システムの柔軟性を高め、クラスごとに固有のスロットを使用できる – YEP_EquipCore.js


Allows for the equipment system to be more flexible toallow for unique equipment slots per class.

This plugin alters various aspects regarding equipment handling. The changes
are as listed:

1. Scene_Equip
Scene_Equip has been modified to look differently. This is primarily done to
make the main menu scenes look uniform and keep everything familiar for
players. Furthermore, the command window has been adjusted to be better fit
for extension plugins in the future that may add commands to the command
window and/or the scene.

2. Equipment Type Handling
Characters will no longer have one universal equipment slot setting. Now,
different classes can use different setups by simply adding a few notetags
to the class notebox. Furthermore, equipment types in the past with matching
names would be treated as separate types. Now, equipment types with matching
names will be treated as the same type.

3. Equipment Rulings
Now, certain equipment types can or cannot be removed. For example, this
plugin can set it so that the Weapon slot must always have something
equipped and that the player cannot manually leave it empty (the game, on
the other hand, can achieve this through events). In addition to that,
optimizing equipment can be restricted for certain equipment types, which
are better off being decided manually (such as accessories).

4. Parameter Control
Equipment parameters can now to be adjusted through notetags to have a large
value or customized value (through code). This allows for equipment to no
longer be static items, but instead, equipment can now be dynamic and may
change over the course of the game.

Note: Item Core Users
For users using the Item Core plugin and the new Item Scene layout option,
the Item Info Window is now added to the Equip Scene. Pressing Left/Right
will toggle the stat comparison window with the info window. Pressing Tab on
the keyboard will also switch them as well as clicking on those windows.


You can use the following notetags to change a class's equipment setup.

Class Notetags:
<Equip Slot: x> Example: <Equip Slot: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5>
<Equip Slot: x, x, x>
Changes this class's equipment slots to x. Using repeating numbers makes
it so that equipment type is duplicated and that the class can equip
multiple equipment of that type. To find the Equipment Type ID, go to your
database's Types tab and look for the ID type.

If you don't like the above method for setting equipment slots, you can
use the following notetags instead:

<Equip Slot> Example: <Equip Slot>
string Weapon
string Armor
string Accessory
string Accessory
</Equip Slot> </Equip Slot>
Replace 'string' with the Equipment type's name entry. This is case
sensitive so if the string does not match a name entry perfectly, the slot
will not be granted to the class. Multiple copies of a name entry would
mean the class can equip multiple equipment of that type. Everything works
the same as the previous notetag.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:
<stat: +x>
<stat: -x>
Allows the piece of weapon or armor to gain or lose x amount of stat.
Replace "stat" with "hp", "mp", "atk", "def", "mat", "mdf", "agi", or
"luk" to alter that specific stat. This allows the piece of equipment
to go past the editor's default limitation so long as the maximum value
allows for it. Changes made here alter the base parameters.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Parameters

<Custom Parameters> Example: <Custom Parameters>
code atk = $gameVariables.value(1);
code mat = atk / 2;
code all = $gameParty.members().length;
code </Custom Parameters>
</Code Parameters>
Allows for parameters to have custom rates adjusted by code. The following
parameters are defined: 'maxhp', 'maxmp', 'atk', 'def', 'mat', 'mdf',
'agi', 'luk', and 'all'. The 'all' parameter will affect all parameters.
Changes made here do not alter the base parameters, but instead, are added
onto the base parameters.


Version 1.18:
- Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script
call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1.

Version 1.17:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.16:
- Lunatic Mode fail safes added.

Version 1.15:
- Optimization update.

Version 1.14:
- Added an actor refresh upon listing the various equip slots to ensure that
all slots are updated in case any cache'd instances may have been missed.

Version 1.13:
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash for those who weren't using the Item Core
in addition to this plugin.

Version 1.12:
- Added optional functionality. Leaving 'Finish Command' empty will remove
it from being added to the command list.

Version 1.11:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.10:
- Fixed a bug that did not clear changes made to an actor's stats after
having unequipped them and then switching actors.

Version 1.09:
- For users using the Item Core plugin and the new Item Scene layout option,
the Item Info Window is now added to the Equip Scene. Pressing Left/Right
will toggle the stat comparison window with the info window. Pressing Tab on
the keyboard will also switch them as well as clicking on those windows.

Version 1.08:
- Fixed a bug where changing an actor's equips would revive them if dead.

Version 1.07:
- Fixed a bug with 'Optimize' and 'Remove All' not refreshing windows.

Version 1.06:
- Fixed a bug with 'Change Equipment' event where it would only change the
slot of the marked equipment rather than the slot type.

Version 1.05:
- Fixed an issue where unequipping items can kill actors.

Version 1.04a:
- Fixed a bug and rewrote the initializing equipment process.

Version 1.03:
- Fixed an bug that resulted in null object errors.

Version 1.02:
- Fixed an issue that did not keep HP and MP rates the same when using the
optimize and clear commands.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a bug that did not update the stats properly when compared.

Version 1.00:
- Finished plugin!
param ---General---
param Text Align
parent ---General---
type combo
option left
option center
option right
desc How to align the text for the command window.
left center right
default center

param Finish Command
parent ---General---
desc The command text used for exiting the equip scene.
Leave empty to not include this command.
default Finish

param Remove Text
parent ---General---
desc The text used to display the "Remove" command in the equip
item list.
default Remove

param Remove Icon
parent ---General---
type number
min 0
desc The icon used to display next to the "Remove" command in
the equip item list.
default 16

param Empty Text
parent ---General---
desc The text used to display an "Empty" piece of equipment.
default <Empty>

param Empty Icon
parent ---General---
type number
min 0
desc The icon used to display next to the "Empty" piece of
equipment in the equipment list.
default 16

param ---Rules---
param Non-Removable Types
parent ---Rules---
type number
min 1
max 100
desc These types must always have an item equipped and cannot
be empty. Separate the type ID's by a space.
default 1

param Non-Optimized Types
parent ---Rules---
type number
min 1
max 100
desc These types will be ignored when the actor optimizes
equips. Separate the type ID's by a space.
default 5


紹介ページ https://tkool.jp/mv/special/plugin.html