対戦が終了した後に、対戦相手が獲得した内容を示すメッセージボックステキストの代わりに、情報ウィンドウを表示 – YEP_VictoryAftermath.js


Display an informative window after a battle is overinstead of message box text stating what the party earned.

This plugin swaps out the victory messages from the default battle system in
favor of more informative windows to display. Adjust the parameters to
change the settings to fit your game.

Victory Aftermath

In the parameters, there's a 'Victory Order' parameter. This parameter lets
you choose the order of the steps in the Victory Aftermath.

The default order is as follows:
exp Displays the EXP window.
custom Displays any custom plugin extensions.
drops Displays the drops window.

If you switch the order of these steps, add steps, or remove steps from the
'Victory Order' plugin, the Victory Aftermath will correspond to any changes
you have made.

Plugin Commands

If you wish to alter the Victory Aftermath sequence a bit, you can use the
following Plugin Commands.

Plugin Commands:
DisableVictoryAftermath - Disables the Victory Aftermath sequence and
bypasses the Victory Aftermath music, too.
EnableVictoryAftermath - Enables the Victory Aftermath sequence if
it has been previously disabled.
DisableVictoryMusic - Disables the Victory Aftermath music to just
continue playing whatever was playing.
EnableVictoryMusic - Enables the Victory Aftermath music if it has
been previously disabled.


Version 1.07:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.06:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.3.2.

Version 1.05a:
- Added 'Font Size' plugin parameter to alter the font size for the battle
results page.
- Fixed a graphical issue where an actor in crisis would display its level
in the crisis color.
- Changed the Victory Aftermath sequence so that the player can hold down a
button to quickly go through all the Victory Sequence menus.

Version 1.04:
- Updated the plugin so it doesn't break visually when party sizes are too
large. That said, if the party size is beyond a certain amount, this plugin
will not support that many faces for it and will fit just the bare minimum.

Version 1.03:
- Added parameter 'Show Skills Learned'.

Version 1.02:
- If the Battle HUD has been hidden for whatever reason during the victory
sequence, it will be returned.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a bug plugin commands that would cause some victory sequences to
loop forever.

Version 1.00:
- Finished plugin!
param ---General---
param Victory Order
parent ---General---
desc This is the order the victory sequence will play out.
Separate each part with a space.
default exp custom drops

param ---BGM---
param Victory BGM
parent ---BGM---
type file
dir audio/bgm/
require 1
desc This will be the BGM used when the battle is over.
default Ship3

param BGM Volume
parent ---BGM---
desc This will be the volume of the BGM played.
default 90

param BGM Pitch
parent ---BGM---
desc This will be the pitch of the BGM played.
default 100

param BGM Pan
parent ---BGM---
desc This will be the pan of the BGM played.
default 0

param ---Battle Results---
param Cheer Wait
parent ---Battle Results---
type number
min 0
desc This will be how many frames the actors will cheer for
before the Victory Aftermath windows appear.
default 90

param Battle Results Text
parent ---Battle Results---
desc This is the text used for the battle results text.
default Battle Results

param Battle Drops Text
parent ---Battle Results---
desc This is the text used for the drops gained in battle.
default Battle Spoils

param ---EXP Window---
param Font Size
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 1
desc This is the font size used for the EXP Window.
Default: 28
default 28

param Level Up Text
parent ---EXP Window---
desc The text to be used when leveling up.
default LEVEL UP!

param Max Level Text
parent ---EXP Window---
desc The text to be used when the actor is Max Level.
default MAX LEVEL

param Show Skills Learned
parent ---EXP Window---
type boolean
on Display Skills
off Don't Display
desc Display skills learned at level up?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param Gained EXP Text
parent ---EXP Window---
desc The text to label how much EXP was gained in battle.
default Gained EXP

param Gained EXP Format
parent ---EXP Window---
desc The text to display how much EXP was gained in battle.
default +%1

param EXP Gauge Color 1
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 0
max 31
desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 1 shown in the
Victory Aftermath Window.
default 30

param EXP Gauge Color 2
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 0
max 31
desc The skin color used in EXP Gauge Color 2 shown in the
Victory Aftermath Window.
default 31

param Level Gauge Color 1
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 0
max 31
desc The skin color used for the EXP Gauge Color 1 if the actor
has leveled up.
default 14

param Level Gauge Color 2
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 0
max 31
desc The skin color used for the EXP Gauge Color 2 if the actor
has leveled up.
default 6

param Gauge Ticks
parent ---EXP Window---
type number
min 0
desc This is how many ticks will occur before the gained EXP
gauge is full. Each tick is 4 frames.
default 15

param Tick SE
parent ---EXP Window---
type file
dir audio/se/
require 1
desc This will be the sound used while the EXP gauge fills up.
default Absorb2

param Tick Volume
parent ---EXP Window---
desc This will be the volume of the BGM played.
default 90

param Tick Pitch
parent ---EXP Window---
desc This will be the pitch of the BGM played.
default 150

param Tick Pan
parent ---EXP Window---
desc This will be the pan of the BGM played.
default 0


紹介ページ https://tkool.jp/mv/special/plugin.html