(要 YEP_BattleEngineCore.js)このプラグインを使ってあなたのゲームにATB(ActiveTurn Battle)を追加してください! – YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js

(Requires YEP_BattleEngineCore.js) This plugin letsyou use Animated Sideview Actors for enemies!

This plugin requires YEP_BattleEngineCore.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_BattleEngineCore in the
plugin list.

This extension plugin allows you to animate enemies in a number of ways,
from giving static enemies breathing, floating, and scaled attributes to
utilizing animated sideview actors as potential battlers for your enemies
instead of static graphics to help make your enemies appear more lively!

If you are using YEP_X_ActSeqPack2, and would like the ability to add in
floating enemies, place this plugin under YEP_X_ActSeqPack2 as well.

To use this plugin, insert within the enemy's notebox the notetags you see
in the section below:


Insert these notetags into the enemy noteboxes below to change their
sidewview battler aspects.

Enemy Notetags:

--- General ---

<No Breathing>
Enables or disables a 'breathing' effect for the enemy sprite.

<Breathing Speed: x>
How many frames does it take to make a full breathing cycle? The lower the
x value, the faster the enemy breathes. The higher the x value, the slower
the enemy breathes.

<Breathing Rate X: x.y>
<Breathing Rate Y: x.y>
Sets the horizontal and vertical breathing rate to x.y. 1.0 is a 100%
variance change while 0.0 is a 0% variance.

<Enable HP Link Breathing>
<Disable HP Link Breathing>
Will enable/disable HP Link Breathing. The lower the HP on the enemy, the
slower the enemy will breathe.

Sets the enemy to be animated as if it was floating.

<Floating Speed: x>
How many frames does it take to do a full floating cycle? The lower the x
value, the faster the enemy floats. The higher the x value, the slower the
enemy floats.

<Floating Rate: x.y>
Sets the floating rate for the enemy to x.y. 1.0 is a 100% variance change
while 0.0 is a 0% variance change.

<Floating Height: x>
Sets the minimum float height for the enemy to x.

<Scale Sprite: x%>
This allows you to scale the sprite larger or smaller by x% of the
original sprite size. If you wish to only scale either the width or the
height, use the notetags below:

<Scale Sprite Width: x%>
<Scale Sprite Height: x%>
This will scale the sprite's width or height by x% amount specifically
rather than the whole sprite itself by the same ratio.

--- Sideview ---

<Sideview Battler: filename>
This is the filename used for the sideview battler found within your
project's img/sv_actors/ folder. Doing this will enable the following
notetags to be applied to the battler. This is case-sensitive and used
without the image's file extension.

Example: SF_Actor3_8.png would be <Sideview Battler: SF_Actor3_8>

Note: If more than one of these tags is used, the sideview battler
selected will be picked from a random pool. Their settings, however, will
match all of the other sideview settings set in the notetags for the sake
of simplicity.

--- Sideview Specific ---

<Sideview Anchor X: y.z>
<Sideview Anchor Y: y.z>
This sets the anchor location for the enemy's sideview battler at y.z.
This is used for the event you have an odd-proportioned sideview battler.

<Sideview Width: x>
<Sideview Height: x>
Sets the width/height of the sideview battler. This is for the event
you're using a battler image that may have different proportions than
normal sideview battlers.

<Sideview Collapse>
Sets it so that the enemy when it dies will collapse and vanish.

<Sideview No Collapse>
Sets it so that the enemy when it dies will leave behind a corpse and
will not vanish.

<Sideview Frame Speed: x>
Sets the frame speed of this sideview battler to x. The lower the x value,
the faster the sideview battler animates. The higher it is, the slower the
battler animates.

--- State Overlays ---

<Sideview Show State Overlay>
<Sideview Hide State Overlay>
This will either show or hide the state overlay for the sideview enemy and
ignore the default setting within the plugin parameters.

--- Motions ---

<Sideview Attack Motion: swing>
<Sideview Attack Motion: thrust>
<Sideview Attack Motion: missile>
Sets the basic attack motion for your sideview enemy if the sideview
enemy is not using any weapons. You can use any of the following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Weapon: x>
This sets the sprite's weapon image to x. If you haven't modified your
system images of the weapons, they would be as follows:

0 - Nothing
1 - Dagger 7 - Long Bow 13 - Mace 19 - Slingshot 25 - Book
2 - Sword 8 - Crossbow 14 - Rod 20 - Shotgun 26 - Custom
3 - Flail 9 - Gun 15 - Club 21 - Rifle 27 - Custom
4 - Axe 10 - Claw 16 - Chain 22 - Chainsaw 28 - Custom
5 - Whip 11 - Glove 17 - Sword#2 23 - Railgun 29 - Custom
6 - Staff 12 - Spear 18 - Iron Pipe 24 - Stun Rod 30 - Custom

Note: Inserting multiple of these notetags will put them inside a random
pool of weapons to use. Keep in mind if you use this notetag, it will use
all the default settings found in the plugin's parameters. If you wish to
use more unique settings, use the notetag below:

<Sideview Weapon: x, y, z>
This sets the sprite's weapon image to x, motion to y, and attack
animation to z. An example of how this notetag would be used would be
as such:

<Sideview Weapon: 2, swing, 6>

This will give the battler a sword with the swing motion and playing
battle animation 6 when attacking.

<Sideview Idle Motion: x>
Sets the idling motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead
Note: Inserting multiple of these notetags will put them inside a random
pool of motions to use.

<Sideview Damage Motion: x>
Sets the damaged motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Evade Motion: x>
Sets the evasion motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Escape Motion: x>
Sets the escaping motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Guard Motion: x>
Sets the guard motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Abnormal Motion: x>
Sets the abnormal motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Sleep Motion: x>
Sets the sleep motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Dying Motion: x>
Sets the dying (crisis) motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any
of the following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

<Sideview Dead Motion: x>
Sets the dead motion for your sideview enemy. You can use any of the
following motions:
walk wait chant guard damage evade
thrust swing missile skill spell item
escape victory dying abnormal sleep dead

--- Shadows ---

<Sideview Show Shadow>
Sets it so the enemy will show its shadow for its sideview sprite. The
default setting of this is tied to Battle Engine Core's 'Show Shadows'.

<Sideview Hide Shadow>
Sets it so the enemy will hide its shadow for its sideview sprite. The
default setting of this is tied to Battle Engine Core's 'Show Shadows'.

<Sideview Shadow Width: x%>
Sets the shadow width to x% larger/smaller than the default shadow size
found within the img/system folder.

<Sideview Shadow Height: x%>
Sets the shadow height to x% larger/smaller than the default shadow size
found within the img/system folder.

State Notetags:

<Hide Sideview Weapon>
This will cause the animated sideview enemy battler to hide its sideview
weapon effect. The attack motion will revert back to the barehanded attack
motion set for the enemy and the attack animation will be the enemy's
default attack animation.


Version 1.14:
- Pixi4 update to fix bug that caused state icons to fly off the screen.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with YEP_X_VisualStateFX regarding state
sprites being disabled and causing crashes.

Version 1.13:
- Compatibility update with YEP_X_VisualStateFX to disable State Overlays on
enemies properly.

Version 1.12:
- Fixed a bug that caused the <Sideview Show State Overlay> and
<Sideview Hide State Overlay> notetags to not work.
- Fixed a bug that caused scaled enemies to have their state icons and
overlays appear in odd places.

Version 1.11:
- Fixed a bug that caused hidden enemies to appear early on.

Version 1.10:
- Optimized plugin to use less resources. Animated enemies will no longer
have a static graphic once the game is loaded.

Version 1.09:
- Added a fix for state icons appearing behind battlers for the users who
aren't using the Action Sequence Packs.

Version 1.08:
- State Icon and State Overlays will now synch together for floating and
jumping battlers.

Version 1.07:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.06a:
- Fixed a bug that prevented animated sideview enemies from not mirroring.
- Added <Sideview Show State Overlay> and <Sideview Hide State Overlay>
notetags to make certain enemies show/hide state overlays.
- Fixed a bug that was caused by motion notetags not retrieved properly.

Version 1.05:
- Made adjustments to the <Sprite Height: x> notetag to also affect the
location of the state icons and effects.

Version 1.04:
- Fixed a bug with Sprite Smoothing disabled on Shadows.
- Fixed a bug with the anchor Y positions being overwritten.

Version 1.03:
- Fixed a bug that would cause <Sideview Width: x> & <Sideview Height: x>
notetags to crash the game.

Version 1.02:
- Synchronized state icons and overlays with floating enemies.

Version 1.01:
- Added 'HP Link Breathing' plugin parameter. If enabled, the lower the HP,
the slower the enemy breathes.
- Added <Enable HP Link Breathing> and <Disable HP Link Breathing> notetags.

Version 1.00:
- Finished plugin! Hooray!
param ---General---
param Anchor X
desc Sets the default anchor position of the sprite.
Default: 0.5
default 0.5

param Anchor Y
desc Sets the default anchor position of the sprite.
Default: 1
default 1

param Sprite Smoothing
desc Enable Sprite Smoothing? This is a global setting.
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Sprite Width
desc Sets the minimum width for sideview sprites.
Use 'auto' for automatic detection. Default: 64
default auto

param Sprite Height
desc Sets the minimum height for sideview sprites.
Use 'auto' for automatic detection. Default: 64
default auto

param Collapse
desc When a sprite dies, have it collapse and vanish?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param Frame Speed
desc The default frame speed used in between motions.
Default: 12
default 12

param Show State Overlay
desc Show state overlays on sideview enemies?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param ---Shadows---
param Show Shadow
desc Show shadows on sideview enemies?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param Shadow Scale X
desc Sets the default horizontal shadow scale.
Use 'auto' for automatic detection. Default: 1
default auto

param Shadow Scale Y
desc Sets the default vertical shadow scale.
Use 'auto' for automatic detection. Default: 1
default auto

param ---Breathing---
param Enable Breathing
desc Breathing option for enemies.
0 - None, 1 - Static, 2 - Sideview, 3 - Both
default 1

param Breathing Speed
desc The default breathing rate for enemies.
Lower - Faster Larger - Slower
default 20

param Breathing X Rate
desc The default breathing X rate for enemies.
Lower - Static Larger - Dynamic
default 0.001

param Breathing Y Rate
desc The default breathing Y rate for enemies.
Lower - Static Larger - Dynamic
default 0.02

param HP Link Breathing
desc Link breathing rate to HP Rate?
NO - false YES - true
default false

param ---Floating---
param Floating Speed
desc The default floating speed for enemies.
Lower - Faster Larger - Slower
default 20

param Floating Rate
desc The default floating rate for enemies.
Lower - Faster Larger - Slower
default 0.3

param Floating Height
desc The default minimum floating height for enemies.
Lower - Closer to Ground Larger - Higher Up
default 50

param ---Motions---
param Attack Motion
desc Sets the default attack motion for no weapons.
Attack Motion Types: swing thrust missile
default thrust

param Weapon Image Index
desc Sets the default weapon image index for the sprite.
Use 0 for no image.
default 0

param Idle Motion
desc Sets the sprite's idle motion.
Default: walk
default walk

param Damage Motion
desc Sets the sprite's taking damage motion.
Default: damage
default damage

param Evade Motion
desc Sets the sprite's evasion motion.
Default: evade
default evade

param Escape Motion
desc Sets the sprite's escape motion.
Default: escape
default escape

param Guard Motion
desc Sets the sprite's guard motion.
Default: guard
default guard

param Abnormal Motion
desc Sets the sprite's abnormal (status afflicted) motion.
Default: abnormal
default abnormal

param Sleep Motion
desc Sets the sprite's sleeping motion.
Default: sleep
default sleep

param Dying Motion
desc Sets the sprite's dying (crisis) motion.
Default: dying
default dying

param Dead Motion
desc Sets the sprite's dead motion.
Default: dead
default dead

param ---Weapons---
param Weapon Image Index
desc Sets the default weapon image index for the sprite.
Use 0 for no image.
default 0

param Weapon 1 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 1: Dagger Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 1 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 6

param Weapon 2 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 2: Sword Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 2 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 6

param Weapon 3 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 3: Flail Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 3 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 4 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 4: Axe Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 4 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 6

param Weapon 5 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 5: Whip Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 5 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 6

param Weapon 6 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 6: Staff Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 6 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 7 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 7: Long Bow Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 7 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 11

param Weapon 8 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 8: Crossbow Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 8 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 11

param Weapon 9 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 9: Gun Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 9 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 111

param Weapon 10 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 10: Claw Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 10 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 16

param Weapon 11 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 11: Glove Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 11 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 12 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 12: Spear Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 12 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 11

param Weapon 13 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 13: Mace Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 13 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 14 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 14: Rod Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 14 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 15 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 15: Club Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 15 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 16 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 16: Chain Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 16 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 6

param Weapon 17 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 17: Sword#2 Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 17 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 7

param Weapon 18 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 18: Iron Pipe Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 18 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 19 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 19: Sling Shot Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 19 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 11

param Weapon 20 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 20: Shotgun Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 20 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 111

param Weapon 21 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 21: Rifle Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 21 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 111

param Weapon 22 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 22: Chainsaw Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 22 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 7

param Weapon 23 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 23: Railgun Motion: missile
default missile

param Weapon 23 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 15

param Weapon 24 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 24: Stun Rod Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 24 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 15

param Weapon 25 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 25: Spell Book Motion: swing
default swing

param Weapon 25 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 26 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 26: custom Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 26 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 27 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 27: custom Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 27 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 28 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 28: custom Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 28 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 29 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 29: custom Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 29 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1

param Weapon 30 Motion
desc Motion used by default for this weapon image.
Weapon 30: custom Motion: thrust
default thrust

param Weapon 30 Animation
desc Battle animation used by default for this weapon image.
default 1


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_AnimatedSVEnemies.js