A spell checking utility for…checking your spelling…Be sure to install the word bank! – SRD_SpellCheck.js

A spell checking utility for...checking your spelling...Be sure to install the word bank!

Spell Check
Version 1.00

This is a utility/debug Plugin that can be used to check your spelling
of various texts throughout your game.

You're going to need a text file to contain a list of all the words that
you wish to check against. You can find one here:


How to Use

This plugin checks the spelling of all the Text-EX text in the game.

This includes:

Message Window Text
Help Window Text
Battle Log Text
Name Text
...and much more!

The words that have been determined to have mistakes will have a colored
highlight on them. When you place your mouse over the highlight,
suggestions for what the word you were trying to spell will appear.

You can right-click the highlight to stop the suggestions from
disappearing. That way, you can copy down the suggestions while the game
is running.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
param Word Bank File
desc The source file that contains all the words you wish to check against.
default data/words.txt

param Alphabet
desc All of the letters used to create the spell checking suggestions.
default abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

param Ignore Spelling Words
desc If you wish to have any words that have their spelling accepted as correct, list them here. Seperate with commas.

param Highlight Color
desc The color used to highlight spelling mistakes.
default rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5)


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_SpellCheck.js