滑りやすいタイルを作成するには、それらに地形タグまたは地域番号を付けます。 – YEP_SlipperyTiles.js

You can create slippery tiles by marking them witheither a terrain tag or a region number.

This plugin enables you to set which tiles are slippery tiles through either
regions or notetags. To use regions, change the parameter setting to which
region ID you would like to associate with a slippery tile.


You can use these notetags to add slippery tiles to your tilesets.

Tileset Notetag:
<Slippery Tile: x>
<Slippery Tile: x, x, x>
Tiles with terrain ID x will be designated as slippery tiles.


Version 1.04:
- Added 'Slippery Speed' plugin parameter to let you change the speed of
a character when its on a slippery tile.

Version 1.03:
- Added anti-crash for switch checks from battle tests.

Version 1.02:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.01:
- Added failsafe for people who aren't using tilesets

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param Slippery Frame
desc This is the frame used while characters are sliding.
default 2

param Slippery Region
desc Any tile marked with this region is a slippery tile
regardless of terrain tag. Use 0 to ignore.
default 0

param Slippery Speed
desc Change the speed of the player while on a slippery tile to
this speed instead. Leave at 0 to keep current speed.
default 0


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_SlipperyTiles.js