メッセージウィンドウに機能を追加し、メッセージの表示方法と機能をカスタマイズ – YEP_MessageCore.js
- タイトル
- Adds more features to the Message Window to customizedthe way your messages appear and functions.
- 作者名
- Yanfly Engine Plugins様
- ヘルプ
- ============================================================================
While RPG Maker MV Ace certainly improved the message system a whole lot, it
wouldn't hurt to add in a few more features, such as name windows,
converting textcodes to write out the icons and/or names of items, weapons,
armours, andmore in quicker fashion. This script also gives the developer
the ability to adjust the size of the message window during the game, give
it a separate font, and to give the player a text fast-forward feature.
Word Wrapping
Word wrapping is now possible through the message system. You can enable and
disable Word wrap using Plugin Commands. While using word wrap, if the word
is to extend past the message window's area, it will automatically go to the
following line. That said, word wrap will disable the editor's line breaks
and will require you to use the ones provided by the plugin:
or <line break> is text code to apply a line break. Use this before or
after a part in which you wish to start a new line.
Keep in mind word wrapping is mostly for message windows. However, in other
places that you'd like to see word wrapping, such as item descriptions,
insert <WordWrap> at the beginning of the text to enable it.
Text Codes
By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
them with the following:
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Text Code Function
\V[n] Replaced by the value of the nth variable.
\N[n] Replaced by the name of the nth actor.
\P[n] Replaced by the name of the nth party member.
\G Replaced by the currency unit.
\C[n] Draw the subsequent text in the nth color.
\I[n] Draw the nth icon.
\{ Increases the text size by one step.
\} Decreases the text size by one step.
\\ Replaced with the backslash character.
\$ Opens the gold window.
\. Waits 1/4th seconds.
\| Waits 1 second.
\! Waits for button input.
\> Display remaining text on same line all at once.
\< Cancel the effect that displays text all at once.
\^ Do not wait for input after displaying text.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Wait: Effect:
\w[x] - Waits x frames (60 frames = 1 second). Message window only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
NameWindow: Effect:
\n<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Left side.Note
\nc<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Centered.Note
\nr<x> - Creates a name box with x string. Right side.Note
Note: Works for message window only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Line Break Effect:
- If using word wrap mode, this will cause a line break.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Position: Effect:
\px[x] - Sets x position of text to x.
\py[x] - Sets y position of text to y.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Outline: Effect:
\oc[x] - Sets outline colour to x.
\ow[x] - Sets outline width to x.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Font: Effect:
\fr - Resets all font changes.
\fs[x] - Changes font size to x.
\fn<x> - Changes font name to x.
\fb - Toggles font boldness.
\fi - Toggles font italic.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Actor: Effect:
\af[x] - Shows face of actor x.Note
\ac[x] - Writes out actor's class name.
\an[x] - Writes out actor's nickname.
Note: Works for message window only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Party: Effect:
\pf[x] - Shows face of party member x.Note
\pc[x] - Writes out party member x's class name.
\pn[x] - Writes out party member x's nickname.
Note: Works for message window only.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Names: Effect:
\nc[x] - Writes out class x's name.
\ni[x] - Writes out item x's name.
\nw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name.
\na[x] - Writes out armour x's name.
\ns[x] - Writes out skill x's name.
\nt[x] - Writes out state x's name.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Icon Names: Effect:
\ii[x] - Writes out item x's name including icon.
\iw[x] - Writes out weapon x's name including icon.
\ia[x] - Writes out armour x's name including icon.
\is[x] - Writes out skill x's name including icon.
\it[x] - Writes out state x's name including icon.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
And those are the text codes added with this script. Keep in mind that some
of these text codes only work for the Message Window. Otherwise, they'll
work for help descriptions, actor biographies, and others.
Plugin Commands
The following are some plugin commands you can use through the Event Editor
to change various aspects about the Message system.
Plugin Comand
MessageRows 6
- Changes the Message Rows displayed to 6. If you are using continuous
Show Text events, this will continue displaying the following lines's
texts until it hits the row limit. Anything after that is cut off until
the next message starts to avoid accidental overlap.
MessageWidth 400
- Changes the Message Window Width to 400 pixels. This will cut off any
words that are shown too far to the right so adjust accordingly!
- Enables wordwrapping. If a word extends past the window size, it will
automatically move onto the next line. Keep in mind, you will need to use
\br to perform line breaks.
- This disables wordwrapping. Line breaks will be automatic at points
where a new line is started in the editor.
- Enables Fast Forward key from working with messages.
- Disables Fast Forward key from working with messages.
Version 1.19:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.
Version 1.18:
- Added new plugin parameters: 'Font Name CH' and 'Font Name KR'.
Version 1.17:
- Compatibility update with Message Macros for 'Name Box Auto Close' option.
Version 1.16:
- Added 'Tight Wrap' plugin parameter as a word wrap option to make the
word wrap tighter when using faces.
Version 1.15:
- Added a failsafe where if the name box window would be off the screen, it
will automatically reposition itself to under the main message window.
Version 1.14:
- Added 'Name Box Close' plugin parameter. If this is enabled, the message
window will check for the Name Window speaker each time a follow up message
occurs. If the name in the currently Name Window matches the name in the
following Name Window, the message window will remain open. If it doesn't,
the Name Window will close and reopen to indicate a new speaker.
Version 1.13:
- Added 'Maintain Font' plugin parameter under the Font category. This will
allow you to use text codes \fn<x> and \fs[x] to permanently change the font
of your messages until you use it again. \fr will reset them to the plugin's
default parameter settings.
Version 1.12:
- 'Word Wrap Space' parameter no longer leaves a space at the beginning of
each message.
Version 1.11:
- Added 'Font Outline' parameter for the plugin parameters. This adjusts the
font outline width used by default for only message fonts.
Version 1.10:
- Updated the Message Row system for Extended Message Pack 1's Autosizing
feature to work with extended heights.
Version 1.09:
- Replaced 'Fast Forward' parameter with the 'Fast Forward Key' parameter
and 'Enable Fast Forward' parameter. Two new Plugin Commands are added. They
are 'EnableFastForward' and 'DisableFastForward' for control over when fast
forwarding is allowed as to not cause timed cutscenes to desynch.
Version 1.08:
- Fixed a bug regarding Input Number positioning when the Message Window's
position was middle.
Version 1.07:
- Added 'Word Wrap Space' for word wrap users. This parameter will leave a
space behind for those who want a space left behind.
Version 1.06:
- Fixed a bug that would cause masking problems with mobile devices.
Version 1.05:
- Fixed a bug that would cause the namebox window to appear distorted.
Version 1.04:
- Fixed a bug that captured too many text codes with the namebox window.
- Timed Name Window's closing speed with main window's closing speed.
Verison 1.03:
- Fixed a bug with textcodes that messed up wordwrapping.
- Fixed a bug with font reset, italic, and bold textcodes.
Version 1.02:
- Namebox Window's overlap feature that's in every MV window is now disabled
to allow for overlapping with main message window.
- Updated window positioning for Branch Choices, Number Input, and Item
Selection windows.
Version 1.01:
- Added 'Description Wrap' into the parameters to allow for all item
descriptions to be automatically processed with word wrapping.
Version 1.00:
- Finished plugin! - パラメータ
param ---General--- default param Default Rows parent ---General--- type number min 0 desc This is default amount of rows the message box will have.
Default: 4default 4 param Default Width parent ---General--- desc This is default width for the message box in pixels.
Default: Graphics.boxWidthdefault Graphics.boxWidth param Face Indent parent ---General--- desc If using a face graphic, this is how much text indents by.
Default: Window_Base._faceWidth + 24default Window_Base._faceWidth + 24 param Fast Forward Key parent ---General--- desc This is the key used for fast forwarding. default pagedown param Enable Fast Forward parent ---General--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Enable fast forward button for your messages by default?
NO - false YES - truedefault true param Word Wrapping parent ---General--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Use this to enable or disable word wrapping by default.
OFF - false ON - truedefault false param Description Wrap parent ---General--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Enable or disable word wrapping for descriptions.
OFF - false ON - truedefault false param Word Wrap Space parent ---General--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Insert a space with manual line breaks?
NO - false YES - truedefault false param Tight Wrap parent ---General--- type boolean on YES off NO desc If true and using a face for the message, the message will
wrap tighter. NO - false YES - truedefault false param ---Font--- default param Font Name parent ---Font--- desc This is the default font used for the Message Window.
Default: GameFontdefault GameFont param Font Name CH parent ---Font--- desc This is the default font used for the Message Window for Chinese.
Default: SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serifdefault SimHei, Heiti TC, sans-serif param Font Name KR parent ---Font--- desc This is the default font used for the Message Window for Korean.
Default: Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serifdefault Dotum, AppleGothic, sans-serif param Font Size parent ---Font--- type number min 1 desc This is the default font size used for the Message Window.
Default: 28default 28 param Font Size Change parent ---Font--- type number min 1 desc Whenever \{ and \} are used, they adjust by this value.
Default: 12default 12 param Font Changed Max parent ---Font--- type number min 1 desc This is the maximum size achieved by \{.
Default: 96default 96 param Font Changed Min parent ---Font--- type number min 1 desc This is the minimum size achieved by \{.
Default: 12default 12 param Font Outline parent ---Font--- type number min 0 desc This is the default font outline width for messages.
Default: 4default 4 param Maintain Font parent ---Font--- type boolean on YES off NO desc When changing the font name or size, maintain for following
messages. NO - false YES - truedefault false param ---Name Box--- default param Name Box Buffer X parent ---Name Box--- type number desc This is the buffer for the x location of the Name Box. default -28 param Name Box Buffer Y parent ---Name Box--- type number desc This is the buffer for the y location of the Name Box. default 0 param Name Box Padding parent ---Name Box--- desc This is the value for the padding of the Name Box. default this.standardPadding()4 param Name Box Color parent ---Name Box--- type number min 0 max 31 desc This is the text color used for the Name Box. default 0 param Name Box Clear parent ---Name Box--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Do you wish for the Name Box window to be clear?
NO - false YES - truedefault false param Name Box Added Text parent ---Name Box--- desc This text is always added whenever the name box is used.
This can be used to automatically set up colors.default \c[6] param Name Box Auto Close parent ---Name Box--- type boolean on YES off NO desc Close the message window each time the namebox displays a
different name? YES - true NO - falsedefault false - ライセンス表記