icons.
default boxWidth

param Icon Scale
desc The scale of the Icons.
default 1

param == Status Window ==

param Status Visible
desc If 'true', the Status Window will be visible.
default false

param Status Rows
desc Set this to the amount of rows the Actor select to use. Base it off of the rows set up through the Actor windows.
default 1

param Status Cols
desc Set this to the amount of columns the Actor select to use. Base it off of the columns set up through the Actor windows.
default 4

param == Input Motion ==

param Input Highlight
desc If 'true', then the window will be highlighted along with the input motion.
default false

param Input X Speed
desc The X speed the Actor window moves when highlighted for input.
default 0

param Input X Max
desc The maximum X distance the window moves for the input motion.
default 0

param Input Y Speed
desc The Y speed the Actor window moves when highlighted for input.
default -4

param Input Y Max
desc The maximum Y distance the window moves for the input motion.
default -30

param == Select Motion ==

param Select Highlight
desc If 'true', then the window will be highlighted along with the select motion.
default true

param Select X Speed
desc The X speed the Actor window moves when highlighted for selection.
default 0

param Select X Max
desc The maximum X distance the window moves for the select motion.
default 0

param Select Y Speed
desc The Y speed the Actor window moves when highlighted for selection.
default 0

param Select Y Max
desc The maximum Y distance the window moves for the select motion.
default 0

param == Text 1 ==

param Text 1 Value
desc The JavaScript evaluation to determine the value shown.
default actor.name()

param Text 1 Position
desc The position of the text within the Actor's "section".
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]
default 0 | 0

param Text 1 Width
desc The width of the text box.
default boxWidth

param Text 1 Size
desc The font size of the text.
default 18

param Text 1 Align
desc The alignment of the text within the box.
default center

param == Text 2 ==

param Text 2 Value
desc The JavaScript evaluation to determine the value shown.

param Text 2 Position
desc The position of the text within the Actor's "section".
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]

param Text 2 Width
desc The width of the text box.

param Text 2 Size
desc The font size of the text.

param Text 2 Align
desc The alignment of the text within the box.

param == Text 3 ==

param Text 3 Value
desc The JavaScript evaluation to determine the value shown.

param Text 3 Position
desc The position of the text within the Actor's "section".
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]

param Text 3 Width
desc The width of the text box.

param Text 3 Size
desc The font size of the text.

param Text 3 Align
desc The alignment of the text within the box.

param == Text 4 ==

param Text 4 Value
desc The JavaScript evaluation to determine the value shown.

param Text 4 Position
desc The position of the text within the Actor's "section".
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]

param Text 4 Width
desc The width of the text box.

param Text 4 Size
desc The font size of the text.

param Text 4 Align
desc The alignment of the text within the box.

param == Text 5 ==

param Text 5 Value
desc The JavaScript evaluation to determine the value shown.

param Text 5 Position
desc The position of the text within the Actor's "section".
Use the format: [X Position] | [Y Position]

param Text 5 Width
desc The width of the text box.

param Text 5 Size
desc The font size of the text.

param Text 5 Align
desc The alignment of the text within the box.


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_BattleStatusCustomizer.js