オーバーキル時の追加報酬(経験値、所持金、アイテム)プラグイン – YEP_OverkillBonus.js

Extra rewards (EXP, Gold, Items) for overkillingenemies in battle.

Overkill occurs when an actor defeats an enemy with excessive damage. All
enemies have an Overkill damage requirement and if a battler lands a killing
blow dealing damage equal to or greater than this number, an animation is
played on the enemy before the enemy collapses. When an enemy is overkilled,
that enemy will reward the player with more EXP, more gold, a higher drop
rate, and if YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops is installed, more possibilities for extra
items under the condition of being Overkilled.

This is a collaboration plugin by Tigress and Yanfly to ensure compatibility
with the Yanfly Engine Plugins library.

If you are using YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops, place this plugin underneath that
plugin in the plugin manager list to get access to the Overkill condition
that is provided within this plugin.


Insert the following notetags into the enemy noteboxes you wish to alter the
overkill requirements for.

Enemy Notetags

<Overkill Requirement: x>
- Changes the enemy's overkill requirement to X. This is how much damage
needs to be dealt minimum on the killing blow. You can use JS code here if
you can fit it all on one line. Otherwise, use the notetag setup below in
the Lunatic Mode section.

<Overkill Animation: x>
- This is the animation played when the enemy is overkilled. Replace x
with an animation ID from the database.

<Overkill EXP Rate: x%>
<Overkill EXP Flat: x>
- This is the bonus EXP gained when the enemy is overkilled. Replace x
with a number value. This EXP gained from overkilling will be added on top
of the already gained EXP.

<Overkill Gold Rate: x%>
<Overkill Gold Flat: x>
- This is the bonus gold gained when the enemy is overkilled. Replace x
with a number value. This gold gained from overkilling will be added on
top of the already gained gold.

<Overkill Drop Rate: x%>
- This is the bonus drop rate gained when the enemy is overkilled. Replace
x with the percent rate increase.

Extra Enemy Drops Compatibility - Conditional Drop - Overkill

To be used together with the YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops plugin. Place this plugin
underneath YEP_ExtraEnemyDrops in the plugin manager list for compatibility.
Then, you can use the following condition:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This condition will pass only if the enemy is overkilled. If the overkill
requirement isn't met, there will be no additional changes to the drop rate.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Example: Is Overkilled: +100%

One thing you can do to make Overkill only items is using something like the
following setup:

<Conditional Potion Drop>
is overkilled: +100%
</Conditional Potion Drop>

This notetag setup will make the 'Potion' item only drop if the enemy has
been overkilled. Otherwise, nothing will come out of it.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Overkill Settings

This section is for those who wish to dabble with JavaScript a bit more to
make certain overkill aspects more customized.

Enemy Notetags


<Overkill Requirement Formula>
requirement = x;
<Overkill Requirement Formula>

- Changes the enemy's overkill requirement to X. This is how much damage
needs to be dealt minimum on the killing blow. You can use JS code here if
you know how to code. The 'requirement' variable is the value that will be
used to check if overkill is achieved.


<Custom Overkill Effect>
Insert any code you want here
</Custom Overkill Effect>

- This code will run when the enemy is overkilled and collapses. The
'enemy' variable used here will refer to the enemy itself. The JS code you
can use here can be anything you want, including turning on switches,
setting variables, anything that comes to mind.



Version 1.02:
- Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script
call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1.

Version 1.01:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param Overkill Formula
desc The default formula used for each enemy and how much DMG needs
to be dealt in a single hit on the killing blow.
default 0.5enemy.mhp

param Overkill Animation
type animation
desc This animation will play on the enemy if the enemy is overkilled.
Leave this at 0 if you do not want to play any animations.
default 13

param EXP Bonus Rate
type number
decimals 2
min 0
desc This is the bonus EXP modified when an enemy is ovekilled.
This is a rate. 0 is 0%. 1.00 is 100%. 0.50 is 50%.
default 2.00

param EXP Bonus Flat
type number
min 0
desc This is the bonus EXP given out when an enemy is ovekilled.
This is a flat amount.
default 0

param Gold Bonus Rate
type number
decimals 2
min 0
desc This is the bonus Gold modified when an enemy is ovekilled.
This is a rate. 0 is 0%. 1.00 is 100%. 0.50 is 50%.
default 2.00

param Gold Bonus Flat
type number
min 0
desc This is the bonus Gold given out when an enemy is ovekilled.
This is a flat amount.
default 0

param Drop Bonus Rate
type number
decimals 2
min 0
desc This is the bonus drop modified when an enemy is ovekilled.
This is a rate. 0 is 0%. 1.00 is 100%. 0.50 is 50%.
default 2.00


紹介ページ http://yanfly.moe/