保存メニューを変更してより美的なレイアウトにし、ファイルシステムのルールを制御するプラグイン – YEP_SaveCore.js

Alter the save menu for a more aesthetic layoutand take control over the file system's rules.

This plugin provides a new save interface for the player. Along with a new
interface, the player can also load and delete saves straight from the menu
itself. This will in turn make the save command from the Main Menu always
available, but the save option within the new save menu will be enabled
depending on whether or not it is allowed or disallowed. From the interface,
the player is given more information regarding the save file including the
the location the player saved at, the amount of gold available, and any
variables that you want to show the player as well.

Instructions - Data Columns

For those who wish to show additional data in the save menu for each save
file, you can add various data categories within the 'Data Columns' inside
the plugin parameters. Separate each category with a comma (,). You can use
the following entries for data categories:

Data Column Categories:

- Leaves an empty box in the category location. This won't even show the
dark rectangle in the category slot.

- Won't draw any text, but it will draw the dark rectangle in the
category slot.

- Draws the current map location of the save file.

- Draws the playtime spent for the save file.

Save Count
- Draws the number of times saved in that playthrough.

Gold Count
- Draws the current gold count of the safe file.

Variable x
- Draws the name of the variable and value of the variable. You can use
text codes in the variable name. Any text between << and >> will be not
be shown when drawn. If the variable name is empty, the value will be

text: stuff
left text: stuff
center text: stuff
right text: stuff
- This will draw 'stuff' (Replace it with your own text) as text by itself
with no data attached. Use 'left', 'center', or 'right' to decide the text
alignment. If no alignment is used, it will default to 'left' alignment.
You can use text codes within the drawn text.

Technical - Save Modes

For developers who are planning to publish their RPG Maker MV games on the
web, you may want to look into the 'Technical' parameters. Here, you can
force the game into thinking the game is running on 'local' or 'web' mode.
By default, you'll want it on 'auto' but the forced modes are for testing
purposes. Despite being for testing purposes, if you wish for your game to
adjust saves as per 'web' mode, you can keep it that way even if your game
is to be local-only. Games on the web, however, cannot use 'local' mode and
will automatically default to 'web' mode.

Technical - Save Files

The 'Local Config', 'Local Global', and 'Local Save' can have their filename
format changed to your liking. Personally, I don't recommend messing with
this unless you know what you're doing.


However, if you are making a web-based (mobile included), I strongly suggest
you look into the 'Web Config', 'Web Global', and 'Web Save' parameters. By
default, RPG Maker MV defaults all of the saves to RPG FileX. All web-based
RPG Maker MV games would then use the same configuration, same global save
file, and all RPG Maker MV games played by an individual would share the
same save slots. This can be very problematic.

This plugin's default settings will solve this sharing issue by making the
web save named accordingly to your game's name provided that you keep the
current plugin settings as is or adjust it accordingly. Now, your game will
have its own individual identity, use its own configuration, global, and
save files without clashing with any other RPG Maker MV games players may
have played.


Version 1.02:
- Fixed a bug that caused the actor's default name to appear in the save
screen instead of the actor's current name (if it was changed.)

Version 1.01:
- Added a wait time update for save info data to load when moving across the
various save files.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---General---
param Max Files
desc The maximum number of files for your game.
Default: 20
default 24

param Saved Icon
desc Icon ID used for a file slot with a save.
default 231

param Empty Icon
desc Icon ID used for an empty file slot.
default 230

param Return After Saving
desc Return to the previous scene after saving?
NO - false YES - true Default: true
default false

param Auto New Index
desc For new games, automatically decide the save slot?
NO - false YES - true Default: true
default true

param ---Action Window---
param Load Command
desc Text for the load command in the action window.
default Load

param Save Command
desc Text for the save command in the action window.
default Save

param Delete Command
desc Text for the delete command in the action window.
default Delete

param ---Help Window---
param Select Help
desc Help text displayed when selecting a slot.
default Please select a file slot.

param Load Help
desc Help text displayed when selecting load option.
default Loads the data from the saved game.

param Save Help
desc Help text displayed when selecting save option.
default Saves the current progress in your game.

param Delete Help
desc Help text displayed when selecting delete option.
default Deletes all data from this save file.

param ---Delete---
param Delete Filename
desc Used for the delete sound from the /audio/se/ folder.
Do NOT include the file extension.
default Damage2

param Delete Volume
desc Volume used for the delete sound.
default 100

param Delete Pitch
desc Pitch used for the delete sound.
default 150

param Delete Pan
desc Pan used for the delete sound.
default 0

param ---Info Window---
param Show Game Title
desc Display the game title in the save file?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Invalid Game Text
desc Text used when the save is for a different game.
default This save is for a different game.

param Empty Game Text
desc Text used when the save is empty.
default Empty

param Party Display
desc The display type used for the party.
0 - None; 1 - Characters; 2 - Faces; 3 - SV Actors
default 2

param Party Y Position
desc This is the base Y position for the party display.
Formulas can be used.
default this.lineHeight() + Window_Base._faceHeight

param Show Actor Names
desc Display the names of the actors?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Name Font Size
desc Font size used for names if names are displayed.
Default: 28
default 20

param Show Actor Level
desc Display the levels of the actors?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Level Font Size
desc Font size used for levels if levels are displayed.
Default: 28
default 20

param Level Format
desc The text format used to display levels.
%1 - Lv (Abbr) %2 - Lv (Full) %3 - Value
default \c[16]%1 \c[0]%3

param Data Font Size
desc Font size used for displaying data.
Default: 28
default 20

param Data Column 1
desc The data to be displayed in data column 1. Refer to help
file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
default empty, playtime, save count, gold count

param Data Column 2
desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
default location, variable 1, variable 2, variable 3

param Data Column 3
desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
default empty, variable 4, variable 5, variable 6

param Data Column 4
desc The data to be displayed in data column 2. Refer to help
file for data entries. Separate each entry with commas.
param ---Vocabulary---
param Map Location
desc Text used to categorize 'Map Location'.
Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
param Playtime
desc Text used to categorize 'Playtime'.
Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
default Playtime:

param Save Count
desc Text used to categorize 'Save Count'.
Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
default Total Saves:

param Gold Count
desc Text used to categorize 'Gold Count'.
Leave empty to not use this category and center the data.
default %1:

param ---Technical---
param Save Mode
desc How the save system should work for your game:
local web auto
default auto

param Local Config
desc Filename for config when working with local saves.
Default: config.rpgsave
default config.rpgsave

param Local Global
desc Filename for global when working with local saves.
Default: global.rpgsave
default global.rpgsave

param Local Save
desc Filename for game saves when working with local saves.
%1 - File Slot. Default: config.rpgsave
default file%1.rpgsave

param Web Config
desc Filename for config when working with web saves.
%1 - Game Name. Default: RPG Config
default RPG %1 Config

param Web Global
desc Filename for global when working with web saves.
%1 - Game Name. Default: RPG Global
default RPG %1 Global

param Web Save
desc Filename for game saves when working with web saves.
%1 - Game Name. %2 - File Slot. Default: RPG File%1
default RPG %1 File%2

param ---Confirmation---
param Load Confirmation
desc Show the load confirmation window when loading a
save file? NO - false YES - true
default true

param Load Text
desc Text displayed when loading a save file.
default Do you wish to load this save file?

param Save Confirmation
desc Show the save confirmation window when overwriting a
save file? NO - false YES - true
default true

param Save Text
desc Text displayed when overwriting a save file.
default Do you wish to overwrite this save file?

param Delete Confirmation
desc Show the save confirmation window when deleting a
save file? NO - false YES - true
default true

param Delete Text
desc Text displayed when deleting a save file.
default Do you wish to delete this save file?

param Confirm Yes
desc Text used for the 'Yes' confirm command
default Yes

param Confirm No
desc Text used for the 'No' confirm command
default No


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_SaveCore.js