(要YEP_EnemyLevels.js)難易度を変更できるオプション設定プラグイン – YEP_X_DifficultySlider.js

(Requires YEP_EnemyLevels.js) Give your playersaccess to an option that allows them to change difficulty.

This plugin requires YEP_EnemyLevels.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_EnemyLevels in the plugin list.

Sometimes, players would like to be able to increase or decrease the
difficulty of your game at their own accord. The Difficulty Slider becomes a
feature accessible from the game's option menu with this plugin installed.
There, the player is able to alter the level of the enemies that appear in
battle within a certain range (set by you, the developer).

The Difficulty Slider will only alter the level of the enemies and nothing
else. Therefore, a 200% difficulty will mean only a 200% increase in level
but not necessarily a 200% increase in ATK, for example. The enemies' ATK
value will be based off of its ATK at 200% the original level.

If the Difficulty Slider is disabled in the game, then the level multiplier
will revert back to 100%. You can enable and disable this feature at will
through plugin commands.


There is a notetag you can use for the Difficulty Slider plugin.

Enemy Notetag:

<Unaffected by Difficulty Slider>
- This will make the enemy's level unaffected by the difficulty slider,
meaning the enemy will always be at 100% its current calculated level.

Plugin Commands

For those who wish to show/hide the Difficulty Slider from the options menu
midway through the game, you can control it using these plugin commands:

Plugin Commands:

- This will show the Difficulty Slider and enable it making it apply to
all enemies in the game that do not have an unaffected notetag.

- This will hide the Difficulty Slider and also disable the slider's
effects on enemy levels in the game.

Additional Info

For those who wish to use the Difficulty Slider in script calls, you can
find out the value the player has set using:


This value will return a whole number. A difficulty setting of 100% will
yield 100 and a difficulty setting of 200% will yield 200. Therefore, if you
wish to make a check that appears only on higher difficulties, you can use
the following:

if (ConfigManager.difficultySlider >= 200) {
Do stuff

Have fun!

Options Core Settings - Adding the New Options

If you are using YEP_OptionsCore.js, you can add a new Option using this
plugin. Here's the following code/parameter settings you can use with it.


\i[87]Enemy Difficulty

Help Description:
Determines the level strength of enemies.


if (Imported.YEP_X_DifficultySlider) {
show = $gameSystem.showDifficultySlider();
} else {
show = false;

enabled = true;

ext = 0;


Make Option Code:
this.addCommand(name, symbol, enabled, ext);

Draw Option Code:
var rect = this.itemRectForText(index);
var statusWidth = this.statusWidth();
var titleWidth = rect.width - statusWidth;
var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);
var rate = value / Yanfly.Param.DSliderMaxDif;
var gaugeColor1 = this.textColor(28);
var gaugeColor2 = this.textColor(29);
this.drawOptionsGauge(index, rate, gaugeColor1, gaugeColor2);
this.drawText(this.statusText(index), titleWidth, rect.y, statusWidth, 'center');

Process OK Code:
var index = this.index();
var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);
var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);
value += Yanfly.Param.DSliderChange;
if (value > Yanfly.Param.DSliderMaxDif) value = Yanfly.Param.DSliderMinDif;
value = value.clamp(Yanfly.Param.DSliderMinDif, Yanfly.Param.DSliderMaxDif);
this.changeValue(symbol, value);

Cursor Right Code:
var index = this.index();
var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);
var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);
value += Yanfly.Param.DSliderChange;
value = value.clamp(Yanfly.Param.DSliderMinDif, Yanfly.Param.DSliderMaxDif);
this.changeValue(symbol, value);

Cursor Left Code:
var index = this.index();
var symbol = this.commandSymbol(index);
var value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);
value -= Yanfly.Param.DSliderChange;
value = value.clamp(Yanfly.Param.DSliderMinDif,
this.changeValue(symbol, value);

Default Config Code:
Empty. Provided by this plugin.

Save Config Code:
Empty. Provided by this plugin.

Load Config Code:
Empty. Provided by this plugin.


Version 1.04:
- Bypass the isDevToolsOpen() error when bad code is inserted into a script
call or custom Lunatic Mode code segment due to updating to MV 1.6.1.

Version 1.03:
- Compatibility update for YEP_OptionsCore.js.

Version 1.02:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.5.0.

Version 1.01:
- Bug fixed: Error with pressing right on the difficulty slider causing
the game to crash unexpectedly.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---Options---
param Command Text
parent ---Options---
desc How the command appears in the options menu.
default Difficulty

param Default Show
parent ---Options---
type boolean
desc Show the command by default? If off, defaults to 100.
ON - true OFF - false
default true

param ---Settings---
param Default Difficulty
parent ---Settings---
desc This is the default difficulty value.
type Number
default 100

param Minimum Difficulty
parent ---Settings---
desc This is the minimum difficulty value.
type Number
default 50

param Maximum Difficulty
parent ---Settings---
desc This is the maximum difficulty value.
type Number
default 200

param Change Increment
parent ---Settings---
desc This is the amount the difficulty changes per increment
type Number
default 25

param ---Formulas---
param Base Level Formula
parent ---Formulas---
desc The formula used to determine the base level.
level - current level multiplier - multiplier value
default levelmultiplier / 100

param Maximum Level Formula
parent ---Formulas---
desc The formula used to determine the maximum level.
level - current level multiplier - multiplier value
default levelmultiplier / 100

param Minimum Level Formula
parent ---Formulas---
desc The formula used to determine the minimum level.
level - current level multiplier - multiplier value
default levelmultiplier / 100


紹介ページ http://yanfly.moe/