Allows customization over the Title Command Window.Can customize size, position, rows, columns, and commands. – SRD_TitleCommandCustomizer.js

Allows customization over the Title Command Window.Can customize size, position, rows, columns, and commands.

Title Command Customizer
Version 1.01

This Plugin allows customization over the Title Command Window!
You can customize the size, position, rows, columns, and commands!

If you wish to customize the X, Y, Width, Height, Rows, Columns, or
Text Alignment of the Command Window, simply use the first Parameters.

How to Set up Command Order

While this Plugin allows you to add more commands, it doesn't overwrite
commands added through other Plugins.

If you wish to customize the order of the commands, including both commands
that you have created and commands added through other Plugins, you can
use the Command Order Parameter to list the order of the commands using
their symbols.

For example:

newGame, continue, common-event-1, common-event-2, options, shutdown

How to Create a Command

Similar to Yanfly's Main Menu Manager, you can customize extra commands
to be added to the Command Window using the Parameters.

Each group of Parameters customize aspects of the command:



Determines whether the command will be on the Window.
Set to either 'true' or 'false'.



The text shown on the command.
You can use Text Commands if the Parameter is set to 'true'.



A string of text which is unique for each command and defines it.



A function to be binded to the command.


this.commandNewGame.bind(this) - Starts New Game
this.commandContinue.bind(this) - Brings up Loading Screen
this.commandOptions.bind(this) - Brings up Options Window
close.bind(window) - Closes the Game Window
this.playCommonEvent.bind(this, x) - Plays Common Event ID x



A JavaScript eval that determines whether the command is enabled.



A JavaScript eval that determines whether the command is visible.

End of Help File

Welcome to the bottom of the Help file.

Thanks for reading!
If you have questions, or if you enjoyed this Plugin, please check
out my YouTube channel!

Until next time,
~ SumRndmDde
param Command Order
desc The order of the commands on the Window.
List each one by its symbol and seperate with commas.
default newGame, continue, options, shutdown

param Allow Text Codes
desc If 'true', Text Codes can be used in the command text; however, the text alignment will be forced to the left.
default true

param Command Text Alignment
desc The alignment of the command text.
Choices are: left | right | center
default left

param Command Text Font
desc The font used for the command text.
default GameFont

param Window Opacity
desc The opacity of the Command Window.
default 255

param Window Padding
desc The padding of the Command Window.
default 18

param == Position/Size ==

param Window X
desc The X Position of the Title Command Window.
default (Graphics.boxWidth - this.width) / 2

param Window Y
desc The Y Position of the Title Command Window.
default Graphics.boxHeight - this.height - 96

param Window Width
desc The width of the Title Command Window.
default 240this.maxCols()

param Window Height
desc The height of the Title Command Window.
default this.fittingHeight(this.numVisibleRows())

param Window Rows
desc The number of rows of the Title Command Window.
default 2

param Window Columns
desc The number of columns of the Title Command Window.
default 2

param == Command 1 ==

param Com. 1 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 1 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default true

param Com. 1 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 1.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.
default EVAL: "\\i[73] " + TextManager.newGame

param Com. 1 Symbol
desc This is Command 1's symbol.
default newGame

param Com. 1 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 1.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.
default this.commandNewGame.bind(this)

param Com. 1 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 1 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 1 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 1 is visible.
default true

param == Command 2 ==

param Com. 2 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 2 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default true

param Com. 2 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 2.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.
default EVAL: this.isContinueEnabled() ? "\\i[75] " + TextManager.continue_ : "\\i[74] No Saves"

param Com. 2 Symbol
desc This is Command 2's symbol.
default continue

param Com. 2 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 2.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.
default this.commandContinue.bind(this)

param Com. 2 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 2 is enabled.
default this.isContinueEnabled()

param Com. 2 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 2 is visible.
default true

param == Command 3 ==

param Com. 3 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 3 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default true

param Com. 3 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 3.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.
default EVAL: "\\i[83] " + TextManager.options

param Com. 3 Symbol
desc This is Command 3's symbol.
default options

param Com. 3 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 3.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.
default this.commandOptions.bind(this)

param Com. 3 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 3 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 3 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 3 is visible.
default true

param == Command 4 ==

param Com. 4 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 4 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default true

param Com. 4 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 4.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.
default \i[82] Shutdown

param Com. 4 Symbol
desc This is Command 4's symbol.
default shutdown

param Com. 4 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 4.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.
default close.bind(window)

param Com. 4 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 4 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 4 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 4 is visible.
default true

param == Command 5 ==

param Com. 5 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 5 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 5 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 5.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.
default Common Event 1

param Com. 5 Symbol
desc This is Command 5's symbol.
default common-event-1

param Com. 5 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 5.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.
default this.playCommonEvent.bind(this, 1)

param Com. 5 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 5 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 5 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 5 is visible.
default true

param == Command 6 ==

param Com. 6 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 6 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 6 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 6.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 6 Symbol
desc This is Command 6's symbol.

param Com. 6 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 6.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 6 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 6 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 6 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 6 is visible.
default true

param == Command 7 ==

param Com. 7 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 7 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 7 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 7.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 7 Symbol
desc This is Command 7's symbol.

param Com. 7 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 7.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 7 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 7 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 7 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 7 is visible.
default true

param == Command 8 ==

param Com. 8 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 8 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 8 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 8.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 8 Symbol
desc This is Command 8's symbol.

param Com. 8 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 8.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 8 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 8 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 8 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 8 is visible.
default true

param == Command 9 ==

param Com. 9 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 9 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 9 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 9.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 9 Symbol
desc This is Command 9's symbol.

param Com. 9 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 9.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 9 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 9 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 9 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 9 is visible.
default true

param == Command 10 ==

param Com. 10 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 10 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 10 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 10.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 10 Symbol
desc This is Command 10's symbol.

param Com. 10 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 10.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 10 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 10 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 10 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 10 is visible.
default true

param == Command 11 ==

param Com. 11 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 11 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 11 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 11.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 11 Symbol
desc This is Command 11's symbol.

param Com. 11 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 11.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 11 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 11 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 11 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 11 is visible.
default true

param == Command 12 ==

param Com. 12 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 12 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 12 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 12.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 12 Symbol
desc This is Command 12's symbol.

param Com. 12 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 12.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 12 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 12 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 12 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 12 is visible.
default true

param == Command 13 ==

param Com. 13 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 13 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 13 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 13.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 13 Symbol
desc This is Command 13's symbol.

param Com. 13 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 13.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 13 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 13 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 13 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 13 is visible.
default true

param == Command 14 ==

param Com. 14 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 14 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 14 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 14.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 14 Symbol
desc This is Command 14's symbol.

param Com. 14 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 14.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 14 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 14 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 14 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 14 is visible.
default true

param == Command 15 ==

param Com. 15 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 15 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 15 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 15.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 15 Symbol
desc This is Command 15's symbol.

param Com. 15 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 15.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 15 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 15 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 15 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 15 is visible.
default true

param == Command 16 ==

param Com. 16 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 16 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 16 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 16.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 16 Symbol
desc This is Command 16's symbol.

param Com. 16 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 16.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 16 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 16 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 16 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 16 is visible.
default true

param == Command 17 ==

param Com. 17 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 17 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 17 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 17.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 17 Symbol
desc This is Command 17's symbol.

param Com. 17 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 17.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 17 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 17 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 17 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 17 is visible.
default true

param == Command 18 ==

param Com. 18 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 18 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 18 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 18.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 18 Symbol
desc This is Command 18's symbol.

param Com. 18 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 18.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 18 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 18 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 18 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 18 is visible.
default true

param == Command 19 ==

param Com. 19 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 19 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 19 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 19.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 19 Symbol
desc This is Command 19's symbol.

param Com. 19 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 19.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 19 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 19 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 19 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 19 is visible.
default true

param == Command 20 ==

param Com. 20 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 20 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 20 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 20.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 20 Symbol
desc This is Command 20's symbol.

param Com. 20 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 20.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 20 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 20 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 20 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 20 is visible.
default true

param == Command 21 ==

param Com. 21 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 21 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 21 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 21.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 21 Symbol
desc This is Command 21's symbol.

param Com. 21 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 21.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 21 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 21 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 21 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 21 is visible.
default true

param == Command 22 ==

param Com. 22 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 22 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 22 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 22.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 22 Symbol
desc This is Command 22's symbol.

param Com. 22 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 22.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 22 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 22 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 22 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 22 is visible.
default true

param == Command 23 ==

param Com. 23 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 23 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 23 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 23.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 23 Symbol
desc This is Command 23's symbol.

param Com. 23 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 23.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 23 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 23 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 23 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 23 is visible.
default true

param == Command 24 ==

param Com. 24 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 24 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 24 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 24.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 24 Symbol
desc This is Command 24's symbol.

param Com. 24 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 24.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 24 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 24 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 24 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 24 is visible.
default true

param == Command 25 ==

param Com. 25 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 25 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 25 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 25.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 25 Symbol
desc This is Command 25's symbol.

param Com. 25 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 25.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 25 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 25 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 25 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 25 is visible.
default true

param == Command 26 ==

param Com. 26 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 26 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 26 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 26.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 26 Symbol
desc This is Command 26's symbol.

param Com. 26 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 26.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 26 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 26 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 26 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 26 is visible.
default true

param == Command 27 ==

param Com. 27 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 27 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 27 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 27.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 27 Symbol
desc This is Command 27's symbol.

param Com. 27 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 27.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 27 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 27 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 27 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 27 is visible.
default true

param == Command 28 ==

param Com. 28 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 28 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 28 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 28.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 28 Symbol
desc This is Command 28's symbol.

param Com. 28 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 28.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 28 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 28 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 28 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 28 is visible.
default true

param == Command 29 ==

param Com. 29 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 29 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 29 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 29.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 29 Symbol
desc This is Command 29's symbol.

param Com. 29 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 29.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 29 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 29 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 29 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 29 is visible.
default true

param == Command 30 ==

param Com. 30 Used
desc If you wish to have Command 30 on your Title's Command Window, set this to 'true'.
default false

param Com. 30 Text
desc This is the text shown for Command 30.
If using a JavaScript eval, place EVAL: at the beginning.

param Com. 30 Symbol
desc This is Command 30's symbol.

param Com. 30 Action
desc This is the code that binds a function to Command 30.
Input a JavaScript eval that binds a function to 'this'.

param Com. 30 Enabled
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 30 is enabled.
default true

param Com. 30 Visible
desc This is a JavaScript eval that determines whether Command 30 is visible.
default true

