A ring appears on screen and commands cycle around it – SRD_TimedAttack_Wheel.js

A ring appears on screen and commands cycle around it

Timed Attack: Wheel
Version 1.01

This Plugin requires the Timed Attack Core Plugin (SRD_TimedAttackCore)

A Timed Attack in which a ring appears on screen and commands cycle around
it. The Player must press the commands as they appear on the top.

In the beginning, the commands will all be frozen. After completeing the
first command, the other commands will begin to move around the ring
counter-clockwise. The Player must press the commands at the exact moment
they reach the top of the ring.

How to Customize Skill's Damage/Effect from Timed Attack

Use $gameTemp.tas_power to have the power affect the skill.
This value will be a value from 0 to 1 depending on how close the
"Timed Attack" was to being perfect.

For example:
(a.atk4 - b.def2)($gameTemp.tas_power)

In that example, getting a perfect hit in the "Timed Attack" would result
in full damage, and getting any besides perfect would give only a percent
of the full damage.

How to Set a Skill to Use a Timed Attack (Wheel)

Use the Notetag:

<Timed Attack: wheel>
<End Timed Attack>

Setting those in a Skill's notebox will activate the "Timed Attack System"
for that Skill.

The part that says "wheel" can be changed to have other types of "Timed
Attacks" be used.

Controlling the Conditions for Button Presses

The "Z" Press Condition and "X" Press Condition Parameters let you
customize the JavaScript conditions for pressing the Z and X buttons.

Of course, these don't have to be Z or X, as you can change the image file
used and also change the condition for them to be pressed.

By default, the conditions are:

== "Z" Press Condition ==
Input.isTriggered('ok') || (TouchInput.isTriggered() && TouchInput.x <= Graphics.width / 2)

== "X" Press Condition ==
Input.isTriggered('cancel') || (TouchInput.isTriggered() && TouchInput.x > Graphics.width / 2) .

Wheel Timed Attack Properties

You can manipulate the properties of each Timed Attack by adding them
in the Notetags. For example:

<Timed Attack: wheel>
Command Amount: 3
Randomize Commands?: z, x, x
Speed: 0.07
<End Timed Attack>

As you can see, there are a couple of factors you can use to even make one
individual Timed Attack different for each Skill it is used with.

Here are all the properties for Wheel Timed Attack:

Normal SE: (Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/)
Miss SE: (Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/)
Success SE: (Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/)
Fail SE: (Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/)
Button Image: (Input filename of for in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/)
Ring Image: (Input filename of for in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/)
Target Image: (Input filename of for in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/)
Phrase: (Input a word or phrase. %1 will represent the counter)
Command Amount: (Input a Positive Number)
Randomize Commands:(Input 'true' or a specific pattern)
Speed: (Input a Positive Number)
Penalty: (Input a Positive Number)
Radius: (Input a Positive Number)
Above Height: (Input a Positive Number)
Hit Animation: (Use the format: opacity, x-scale, y-scale, x-move, y-move)
Flash Rate: (Input a Positive Number)
Flash Time: (Input a Positive Number)

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!


Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param "Z" Press Condition
desc The JavaScript condition that must be true for the "Z" button to be pressed.
default Input.isTriggered('ok') || (TouchInput.isTriggered() && TouchInput.x <= Graphics.width / 2)

param "X" Press Condition
desc The JavaScript condition that must be true for the "X" button to be pressed.
default Input.isTriggered('cancel') || (TouchInput.isTriggered() && TouchInput.x > Graphics.width / 2)

param == Default Props. ==

param Normal SE
desc The default Normal SE when one is not specified.
Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/
default Wind4

param Miss SE
desc The default Miss SE when one is not specified.
Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/
default Buzzer1

param Success SE
desc The default Success SE when one is not specified.
Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/
default Bell3

param Fail SE
desc The default Fail SE when one is not specified.
Input filename of Sound Effect in /audio/se/
default Break

param Button Image
desc The default Image when one is not specified.
Input filename of Image in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/
default ZX

param Ring Image
desc The default Image when one is not specified.
Input filename of Image in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/
default Ring

param Target Image
desc The default Image when one is not specified.
Input filename of Image in /img/SumRndmDde/tas/
default Target

param Command Amount
desc The default Command Amount when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number.
default 4

param Randomize Commands
desc Determines whether the commands are randomized.
Input 'true' or a specific pattern like: 'z, x, z, z'.
default true

param Speed
desc The default Speed when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number.
default 0.10

param Penalty
desc The default Penalty when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number of Frames to lose.
default 0.01

param Radius
desc The default Radius when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number.
default 100

param Above Height
desc The default Above Height when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number.
default 48

param Hit Animation
desc The default Animation when one is not specified.
Use the format: opacity, x-scale, y-scale, x-move, y-move
default -20, 0.1, 0.1, -2, -2

param Flash Rate
desc The default Flash Rate when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number
default 16

param Flash Time
desc The default Flash Time when one is not specified.
Input a Positive Number
default 40


紹介ページ https://github.com/SumRndmDde/RPG-Maker-MV-Plugins/blob/master/SRD_TimedAttack_Wheel.js