画面を上に移動するクレジットのリストを表示するプラグイン – SRD_MovieCredits.js

Shows a list of credits that move up the screen.

Movie Credits
Version 1.00

Allows you to show cinematic credits in your game.

Quick Reference
Plugin Commands:

Step 1: Create the File

The credits will be referenced from a text file you create.

Create a .txt file in your /data folder named "credits" to use the
default file location.

Within the text file, list out all of the credits.
They will be automatically centered in-game.

If you choose to use a different file name or location, be sure to input
the new location in the "Credits File Source" parameter.

Step 2: Set the Common Event

In certain cases, you may want a Common Event to be played when the
credits are done.
This can be used to transfer the Player to a certain map once the credits
are over or to initialize something else....

You can set the Common Event you wish to use by setting the
"End Common Event ID" parameter to the Common Event ID you wish to use.

Step 3: Call the Credits

You can call the credits using the Plugin Command:



You can pause the credits using the Plugin Command:



You can turn off/reset the credits using the Plugin Command:


Extra Features

If you wish to allow the Player to speed through the credits by holding
the "OK" button, you can do so by setting the parameter "Allow Speedup"
to true.

You can customize what the credit text looks like by manipulating the
parameters listed under "Credits Font".

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Credits File Source
desc The file location and name of the text file that contains the credits information.
default data/credits.txt

param End Common Event ID
desc This is the ID of the Common Event that is called when the credits are finished. Enter 0 for no Common Event.
default 0

param Credits Speed
desc The speed that the credits move.
Input a number. Default is 1.
default 1

param Allow Speedup
desc If set to 'true', the Player will be allowed to speed up the credits by holding the "OK" button.
default false

param Speedup Speed
desc The number in which the speed of the credits is multiplied by when using "Speedup".
default 4

param Line Height
desc The height of the text.
Input a number. Default is 32.
default 32

param Line Seperation
desc The distance between each line of text.
Input a number. Default is 48.
default 48

param == Credits Font ==

param Default Font
desc The default font used by the credits.
Input a font name. Default is Arial.
default Arial

param Default Font Size
desc The default font size used by the credits.
Input a number. Default is 34.
default 34

param Default Italic
desc Whether there is italic by default.
Input either 'true' or 'false'.
default false

param Default Text Color
desc The default text color used by the credits.
Input an HTML color code or RGB code.
default #ffffff

param Default Outline Color
desc The default outline color used by the credits.
Input an HTML color code or RGB code.
default rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)

param Default Outline Width
desc The default outline width used by the credits.
Input a number. Default is 4.
default 4


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_MovieCredits.js