Allows developers to create skills that summon Actors into the player’s party using various parameters. – SRD_SummonCore.js

Allows developers to create skills that summon Actors into the player's party using various parameters.

Summon Core
Version 1.05

This plugin allows developers to create skills that summon Actors into the
player's party using various parameters.

Setting up Summoning Skill

In order to make a Skill become a Summon Skill, use the following notetag:

Actor ID: x
<End Summon>

Simply set "x" to the Actor ID you wish to be summoned.

Summoning Properties

Various properties can be added to the Summoning Skills. They can be
customized within the Summon notetags:

Actor ID: 2
Level: 10
Turns: 2
<End Summon>

Here is a list of all the properties available:


Determines the level of the summoned Actor. This can be a number or
JavaScript code that uses the "actor" variable to reference the user.


Determines the number of turns the summon will last. Set to -1 to make
the summon last until the end of the battle or death.


Determines the animation used for when the summon is summoned.

Exit Animation

Determines the exit animation used for when the summon leaves.


Determines the X position of the summon. Can use JavaScript code.
If using JavaScript code, "index" refers to the summon's index within the
party and "master" refers to the sprite of the summoner.


Determines the Y position of the summon. Can use JavaScript code.
If using JavaScript code, "index" refers to the summon's index within the
party and "master" refers to the sprite of the summoner.

Position Examples

If one wants to position the summoned Actor relative to the summoner,
the following code could be used:

Actor ID: 2
X: master._mainX - 120
Y: master._mainY
<End Summon>

This would position the summon 120 pixels to the left of the summoner.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!

Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Battlelog Message
desc The message that appears in the battle log when an Actor is summoned.
default %1 has been summoned!

param Max Summons
desc The maximum amount of summons allowed in battle.
default 4

param Restrict Per Skill
desc If 'true', then once a Skill has summoned Actors, it will not be able to do so again until they're gone.
default true

param Restrict Per Position
desc If 'true', then a summon cannot be preformed if multiple summons will appear in the same spot.
default true

param == Defaults ==

param Default Actor ID
desc The Actor ID used if one is not specified for the Summoned Actor to be based off of.
default 1

param Default Level
desc The level of the Summoned Actor if one is not specified.
default 1

param Default Animation
desc The animation used for the Summoned Actor's intro if one is not specified.
default 51

param Default Exit Ani.
desc The animation used for the Summoned Actor's exit transition if one is not specified.
default 51

param Default Turns
desc The number of turns the Summoned Actor lasts if it's not specified. Use -1 to make it indefinite.
default -1

param Default X Pos
desc The default X position of the Summoned Actor if one is not specified.
default master._homeX - 120

param Default Y Pos
desc The default Y position of the Summoned Actor if one is not specified.
default master._homeY

