プレイヤーが対戦を再試行するための支払システムプラグイン – SRD_RetryCosts.js

Allows developers to setup specific costs for the Player to have to pay in order to retry a battle.

Retry Costs
Version 1.01

This Plugin requires the Game Over Core (SRD_GameOverCore)

This plugin allows developers to setup specific costs for the Player to
have to pay in order to retry a battle.

Plugin Commands

The following plugin commands can be used in the middle of the game to
change the costs of retrying.

SetRetryGoldCost [number]

Sets the amount of gold required to retry.

SetRetryItemCost [items]

Sets the item(s) cost for retrying.

SetRetryCondition [javascript code]

Sets the JavaScript retry condition.

SetRetryEval [javascript code]

Sets the JavaScript eval for retrying.

SetRetryText [text]

Sets the special retry text.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Default Gold Cost
desc The default amount of gold it costs to retry.
This can be a number or JavaScript code.
default 10

param Default Item Cost
desc The default set of items it costs to retry. Format like:
[item1, # of item1], [item2, # of item2], etc...

param Default Retry Cond.
desc The JavaScript condition that must be true to retry.
Leave as "true" to make it always true.
default true

param Default Retry Eval
desc The JavaScript evaluation that will be run once the player retries.
Leave blank to disallow.

param Default Retry Text
desc The text that appears for the JavaScript Retry Condition.
Leave blank to disallow.

param == Texts ==

param Gold Icon
desc The Icon used to represent the gold cost.
default 313

param Retry Cost Text
desc The text of the "retry cost" label.
default Retry Cost

param Gold Text
desc The text of the "gold" in the retry cost label.
default Gold


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_RetryCosts.js