さまざまなビットマップ関数を追加して、文字、戦士、武器への色変換を可能にするプラグイン – SRD_BitmapUpgrade.js
- タイトル
- Adds various Bitmap functions to allow color transformations to characters, battlers, and weapons.
- 作者名
- SumRndmDde様
- ヘルプ
Bitmap Upgrade
Version 1.01
This plugin adds various Bitmap functions to allow color transformations to
characters, battlers, and weapons.
Battler Notetags
The following notetags can be used within the noteboxes of Enemies to shift
their tone, saturation, and/or lightness within battle.
<Battler Tone: [red], [green], [blue]>
Sets the tone shift for the Enemy in battle.
<Battler Saturation: [shift]>
Sets the saturation shift for the Enemy in battle.
<Battler Lightness: [shift]>
Sets the lightness shift for the Enemy in battle.
Weapon Notetags
Weapons can also have their tone, hue, saturation, and lightness manipulated
through the following notetags:
<Weapon Tone: [red], [green], [blue]>
<Weapon Hue: [shift]>
<Weapon Saturation: [shift]>
<Weapon Lightness: [shift]>
These will shift the tone, hue, saturation, or lightness of the weapon's
bitmap respectively.
Event Notetags
Events can also have their tone, hue, saturation, and lightness manipulated
through the following notetags:
<Tone: [red], [green], [blue]>
<Hue: [shift]>
<Saturation: [shift]>
<Lightness: [shift]>
These will shift the tone, hue, saturation, or lightness of the event's bitmap
End of Help File
Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.
Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!
Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde - パラメータ
param Default Font desc The default font face that Bitmaps initialize with. default GameFont param Default Font Size desc The default font size that Bitmaps initialize with. default 28 param Default Font Italic desc The default font italic that Bitmaps initialize with. default false param Default Text Color desc The default text color that Bitmaps initialize with. default #FFFFFF param Default Outline Color desc The default outline color that Bitmaps initialize with. default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5) param Default Outline Width desc The default outline width that Bitmaps initialize with. default 4 - ライセンス表記
紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_BitmapUpgrade.js