攻撃コマンドを置き換えるか、それを使用するときにスキルがランダムに発生するかを選択してください。 – YEP_WeaponUnleash.js

Replace the Attack command or give it the option ofhave a skill randomly occur when using it!

This plugin allows your game to be able to replace the Attack and Guard
commands or give them the option of having a skill randomly occur when using
them in reference to Golden Sun's Weapon Unleash system!

When replacing the Attack and Guard commands, the text can be changed out
for the command names as well. These replacements aren't limited to just
equipment in origin, but also from actors, classes, enemies, equipment, and
states, too!


There's a few notetags you can use to replace the default attack and provide
any weapon unleash effects. Note: If you're using notetags that write out
the skill's name and you have multiple skills in your database with the same
name, priority will be given to the skill with the highest ID.

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State notetags:

--- Replace Attack ---

<Replace Attack: x>
<Replace Attack: name>
This will replace the attack skill used by the battler. If a battler would
have multiple attack replacements, priority will be given in the following
order in a first-come-first-serve aspect:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

--- Replace Guard ---

<Replace Guard: x>
<Replace Guard: name>
This will replace the guard skill used by the battler. If a battler would
have multiple guard replacements, priority will be given in the following
order in a first-come-first-serve aspect:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

--- Weapon Unleash ---

<Weapon Unleash x%: y>
<Weapon Unleash x%: name>
This causes the Attack skill to have a x% chance to randomly use skill y
(or named). This will apply only to the Attack Command. Insert multiple
copies of this notetag to give more weapon unleashes. If a battler would
have multiple weapon unleashes, the randomization check will occur in the
following order:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

If a weapon unleash check passes earlier in the list while there are still
weapon unleashes later in the list, that weapon unleash will take priority
and override all the following weapon unleashes.

--- Guard Unleash ---

<Guard Unleash x%: y>
<Guard Unleash x%: name>
This causes the Guard skill to have a x% chance to randomly use skill y
(or named). This will apply only to the Guard Command. Insert multiple
copies of this notetag to give more guard unleashes. If a battler would
have multiple guard unleashes, the randomization check will occur in the
following order:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

If a guard unleash check passes earlier in the list while there are still
guard unleashes later in the list, that guard unleash will take priority
and override all the following guard unleashes.

--- Unleash Rate Modifiers ---

<Weapon Unleash: +x%>
<Weapon Unleash: -x%>
This alters the weapon unleash rate for all weapon unleashes by +x%/-x%.

<Weapon Unleash x: +y%>
<Weapon Unleash x: -y%>
<Weapon Unleash name: +y%>
<Weapon Unleash name: -y%>
This alters the weapon unleash rate for skill x (or name) by +y%/-y%. If
you are using the named notetag and you have multiple skills in your
database that use multiple names, priority will be given to the skill with
the highest ID.

<Guard Unleash: +x%>
<Guard Unleash: -x%>
This alters the weapon unleash rate for all weapon unleashes by +x%/-x%.

<Guard Unleash x: +y%>
<Guard Unleash x: -y%>
<Guard Unleash name: +y%>
<Guard Unleash name: -y%>
This alters the guard unleash rate for skill x (or name) by +y%/-y%. If
you are using the named notetag and you have multiple skills in your
database that use multiple names, priority will be given to the skill with
the highest ID.

Skill Notetags:

<Command Text: x>
<Attack Text: x>
<Guard Text: x>
If you are using Replace Attack or Replace Guard, you can change the way
the command name appears in the actor command window to x. If you are
using the <Command Text: x> notetag, this will apply to both Attack and
Guard names.

Lunatic Mode - Conditional Replace Attack & Guard

For those who have JavaScript proficiency and would like to make attack or
guard replacement work off conditional means, you can use the following
Lunatic Mode notetags:

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State notetags:

--- Replace Attack ---

<Custom Replace Attack>
if (user.level > 50) {
id = 50;
} else {
id = 0;
</Custom Replace Attack>
This will run a custom conditional check to see if the Attack command gets
replaced. The 'id' variable is the skill ID that it will change to. If the
'id' variable is 0, the check has failed and will continue on with the
list to the next target.

--- Replace Guard ---

<Custom Replace Guard>
if (user.level > 50) {
id = 50;
} else {
id = 0;
</Custom Replace Guard>
This will run a custom conditional check to see if the Guard command gets
replaced. The 'id' variable is the skill ID that it will change to. If the
'id' variable is 0, the check has failed and will continue on with the
list to the next target.

Lunatic Mode - Conditional Weapon Unleash and Guard Unleash

For those who have JavaScript proficiency and would like to add Weapon or
Guard Unleashes with conditional success rates, you can use the following
Lunatic Mode notetags:

Actor, Class, Enemy, Weapon, Armor, State notetags:

--- Weapon Unleash ---

<Custom Weapon Unleash: x>
rate = user.hp / user.mhp;
</Custom Weapon Unleash: x>

<Custom Weapon Unleash: name>
rate = user.hp / user.mhp;
</Custom Weapon Unleash: name>

This causes the Attack skill to have a chance to randomly use skill x
(or named). The 'rate' variable will determine the success rate of the
unleash. This will apply only to the Attack Command. Insert multiple
copies of this notetag to give more weapon unleashes. If a battler would
have multiple weapon unleashes, the randomization check will occur in the
following order:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

If a weapon unleash check passes earlier in the list while there are still
weapon unleashes later in the list, that weapon unleash will take priority
and override all the following weapon unleashes.

--- Guard Unleash ---

<Custom Guard Unleash: x>
rate = user.hp / user.mhp;
</Custom Guard Unleash: x>

<Custom Guard Unleash: name>
rate = user.hp / user.mhp;
</Custom Guard Unleash: name>

This causes the Guard skill to have a chance to randomly use skill x
(or named). The 'rate' variable will determine the success rate of the
unleash. This will apply only to the Guard Command. Insert multiple
copies of this notetag to give more guard unleashes. If a battler would
have multiple guard unleashes, the randomization check will occur in the
following order:

States - Highest to Lowest Priority
Equipment - In order of equip list
Enemy Aspect
Class Aspect
Actor Aspect

If a guard unleash check passes earlier in the list while there are still
guard unleashes later in the list, that guard unleash will take priority
and override all the following guard unleashes.


Verison 1.02:
- If a battler is afflicted with berserk, charm, or confusion and they use a
scope other than a single target action, the scope will now be adjusted to
fit the scope of the action if it targets multiple enemies or allies.

Version 1.01:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
( なし )
for the command names as well. These replacements aren't limited to just

紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_WeaponUnleash.js