マップ上で所持金ウィンドウを表示するプラグイン – YEP_MapGoldWindow.js

Allows you to display the gold window on your map.

Ever wanted to display the gold window and leave it on the map screen for a
bit? This plugin will allow you to do that with just a few plugin commands.

Plugin Commands

Use the following plugin commands to control the gold window.

Plugin Command:

Opens the map gold window.

Closes the map gold window.

MapGoldWindowPosition x
Changes the screen position of the map gold window to x. Refer to the
NumPad for the screen position like below:

7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3

If you set the value to 0, it will maintain its current position but will
automatically move itself to a different location if it intrudes on the
message window.


Version 1.01:
- Fixed a bug where a finished message in battle would open up the gold
window if it is set to automatically open.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param Automatic Open
desc Automatically open the map window by default?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Default Position
desc The default position of the gold window.
Refer to the numbers on the NumPad for screen position.
default 9

param Opacity
desc The opacity value used for the gold window.
Default: 255
default 255


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_MapGoldWindow.js