プレイヤーが戦闘時スキルが発動する装備システムを追加するプラグイン – YEP_EquipBattleSkills.js

b Adds a new system where players can only bringequipped skills to battle.

This plugin creates a new gameplay mechanic where players have to choose
which skills to bring into battle. They can select what skills to bring from
the skill menu. In addition to being able to do that, equipped skills can
also add bonuses such as stats and/or passive states.

Note: During Battle Test, equip skill slots will be disabled for the sake of
better battle testing control.


The following notetags adjust various aspects about equippable battle skills.

Actor Notetag:
<Starting Skill Slots: x>
This sets the actor's starting skill slots to x amount. This value will
not allow the actor to bypass the Maximum Skills limit.

Skill Notetags:
<Equip stat: +x>
<Equip stat: -x>
Replace 'stat' with 'HP', 'MP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI', or
'LUK' to have that stat increase or decrease by x amount while the skill
is equipped for battle.

<Equip State: x>
<Equip State: x, x, x>
<Equip State: x through x>
This causes the actor to be affected by state x while the skill is
equipped for battle.

This skill cannot be equipped no matter what.

<All Access Equippable>
This makes the skill equippable whether the actor has the available skill
type needed for the skill or not.

<Access Only Equippable>
This makes the skill equippable only for actors with the specific skill
type. Actors without access to the skill type cannot equip it.

Class, Skill, Weapon, Armor, and State Notetags:
<Equip Skill Slots: +x>
<Equip Skill Slots: -x>
This increases or decreases the amount of skills the actor can equip for
battle by x. This value will not allow the actor to bypass the Maximum
Skills Limit.

Plugin Commands

You can use the following plugin commands to increase or decrease the amount
of battle slots for specific actors.

Plugin Command:

IncreaseActorBattleSlots 3 by 4
- This will increase actor 3's number of battle skill slots by 4. The
total amount of battle skill slots cannot go beyond the 'Maximum Skills'
plugin parameter.

DecreaseActorBattleSlots 5 by 2
- This will decrease actor 5's number of battle skill slots by 2. The
total amount of battle skill slots cannot go beneath 1.

Lunatic Mode - New JavaScript Functions

For those with JavaScript experience, you can use the following newly added
functions from this plugin within script calls or Lunatic Mode notetags.

JavaScript Function:

- This clears any bonus skill equip slots available for the actor.

- This returns the amount of bonus equip slots available for the actor.

- This sets the amount of available bonus equip slots for the actor to x.
This value can go negative, but it cannot force the actor to have less
than 1 available equip slot. This can go positive but it cannot force the
actor to have more than the 'Maximum Skills' plugin parameter value.

- This will raise the maximum amount of equip skill slots for the actor to
x but cannot go beyond the 'Maximum Skills' plugin parameter value.

- This will lower the maximum amount of equip skill slots for the actor to
x but cannot go under a minimum of 1 battle equip slot.

- This returns the amount of battle skills the actor can equip currently.

- This returns an array of the skills in their object form that the actor
has equipped currently.

- This returns an array of the skills in their ID form that the actor has
equipped currently.

actor.equipSkill(id, slot)
- This will cause the actor to equip skill ID into the specific slot.
This will bypass whether or not the actor can equip the skill or not.

Plugin Commands

Here are some plugin commands you can use for your game!

Plugin Command:

- This will enable the 'Equip Skills' command in the skill menu.

- This will disable the 'Equip Skills' command in the skill menu.

- This will show the 'Equip Skills' command in the skill menu.

- This will hide the 'Equip Skills' command in the skill menu.


Version 1.06b:
- Users with Skill Core and using the <Hide in Battle> notetag will now have
those skills hidden while in the battle if equipped.
- Fixed a crash that occurs when no skills are equipped.
- Optimization update for future plugins.

Version 1.05a:
- Compatibility update with Skill Core's <Hide if Learned Skill: x> notetag.
- Updated to remove skills that are already equipped and to become hidden if
learning a new skill through the <Hide if Learned Skill: x> notetag.

Version 1.04:
- Fixed an error stacking state.
- Fixed drawing errors when actors have 0 MaxMP.

Version 1.03:
- Added four new plugin commands to enable, disable, show, and hide the
'Equip Skills' command from the skill menu.

Version 1.02:
- Fixed a bug that caused certain passive states to not appear correctly.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a bug that prevented increasing or decreasing battle skill slots
from working properly.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---General---
param Command Name
desc From the Skill menu, this is the command name to bring the
player to the equip skill menu.
default Equip Skills

param Starting Skill Slots
desc This is the starting number of skills a player can bring
into battle by default.
default 4

param Maximum Skills
desc This is the maximum number of skills that a player can equip.
No bonuses can go past this point.
default 8

param All Equippable?
desc Are all skills equippable? This includes skills outside of
the actor's skill types. NO - false YES - true
default false

param ---Windows---
param Empty Slot
desc This is how the text an empty slot would appear.
default - Empty -

param Empty Color
desc This is the text color used to display the empty text.
default 16

param Empty Icon
desc This is the icon used for empty.
default 16

param Equipped Color
desc This is the color of an already equipped skill.
default 17

not allow the actor to bypass the Maximum Skills limit.
Skills Limit.

紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_EquipBattleSkills.js