プレイヤーがパーティーフォーメーションを簡単に変更できるように、デフォルトの「Formation」コマンドを新しいメニューに置き換えます。 – YEP_PartySystem.js

Replaces the default 'Formation' command with a newmenu for players to easily change party formations.

This plugin replaces the "Formation" command found in the in-game menu with
a new scene where the player can adjust the party he or she wants in a more
comfortable way.

If you are using YEP_BattleEngineCore.js and would like to enable party
switching mid-battle, place this plugin under YEP_BattleEngineCore.js in
the plugin's list.

This plugin is plug and play. All you have to do is just turn it on and
change the parameters to your liking.

Plugin Commands

Here are some plugin commands you can use!

Plugin Command:
OpenPartyMenu Opens up the Party Menu from the field.

Actors can also be required, meaning the player must have that actor(s) in
the party before the player is able to leave the party menu. Required actors
can be moved around, unlike locked actors. Keep in mind if you do make some
actors required, do not make the game require more actors than the possible
maximum battle members or else the player will be stuck in the party menu.

Plugin Command:
ShowBattleFormation - Shows 'Formation' command in battle.
HideBattleFormation - Hides 'Formation' command in battle.
EnableBattleFormation - Enables 'Formation' command in battle.
DisableBattleFormation - Disables 'Formation' command in battle.

LockActor 3 - Locks actor 3.
LockActor 4 5 6 - Locks actors 4, 5, and 6.
UnlockActor 3 - Unlocks actor 3.
UnlockActor 4 5 6 - Unlocks actors 4, 5, and 6.
Locked Actors cannot be moved out of their current
position and must be in the party.

RequireActor 3 - Player must have actor 3 in party.
RequireActor 4 5 6 - Player must have actors 4, 5, and 6 in party.
UnrequireActor 3 - Player no longer needs actor 3 in party.
UnrequireActor 4 5 6 - Player no longer needs actors 4, 5, and 6 in party.
Required Actors must be in the party in order for
the player to be able to exit the party menu.

ChangePartyMax 5 - Changes max party size to 5.


Version 1.09:
- Fixed a bug that caused party members to not index themselves properly in
battle. When in battle, actor index will now refer to the index of their
battle member positions.

Version 1.08:
- Added 'EXP Distribution' parameter into the plugin parameters. Enabling
this will cause the EXP distributed to party members to be divided based on
the number of alive members at the end of battle.

Version 1.07:
- Fixed a bug that caused music to not replay properly when accessing the
Party change menu from battle.

Version 1.06:
- Fixed a bug with certain actors not drawing properly.

Version 1.05:
- Added 'Maximum Followers' parameter. This number should be the maximum
number you have in your game if you ever increase the maximum party size
midway through your game.

Version 1.04:
- Fixed a visual bug with mid-battle formation changing against backgrounds
without battlebacks.
- Formation changes during mid-battle will resume bgm/bgs currently played.

Version 1.03:
- Fixed a bug that would cause AutoBattlers to stall if they got added into
the party mid-battle.

Version 1.02:
- Made a change so that the number of followers updates properly when you
increase the maximum number of battle members.

Version 1.01:
- Added 'Battle Cooldown' plugin parameter.
- Added 'ChangePartyMax x' plugin command.
- Added feature where if you leave the class comand name empty, it will
remove the command.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---General---
param Max Battle Members
desc Maximum amount of actors that can participate in battle.
Default: 4
default 4

param Show Battle Command
desc Show the 'Formation' command in the Party Command Window?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Enable Battle Command
desc Enable the 'Formation' command in the Party Command Window?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Battle Cooldown
desc How many turns must the player wait after changing party?
default 1

param Maximum Followers
desc Maximum number of followers on the map.
Default: 4
default 4

param EXP Distribution
desc Divide battle EXP gained across live members?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param ---Menu---
param Help Window
desc Show the Help Window in the party menu?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param Text Alignment
desc The text alignment for the command window.
left center right
default center

param Change Command
desc How the 'Change' command appears in the command menu.
Leave this blank to remove it.
default Change

param Remove Command
desc How the 'Remove' command appears in the command menu.
Leave this blank to remove it.
default Remove

param Revert Command
desc How the 'Revert' command appears in the command menu.
Leave this blank to remove it.
default Revert

param Finish Command
desc How the 'Finish' command appears in the command menu.
Leave this blank to remove it.
default Finish

param ---Selection---
param Empty Text
desc What text to display in an empty party slot.
default - Empty -

param Actor Face
desc Show the actor's face?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Actor Sprite
desc Show the actor's sprite?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param ---List---
param Remove Text
desc The text used to display the "Remove" command in the party
member list.
default Remove

param Remove Icon
desc The icon used to display next to the "Remove" command in the
party member list.
default 16

param Sprite Y Buffer
desc This is the amount to adjust the actor graphic by.
default 16

param In Party Text Color
desc This is the text color to be used if the actor is currently
in the party.
default 6

param ---Locking---
param Lock First Actor
desc Allows you to lock the first actor in the game by default.
OFF - false ON - true
default false

param Locked Icon
desc This sets what icon to be used when an actor is locked.
default 195

param Required Icon
desc This sets what icon to be used when an actor is required.
default 205

param ---Detail Window---
param Enable Detail Window
desc Make use of the detailed party window next to the list.
NO - false YES - true
default true

param List Width
desc If detail window is enabled, what is the width of the
party list window?
default 300

param Actor Parameters
desc If there is enough room, this is the text shown to list
the actor's parameters.
default Parameters

param Actor Equipment
desc If there is enough room, this is the text shown to list
the actor's equipment.
default Equipment


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_PartySystem.js