自分のキャラクターのステータスメニューを、より多くのキャラクター情報を表示するハブに変更するプラグイン – YEP_StatusMenuCore.js

a Changes the Status menu for your characters intoa hub that displays more character information.

This plugin replaces the Status menu with a whole new layout. Including the
function to display more information regarding the actor. You can change the
order commands appear in game with the Command Order parameter.

To add more commands, insert extension plugins under this plugin in the
Plugin Manager. Then, it will appear automatically in the Command Order
where you placed the 'Custom' string or elsewhere if you've placed the
extension plugin's keyword elsewhere.


You can add and remove commands from the Command Window by changing the
'Command Order' parameter. Here is a list of commands you may use:

- Displays the current current stats and EXP for the actor.

- Displays a parameter gauge of the actor relative to other stats.

- Displays the listed elements and their elemental rates.

- Displays the listed states and their status infliction rates.

- Displays the listed attributes and their rates.

- If you have any custom status window items to display, they will
appear here.

- Adds a cancel command for leaving the Status Menu.

Adding Icons to Elements and Attributes

You can use icons for elements and attributes by using text codes.

In the RPG Maker MV editor's database, types tab, for the elements, name
them as such:


This will enable you to give the element an icon. You can also change the
text color and such using any of the available text codes.

The same is applied for Attributes except you modify it within this plugin's
parameters. If you wish to display 'HP Regen Rate' with an icon, name it:

\i[72]HP Regen Rate

The icons will be drawn for the said attributes in addition to any other
text code modifications used.


Version 1.01a:
- Converted Window_StatusInfo to Window_Selectable for those who would like
to use it as such.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---Settings---
param Command Order
desc This is the order in which the command menu will appear. Use
a space to separate the individual commands.
default General Parameters Elements States Attributes Custom Cancel

param Command Window Width
desc This is the window width for the Command Window.
default 240

param Command Window Rows
desc This is the number of rows for the Command Window.
default 4

param Command Alignment
desc This is the text alignment for the Command Window.
left center right
default center

param ---General---
param General Command
desc This is how the command for 'General' will appear.
default General

param Parameters Text
desc This is how the word 'Parameters' will appear.
default Parameters

param Experience Text
desc This is how the word 'Experience' will appear.
default Experience

param Total Format
desc This is the word total experience.
default Total %1 for Next %2

param EXP Gauge Color 1
desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 1 shown in the
status window.
default 30

param EXP Gauge Color 2
desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 2 shown in the
status window.
default 31

param ---Parameters---
param Parameters Command
desc This is how the command for 'Parameters' will appear.
default Parameters

param Graph Text
desc This is how the words for 'Parameter Graph' appear.
default Parameter Graph

param ATK Color
desc This is the gauge color for ATK.
#Color1 #Color2
default #ed1c24 #f26c4f

param DEF Color
desc This is the gauge color for DEF.
#Color1 #Color2
default #f7941d #fdc689

param MAT Color
desc This is the gauge color for MAT.
#Color1 #Color2
default #605ca8 #bd8cbf

param MDF Color
desc This is the gauge color for MDF.
#Color1 #Color2
default #448ccb #a6caf4

param AGI Color
desc This is the gauge color for AGI.
#Color1 #Color2
default #39b54a #82ca9c

param LUK Color
desc This is the gauge color for LUK.
#Color1 #Color2
default #fff568 #fffac3

param ---Resist Colors---
param Above 300%
desc This is the text color for rates over 300%.
default 10

param 200% to 300%
desc This is the text color for rates over 200%.
default 20

param 150% to 200%
desc This is the text color for rates over 150%.
default 14

param 120% to 150%
desc This is the text color for rates over 120%.
default 6

param 100% to 120%
desc This is the text color for rates over 100%.
default 0

param 80% to 100%
desc This is the text color for rates over 80%.
default 24

param 50% to 80%
desc This is the text color for rates over 50%.
default 29

param 1% to 50%
desc This is the text color for rates over 1%.
default 23

param Exactly 0%
desc This is the text color for rates exactly 0%.
default 31

param Below 0%
desc This is the text color for rates below 0%.
default 27

param ---Elements---
param Elements Command
desc This is how the command for 'Elements' will appear.
default Elements

param Elements Decimal
desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
default 2

param Element Column 1
desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 1.
Separate these element ID's with a space.
default 1

param Element Column 2
desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 2.
Separate these element ID's with a space.
default 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

param Element Column 3
desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 3.
Separate these element ID's with a space.
param Element Column 4
desc These are the element ID's drawn in column 4.
Separate these element ID's with a space.
param ---State---
param States Command
desc This is how the command for 'States' will appear.
default States

param States Decimal
desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
default 2

param States Column 1
desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 1.
Separate these state ID's with a space.
default 1 4 5 6

param States Column 2
desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 2.
Separate these state ID's with a space.
default 7 8 9 10

param States Column 3
desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 3.
Separate these state ID's with a space.
param States Column 4
desc These are the state ID's drawn in column 4.
Separate these state ID's with a space.
param ---Attributes---
param Attributes Command
desc This is how the command for 'Attributes' will appear.
default Attributes

param Attribute Font Size
desc The font size used to display attributes.
Default: 28
default 20

param Attribute Decimal
desc How many decimal places to display for rates.
default 0

param Attributes Column 1
desc These are the attributes drawn in column 1.
Separate these attributes with a space.
default exr hit eva cri cev mev mrf cnt

param Attributes Column 2
desc These are the attributes drawn in column 2.
Separate these attributes with a space.
default mcr tcr pdr mdr fdr grd rec pha

param Attributes Column 3
desc These are the attributes drawn in column 3.
Separate these attributes with a space.
default hrg mrg trg tgr

param Attributes Column 4
desc These are the attributes drawn in column 4.
Separate these attributes with a space.
param hit Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Hit Rate

param eva Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Evasion Rate

param cri Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Critical Hit Rate

param cev Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Critical Evasion Rate

param mev Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Magic Evasion Rate

param mrf Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Magic Reflect Rate

param cnt Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Counter Rate

param hrg Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default HP Regen Rate

param mrg Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default MP Regen Rate

param trg Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default TP Regen Rate

param tgr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Aggro Rate

param grd Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Guard Effect

param rec Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Recovery Effect

param pha Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Pharmacology Effect

param mcr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default MP Cost Rate

param tcr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default TP Charge Rate

param pdr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Physical Damage Rate

param mdr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Magical Damage Rate

param fdr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Floor Damage Rate

param exr Name
desc The text name used for this attribute.
default Experience Rate


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_StatusMenuCore.js