近くのバトラーにステートを感染させることができるようにするプラグイン – YED_InfectiveState.js

Make a state can be infected to nearby battlers.
There is no Configuration and Plugin Command.


<Infect Allies X: Y, Y%>
Infects all allies with state X after Y turns with a chance of Z%.

<Infect Enemies X: Y, Y%>
Infects all enemies with state X after Y turns with a chance of Z%.

<Infect N Allies X: Y, Y%>
Infects N allies with state X after Y turns with a chance of Z%.

<Infect N Enemies X: Y, Y%>
Infects N allies with state X after Y turns with a chance of Z%.

<Infect N Random X: Y, Y%>
Infects N battlers with state X after Y turns with a chance of Z%.

( なし )

紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YED_InfectiveState.js