名前入力処理イベントをキーボードのキーで機能させて、文字と数字を入力することを許可するプラグイン – YEP_KeyNameEntry.js

Allows the Name Input Processing event to functionwith the keyboard keys to enter in letters and numbers.

Pressing characters one by one for Name Input can be slow and tedious. This
plugin allows you to use the keyboard to perform name entry on the Name Input
Processing Event. There, players will have full range of their keyboard to
enter in character names. If they prefer the manual input, they can click
the mouse or press arrow keys on the keyboard to immediately switch the name
entry to manual letter entry as well.


Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!

End of Helpfile

param KeyboardMsg
text Keyboard Message
type note
desc The message displayed when allowing keyboard entry.
You may use text codes here.
default "Type in this character's name.\nPress \\c[6]ENTER\\c[0] when you're done.\n\n-or-\n\nPress the \\c[6]arrow keys\\c[0] to switch\nto manual character entry.\nPress \\c[6]ESC\\c[0] to use to keyboard."

param QWERTY Layout
type boolean
on YES
off NO
desc Set the visible on-screen keyboard to the QWERTY layout?
default true


紹介ページ http://yanfly.moe/