スキルを購入するためのスキルショップを提供するプラグイン – YED_SkillShop.js

This plugin provides a skill shop for buying skills.
The following are Plugin Commands you may use with events.

Plugin Command:
OpenSkillShop(ID,ID,ID) Opens up skill shop instantly with
or skill list defined by ID. You can put
OpenSkillShop ID ID ID as many ID as you want into the command.
Remember not to put any whitespace into
the command.


To change gold cost for buying the skill, use the following notetag:
<Buy Cost Gold: X>

To add more weapons/armors/items cost for buying the skill, use the
following notetag with X is the ID in database:
<Buy Cost Weapon X: Y>
<Buy Cost Armor X: Y>
<Buy Cost Item X: Y>

To add more custom text into the requirements, use the following notetag
with support of some message escape code (color, icon...):
<Buy Custom Text>
</Buy Custom Text>

To add more condition to buy the skill, use the following notetag (Only
for advanced users, requires programming knowledge):
<Buy Custom Require> Example: <Buy Custom Require>
Condition $gameSwitches.value(1)
Condition actor.level > 10
Condition </Buy Custom Require>
</Buy Custom Require>

To add more cost to buy the skill, use the following notetag (Only
for advanced users, requires programming knowledge):
<Buy Custom Cost> Example: <Buy Custom Cost>
Eval Code actor.levelDown();
</Buy Custom Cost> </Buy Custom Cost>
param [Basic Setting]
param Default Price
desc Default Gold Cost for buying skill.
default 100

param [Visual Setting]
param Gold Cost Text
desc Text for gold cost to buy skill.
default Gold Cost

param Item Cost Text
desc Text for item cost to buy skill.
default Requires

param Buy Command
desc Text for Buy command.
default Learn

param Cancel Command
desc Text for Cancel command.
default Leave

param Text Alignment
desc How to align the text for the command window.
left center right
default center


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YED_SkillShop.js