Allows players to distribute points to different stats of the Actors at his or her discretion. – SRD_StatDistribution.js

Allows players to distribute points to different stats of the Actors at his or her discretion.

Stat Distribution
Version 1.06

This plugin allows players to distribute points to different stats of the
Actors at his or her discretion. A command is added to the menu which allows
access to a new menu for stat distribution!

Plugin Commands

Use the following plugin commands to preform various actions.

OpenStatDistribution Actor [actorId]

This opens the Stat Distribution Menu for the specified Actor ID.

OpenStatDistribution Party [memberIndex]

This opens the Stat Distribution Menu for the specified Actor based on the
index in which they are in the party. For example, setting "memberIndex"
to 0 will open the menu for the party's leader.

AddStatPoints Actor [actorId] [points]
AddStatPoints Party [memberIndex] [points]

This adds a specific amount points to a specific Actor.

Upgradeable Stats

In order to determine what stats can be upgraded, use the "Default Stats"
Parameter. Otherwise, notetags can be used to customize the stats
per each individual Actor:

<Set Distribution Stats: [stats]>

Sets the Actor's stats to this list.

<Add Distribution Stats: [stats]>

Adds stats to the Actor's already existing upgradeable stats.

How to Customize Stats

In order to customize the properties of stats, you must use the Database EX.
Simply go to the customizable editors, and select "Stat Distribution Editor".

Within here, a list of stats will be available and their variables can
be changed to fit with your needs. Be sure to reload to see the changes!

List of Upgradeable Stats

Here is a list of all the available stats and their three-letter codes.

== Base Stats ==
mhp - Max HP
mmp - Max MP
atk - Attack
def - Defense
mat - Magical Attack
mdf - Magical Defense
agi - Agility
luk - Luck

== Ex Stats ==
hit - Hit Rate
eva - Evasion Rate
cri - Critical Rate
cev - Critical Evasion Rate
mev - Magic Evasion Rate
mrf - Magic Reflection Rate
cnt - Counter Attack Rate
hrg - Hp Regeneration
mrg - Mp Regeneration
trg - Tp Regeneration

== Sp Stats ==
tgr - Target Rate
grd - Guard Effect Rate
rec - Recovery Effect Rate
pha - Pharmacology
mcr - Mp Cost Rate
tcr - Tp Charge Rate
pdr - Physical Damage Rate
mdr - Magical Damage Rate
fdr - Floor Damage Rate
exr - Experience Rate

Stat Points

Stat points can be gained by leveling up the Actors.
The "Default Formula" Parameter can be used to set up a formula for how many
stat points an Actor will gain upon level. Alternatively, the following
notetags can be used to give Actors their own formulas:

<Stat Point Formula: [formula]>

For example:

<Stat Point Formula: 5level>

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!

Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Default Stats
desc A list of stats Actors can distribute to by default.
All of the available stats can be found in HELP.
default mhp, mmp, atk, def, mat, mdf, agi, luk

param Default Formula
desc The default formula used for determining how many "stat points" an Actor gains by leveling up.
default Math.ceil(level / 10)

param Show on Menu
desc If 'true', this plugin will place the command in the menu.
default true

param == Stat Reset ==

param Allow Stat Resets
desc If 'true', then players will have the option to reset the distributed stats and return the used stat points.
default true

param Reset Gold Cost
desc The formula determining the amount of gold for resetting.
Use "points" to reference the amount of points used.
default points100

param == Custom Texts ==

param Level Up Message
desc This message is displayed when an actor levels up to show how many points were gained. %1 is the number of points.
default Got %1 stat points!

param Command Name
desc The is the name of the command for stat distribution in the menu.
default Stat Boost

param Points Text
desc The text used to display how much points an Actor has.
default Stat Points:

param Upgrade Text
desc The text used to display how much points an upgrade is worth.
default Upgrade Cost:

param Spend Text
desc The text used in the command window to begin spending.
default Spend

param Reset Text
desc The text used in the command window to reset stat points.
default Reset

param Finish Text
desc The text used in the command window to leave the scene.
default Finish

param == Gauge Options ==

param Use Gauges
desc If 'true', the stat distribution will have gauges representing how close the distributed stat is to reaching its max.
default true

param Gauge Height
desc The height of the gauges used in the stat distribution.
default 14

param == Points Label ==

param Point Icon
desc Input the icon index of the icon for stat points.
Set to 0 to use text instead.
default 87

param Point Text
desc If "Point Icon" is set to 0, this will be used as the label for stat points.
default Points

param Point Color
desc If using text, this will be the color of the text.
default #66ff66

