このプラグインを使用すると、ウィンドウで共通のイベントを呼び出すことができるプラグイン – YEP_CommonEventMenu.js

This plugin allows the creation of windows to callcommon events with.

The Common Event Menu allows you to create your own custom menu setups. When
using it, you can list whatever common events you so wish and generate a
menu that when selecting the menu command, it will run the common event.
This common event menu setup allows you to utilize a help window, a picture
window, and a subtext window to allow for your own personal touch when using
the common event window.


The common event menu is constructed purely by plugin commands. You'll have
to carefully construct each plugin command to make the common event list
appear the way you want. The following is an example of how to set up a
common event menu with the default window layout:

SetCommonEventMenuSettings Default Setup
AddCommonEventMenu 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
SetCommonEventMenuCancel 0

To find out more details about how to set up the common event menus, be sure
to read through the help file carefully!

Comment Tags

Common Events in RPG Maker MV do not have their own notetags. So to make up
for that, we'll be using comments instead. Simply create a comment event
within the common event that will be used inside of the menu and use any of
these comment tags:

Common Event Comment Tags:

<Menu Name: x>
- This changes the appearance of the common event's text when displayed in
the common event menu list. If this tag isn't used, the text displayed
will be the common event's name. You can use text codes.

<Icon: x>
- This changes the icon of the common event to x. If this tag isn't used,
the icon used will be the one set in the plugin's parameters.

<Picture: x>
- This sets a picture to be associated with this common event when it is
highlighted. If this isn't used, no picture will be displayed and it will
be left empty.

<Help Description>
</Help Description>
- This sets the help description used for the common event when it is
selected in the common even menu list. If this tag isn't used, the text
displayed will be the default text from the plugin's parameters.

- This sets the subtext used for the common event menu's subtext window
while this common event is selected in the common event menu list. If this
text isn't used, the text displayed will be the default text from the
plugin's parameters.

Lunatic Mode - Enabling/Disabling Common Events

For those with JavaScript experience, you can use the following comment tags
for your common events to be enabled or disabled:

Common Event Comment Tags:

<Menu Enable Eval>
if ($gameSwitches.value(10)) {
enabled = true;
} else {
enabled = false;
</Menu Enable Eval>
- The 'enabled' variable determines if the common event can be selected or
not. In the example above, Switch 10 needs to be ON in order for this
common event to be selected.

Lunatic Mode - Showing/Hiding Common Events

For those with JavaScript experience, you can use the following comment tags
for your common events to be shown or hidden:

Common Event Comment Tags:

<Menu Visible Eval>
if ($gameSwitches.value(20)) {
visible = true;
} else {
visible = false;
</Menu Visible Eval>
- The 'visible' variable determines if the common event is shown or hidden
in the common event menu list. In the example above, Switch 20 needs to be
ON in order for this common event to be visible and shown.

Plugin Commands

The following plugin commands are used to work the Common Event Menu. Look
over each of the settings carefully:

Plugin Command:


- This clears all the listed common events from the Common Event Menu Data
pool meaning it has to be filled again. You can do so with the next plugin


AddCommonEventMenu 1
- or -
AddCommonEventMenu 2, 3, 4, 5
- or -
AddCommonEventMenu 6 through 10
- This will add the listed common event numbers into the common event list
that will be shown in the common event menu.


SetCommonEventMenuCancel 20
- This will set the cancel button for the common event menu to run common
event 20 when canceled. If it is left at 0, no event will run, but the
menu can allow the cancel button to be pressed (and prematurely end it).


- This will disable the cancel button for the common event menu from being
pressed. Pressing cancel while the common event menu is active will do
nothing. Use 'SetCommonEventMenuCancel x' to re-enable the cancel button.
The Enable version will reenable the cancel function as 0.

- This will disable the confirm button for the common event menu from
being pressed. This is made for those who wish to use the menu only as a
list and not a selectable menu. The Enable version will reenable the
confirm function.


- After you've set everything up, this command will be used to open up the
common event menu. This can be used on the map. If you are using the
Battle Engine Core, this menu can be opened in battle as well. All of the
common events listed by the 'AddCommonEventMenu' plugin command will
appear in this list.


CommonEventMenuX 0
CommonEventMenuY this.fittingHeight(2)
CommonEventMenuWidth Graphics.boxWidth / 2
CommonEventMenuHeight Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2)
CommonEventMenuOpacity 255
CommonEventMenuColumns 1
- These plugin commands allow you to adjust the x, y, width, height,
opacity, and the number of columns used for the main common event menu
list. Make sure all of these settings are done BEFORE the common event
menu is opened with the 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command.


- This will allow you to decide if the help window will be shown or hidden
for the next 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command usage.


CommonEventMenuHelpX 0
CommonEventMenuHelpY 0
CommonEventMenuHelpWidth Graphics.boxWidth
CommonEventMenuHelpHeight this.fittingHeight(2)
CommonEventMenuHelpOpacity 255
- These plugin commands allow you to adjust the x, y, width, height, and
opacity of the help window for the common event menu list. Make sure all
of these settings are done BEFORE the common event menu is opened with the
'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command.


- This will allow you to decide if the help window will be shown or hidden
for the next 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command usage.


CommonEventMenuPictureX Graphics.boxWidth / 2
CommonEventMenuPictureY this.fittingHeight(2)
CommonEventMenuPictureWidth Graphics.boxWidth / 2
CommonEventMenuPictureHeight this.fittingHeight(10)
CommonEventMenuPictureOpacity 255
- These plugin commands allow you to adjust the x, y, width, height, and
opacity of the picture window for the common event menu list. Make sure
all of these settings are done BEFORE the common event menu is opened with
the 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command.


- This will allow you to decide if the help window will be shown or hidden
for the next 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command usage.


CommonEventMenuSubtextX Graphics.boxWidth / 2
CommonEventMenuSubtextY Graphics.boxHeight - height
CommonEventMenuSubtextWidth Graphics.boxWidth / 2
CommonEventMenuSubtextHeight Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2) -
CommonEventMenuSubtextOpacity 255
- These plugin commands allow you to adjust the x, y, width, height, and
opacity of the subtext window for the common event menu list. Make sure
all of these settings are done BEFORE the common event menu is opened with
the 'OpenCommonEventMenu' plugin command.


SetCommonEventMenuSettings Default Setup
SetCommonEventMenuSettings Basic Setup
- This allows you to set the common event windows to position themselves
to the default setup provided by the plugin parameters or a basic setup
made of just the main list and a help window.


Version 1.04:
- Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script
call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1.

Version 1.03:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.02a:
- Added 'EnableCommonEventMenuCancel' and 'EnableCommonEventMenuConfirm' for
users who don't wish to clear out their whole common event menu.
- Documentation fix.

Version 1.01:
- Added 'DisableCommonEventMenuConfirm' plugin command for those who wish to
use the Common Event Menu as a list rather than a menu.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---Defaults---
param Default Icon
parent ---Defaults---
type number
min 0
desc Default icon used for common events.
default 160

param Default Help
parent ---Defaults---
desc Default help description text used for common events.
default Use <Help Description> comment tag to add a help description.

param Default Subtext
parent ---Defaults---
desc Default subtext used for common events.
default Subtext here!

param Default Cancel Event
parent ---Defaults---
type common_event
desc Default common event used for cancel.
Leave at 0 to make it not apply an event or -1 to disable.
default 0

param ---Main Settings---
param Window X
parent ---Main Settings---
desc Default X position for the window.
This can be a formula.
default 0

param Window Y
parent ---Main Settings---
desc Default Y position for the window.
This can be a formula.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param Window Width
parent ---Main Settings---
desc Default width for the window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth / 2

param Window Height
parent ---Main Settings---
desc Default height for the Window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2)

param Window Columns
parent ---Main Settings---
desc The number of columns for the window.
This can be a formula.
default 1

param Window Opacity
parent ---Main Settings---
desc The opacity of the window skin for the window.
This can be a formula.
default 255

param ---Help Settings---
param Show Help
parent ---Help Settings---
type boolean
on Show
off Hide
desc Show help window by default?
YES - true NO - false
default true

param Help X
parent ---Help Settings---
desc Default X position for help window.
This can be a formula.
default 0

param Help Y
parent ---Help Settings---
desc Default Y position for help window.
This can be a formula.
default 0

param Help Width
parent ---Help Settings---
desc Default width for help window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth

param Help Height
parent ---Help Settings---
desc Default text rows for help window.
This can be a formula.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param Help Opacity
parent ---Help Settings---
desc The opacity of the window skin for the help window.
This can be a formula.
default 255

param ---Picture Settings---
param Show Picture
parent ---Picture Settings---
type boolean
on Show
off Hide
desc Show picture window by default?
YES - true NO - false
default true

param Picture X
parent ---Picture Settings---
desc Default X position for picture window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth / 2

param Picture Y
parent ---Picture Settings---
desc Default Y position for picture window.
This can be a formula.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param Picture Width
parent ---Picture Settings---
desc Default width for picture window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth / 2

param Picture Height
parent ---Picture Settings---
desc Default text rows for picture window.
This can be a formula.
default this.fittingHeight(10)

param Picture Opacity
parent ---Picture Settings---
desc The opacity of the window skin for the picture window.
This can be a formula.
default 255

param ---Subtext Settings---
param Show Subtext
parent ---Subtext Settings---
type boolean
on Show
off Hide
desc Show subtext window by default?
YES - true NO - false
default true

param Subtext X
parent ---Subtext Settings---
desc Default X position for subtext window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth / 2

param Subtext Y
parent ---Subtext Settings---
desc Default Y position for subtext window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxHeight - height

param Subtext Width
parent ---Subtext Settings---
desc Default width for subtext window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxWidth / 2

param Subtext Height
parent ---Subtext Settings---
desc Default text rows for subtext window.
This can be a formula.
default Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2) - this.fittingHeight(10)

param Subtext Opacity
parent ---Subtext Settings---
desc The opacity of the window skin for the subtext window.
This can be a formula.
default 255


紹介ページ http://yanfly.moe/