(要 YEP_ItemCore.js)独立した装備にオーグメントを付加したり、切り離したりすることができます。 – YEP_X_AttachAugments.js

a (Requires YEP_ItemCore.js) Players can attach anddetach augments to independent equipment.

This plugin requires YEP_ItemCore.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_ItemCore in the plugin list.

Attachable Augments is an extension plugin made for the Item Core plugin. It
allows equipment to be able to attach augment components to various slots,
that you can define individually per item. These slots can be of a certain
category unique to that item or global across all items. The effects used
with the augment can involve parameter changes, adding skills, adjust state
resistances, place attack elements, and more!


You can use the following notetags to setup how augments work in your game
and affect your equipment.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Augment Slots>
</Augment Slots>
This allows you to set what kind of augments are used for the item. The
names used for the augment slots are the augment types used for that item.

<No Augment Slots>
This makes the item have no augment slots.

Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags

<Augment: type>
augment effect
augment effect
</Augment: type>
This will change the item into a non-Independent item. This item can be
used to augment equipment that contain the appropriate augment 'type'.
This particular notetag will decide the augment effect for attaching the
augment component and the reverse effect for detaching the component.
Insert multiple sets of these notetags to allow different augment effects
when used on different augment slot types.

<Augment Attach: type>
augment effect
augment effect
</Augment Attach: type>
This will change the item into a non-Independent item. This item can be
used to augment equipment that contain the appropriate augment 'type'.
This notetag will decide only the augment effects that are applied when
the augment component is attached to the equipment and not when detached.
Insert multiple sets of these notetags to allow different augment effects
when used on different augment slot types.

<Augment Detach: type>
augment effect
augment effect
</Augment Detach: type>
This will change the item into a non-Independent item. This item can be
used to augment equipment that contain the appropriate augment 'type'.
This notetag will decide only the augment effects that are applied when
the augment component is detached from the equipment and not attached.
Insert multiple sets of these notetags to allow different augment effects
when used on different augment slot types.

Augment Effect List

The following is a list of effects you can use for the <Augment: type>,
<Augment Attach: type>, <Augment Detatch: type> notetags to have it apply
the desired effects to the upgraded item.

--- Effects ---

Param: +x
Param: -x
- Replace 'Param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
or 'LUK'. This will increase/decrease the parameter for the item by x.


Param: +x%
Param: -x%
- Replace 'Param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
'LUK', 'HIT', 'EVA', 'CRI', 'CEV', 'MEV', 'MRF', 'CNT', 'HRG', 'MRG', 'TRG',
'TGR', 'GRD', 'REC', 'PHA', 'MCR', 'TCR', 'PDR', 'MDR', 'FDR', or 'EXR'.
This will increase/decrease the rate for that parameter for the item by x%.
Refer to the Base Parameter Control, Extra Parameter Formula, and Special
Parameter Formula plugins for more information regarding these stats.


Boost: +x
Boost: -x
- This will increase or decrease the boost count of the item by x.


Price: +x
Price: -x
- This will increase or decrease the price of the item by x.


Cannot Detach
- This makes the augment unable to be detached once applied.


Add Attack Element: x
Remove Attack Element: x
- Add/Remove Attack Element 'x' to item. You can use either the name or the
ID of the element. If the name is used and you have multiple elements in
your database with the same name, priority will be given to the element with
the highest ID.


Add Attack State: x
Add Attack State: x, y%
Remove Attack State: x
Remove Attack State: x, y%
- Add/Remove Attack State 'x' to item. You can use either the name of the ID
of the state. If the name is used and you have multiple states in your
database with the same name, priority will be given to the state with the
highest ID. If 'y' is used, then the success rate of landing the state will
be y%. If 'y' is not used, the success rate of landing the state is 100%.


Add Debuff Rate: param, x%
Add Debuff Rate: param, +x%
Add Debuff Rate: param, -x%
Remove Debuff Rate: param, x%
Remove Debuff Rate: param, +x%
Remove Debuff Rate: param, -x%
- Replace 'param' with 'MaxHP', 'MaxMP', 'ATK', 'DEF', 'MAT', 'MDF', 'AGI',
or LUK. Add/remove the debuff affliction rate of the parameter for the item
to 'x%' rate.


Add Element Rate: x, y%
Add Element Rate: x, +y%
Add Element Rate: x, -y%
Remove Element Rate: x, y%
Remove Element Rate: x, +y%
Remove Element Rate: x, -y%
- Add/Remove element rate 'x' to item. You can use either the name or the
ID of the element. If the name is used and you have multiple elements in
your database with the same name, priority will be given to the element with
the highest ID. The item's element rate for 'x' will be 'y%' rate.


Add Passive State: x
Remove Passive State: x
- Requires YEP_AutoPassiveStates.js installed. Add/Remove passive state 'x'
to item. You can use either the name or the ID of the state. If the name is
used and you have multiple states in your database with the same name,
priority will be given to the state with the highest ID.


Add Skill: x
Remove Skill: x
- Add/Remove skill 'x' to item. You can use either the name or the ID of the
skill. If the name is used and you have multiple skills in your database
with the same name, priority will be given to the skill with the highest ID.
This will make the skill temporarily usable by the actor as long as the item
is equipped with the augment on it.


Add Skill Type: x
Add SType: x
Remove Skill Type: x
Remove SType: x
- Add/Remove skill type 'x' to item. You can use either the name or the ID
of the skill type. If the name is used and you have multiple skills in your
database with the same name, priority will be given to the skill type with
the highest ID. This will make the skill type temporarily usable by the
actor as long as the item is equipped with the augment on it.


Add State Rate: x, y%
Add State Rate: x, +y%
Add State Rate: x, -y%
Remove State Rate: x, y%
Remove State Rate: x, +y%
Remove State Rate: x, -y%
- Add/Remove state rate for state 'x' to item. You can use either the name
or the ID of the state. If the name is used and you have multiple states in
your database with the same name, priority will be given to the state with
the highest ID. The item's state rate for 'x' will be 'y%' rate.


Add State Resist: x
Remove State Resist: x
- Add/Remove state resist for state 'x' to item. You can use either the name
or the ID of the state. If the name is used and you have multiple states in
your database with the same name, priority will be given to the state with
the highest ID.


Change Base Name: x
Cancel Base Name: x
- Changes/Cancels the base name of the item to 'x' while the augment is on
the item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the base name, then
priority is given to the first augment that alters the base name.


Change Icon: x
Cancel Icon: x
- Changes/cancels the icon of the item to 'x' while the augment is on the
item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the icon, then priority is
given to the first augment that alters the icon.


Change Prefix: x
Cancel Prefix: x
- Changes/Cancels the prefix of the item to 'x' while the augment is on the
item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the prefix, then priority
is given to the first augment that alters the priority.


Change Priority Name: x
Cancel Priority Name: x
- Changes/Cancels the priority name of the item to 'x' while the augment is
on the item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the priority name,
then priority is given to the first augment that alters the priority name.


Change Suffix: x
Cancel Suffix: x
- Changes/Cancels the suffix of the item to 'x' while the augment is on the
item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the suffix, then priority
is given to the first augment that alters the suffix.


Change Text Color: x
Cancel Text Color: x
- Changes/Cancels the text color used for the item to 'x' while the augment
is on the item. If an item has multiple augments that alter the text color,
then priority is given to the first augment that alters text color.

Lunatic Mode - Attach and Detach Evals

For those with JavaScript experience, you can use the following Lunatic Mode
notetags to make custom effects regarding the attaching and detaching of
certain augments.

--- Attach ---

<Augment Attach Eval: type>
item.price += $gameParty.highestLevel();
item.params[0] += $gameParty.highestLevel();
</Augment Attach Eval: type>
The 'type' refers to the slot type used for the augment. The 'item' variable
refers to the main item being augmented. The 'effectItem' variable refers to
the item being used as an augment component. This eval will only run when
the augment is being attached.

--- Detach ---

<Augment Detach Eval: type>
item.price -= $gameParty.highestLevel();
item.params[0] -= $gameParty.highestLevel();
</Augment Detach Eval: type>
The 'type' refers to the slot type used for the augment. The 'item' variable
refers to the main item being augmented. The 'effectItem' variable refers to
the item being used as an augment component. This eval will only run when
the augment is being attached.

Plugin Commands

There's a couple of pluging commands you can use with this plugin.

Plugin Command:

- This will enable augments in the item action menu. With them enabled,
the player can now attach and detach augments to their items.

- This will disable augments in the item action menu and hide their
options so that the player will be unable to attach or detach augments
from their items.

- This will show the augments in the item info window when looking at
item details.

- This will hide the augments in the item info window when looking at
item details.


Version 1.08a:
- Fixed a typo within the code. Please update Item Core, Item Disassemble,
Attachable Augments, and More Currencies if you are using those plugins.
- Optimization update.

Version 1.07:
- Fixed a bug that caused adding attack state augments without a rate to not
work properly.

Version 1.06:
- Fixed a bug that caused certain named augment settings to not work
work properly upon reloading a game.

Version 1.05:
- Fixed a bug that specifically made the LUK: +x% and LUK: -x% augments not
work properly.

Version 1.04:
- Added +y% and -y% versions of attachments for various augment effects.

Version 1.03:
- Bug fixed for Add Element Rate: x, y% not working properly.

Verison 1.02a:
- Fixed a bug that caused Independent Item-types to crash the game when used
within the menu.
- Fixed a bug that caused custom Lunatic Mode effects to not operate unless
there existed basic augment effects.
- Fixed a bug that caused param% changes to not function correctly.

Version 1.01:
- Fixed a bug that caused a crash when equipping "empty" augments.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---Default---
param Weapon Slots
desc The default augment slots your weapon uses.
Separate each slot with a comma.
default Glyph, Mark, Orb, Orb

param Armor Slots
desc The default augment slots your weapon uses.
Separate each slot with a comma.
default Sphere, Orb, Orb, Orb

param Enable Augments
desc Enable augments by default at game start in action window?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Show Augments
desc Show augments by default at game start in info window?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param ---Command Window---
param Augment Slot Format
desc This is how the augment slots will appear:
%1 - Slot Name %2 - Equipment Name
default \c[16]%1:\c[0] %2

param No Augment Text
desc This is how a slot appears if it has no augments.
default \c[7]- None -

param Remove Augment
desc Text used to remove augments from item.
default \i[16]Detach Augment

param ---Info Window---
param Show Augment Info
desc Show Augments in the info window?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Info Title
desc Text used to display augments.
default Augments

param Title Alignment
desc What alignment do you want to use for the title?
left center right
default center


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_AttachAugments.js