(要 YEP_EquipCore.js)アクターがそれらを使用することができる前に装備の要件の上に要件を置いてください! – YEP_X_EquipRequirements.js

a (Requires YEP_EquipCore.js) Place requirements onpieces of equipment before actors can use them!

This plugin requires YEP_EquipCore.js to work.
Place this plugin beneath YEP_EquipCore.js in the Plugin Manager list.

Place restrictions on when an actor can equip a weapon or piece of armor.
Set level requirements, stat requirements, switch requirements, and more.
This plugin will also provide a separate equipment requirement window to
show the player what is needed in order for gear to be equipped.


You can use these notetags to implement requirements onto your weapons and
armors. These notetags will have to be set up in a certain way:

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Equip Requirement>
</Equip Requirement>
- The main requirements will have to be placed in between these notetags.
You can have a multitude of requirements for your weapons/armors. Replace
'requirement' with any of the following below:

Weapon and Armor Requiprements:

param > x
param >= x
param === x
param <= x
param < x
- Replace 'param' with 'level', 'maxhp', 'maxmp', 'atk', 'def', 'mat',
'mdf', 'agi', or 'luk'. This will make the piece of equipment require the
actor's base parameter to be greater than (>), greater than or equal to
(>=), equal to (===), less than or equal to (<=), or less than (<). This
is NOT the value for the total parameter, only the base parameter. The
base parameter is calculated by the user's class parameter value, any
bonuses received by equipment and/or permanent stat increases.

class: x
class: name
- This will make the piece of equipment require the actor to be class x.
If 'name' is used, priority will be given to the class with the highest ID
in the database. Insert multiple of these requirements to add more
classes. Having multiple classes will mean that the actor can be any of
those classes to be able to equip the gear.

skill: x
skill: name
- This will make the piece of equipment require the actor to have learned
skill x. If 'name' is used, priority will be given to the skill with the
highest ID in the database. Insert multiple of these requirements to add
more skills. Having multiple skills means the actor must have learned ALL
of the skills to be able to equip the gear.
NOTE: The actor needs to have LEARNED the skill. This means that if you
have added a skill to the actor's skill library through a trait, it will
not count.

switch: x
- This will require switch X to be on. If it isn't, the piece of equipment
cannot be worn. Insert multiple of these to add more switches that are
are required to be on.

unique only
- This will make the piece of equipment to be "unique", rendering the
actor to be unable to wear more than 1 of its kind.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Equip Requirement Conditions

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can use these notetags to give
certain pieces of equipment a special requirement before it can be equipped.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Custom Equip Requirement Condition>
if (user.name() === 'Harold') {
condition = true;
} else {
condition = false;
</Custom Equip Requirement Condition>
The 'condition' variable will determine whether or not the piece of
equipment can be worn by the user. If 'condition' returns 'true', then the
piece of equipment can be worn. If 'condition' returns 'false', then the
piece of equipment can't be worn.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Equip Requirement Text

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can use these notetags to alter
the text displayed in the Requirement Window.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Custom Equip Requirement Text>
text = user.name() + ' has used this sword since young!\n';
text += 'This is another line for the text!'
</Custom Equip Requirement Text>
For those who would like to write custom text for the Requirement Window,
you can use this notetag. Text codes are allowed here. Use \n for line
breaks. If you plan on using text codes, \i[4] would appear as \\i[4].
Whatever value the 'text' variable has at the end will determine the text
that will be displayed.


Version 1.05a:
- Fixed a bug that caused unremovable items to be removed.
- Added anti-crash for non-existent actors.

Version 1.04:
- Fixed a bug that caused stat comparisons to remain after cancel.

Version 1.03:
- Notetags now allows spaces (whitespace) to be before the requirements.

Version 1.02:
- Fixed a bug where Optimize was able to bypass equip requirements.

Version 1.01:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---General---
param Requirement Window
desc Add the requirement window for the Equip menu?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Battle Test Ignore
desc Ignore equip requirements during battle test?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param ---Window---
param Requirement Title
desc The title used for equipment requirements.
default Requirements

param No Requirement
desc The text used to display no requirements needed.
default No Requirements!

param Positive Color
desc Text color used for positive color.
default 24

param Negative Color
desc Text color used for positive color.
default 25

param At Least Text
desc The text used to describe >= a parameter.
%1 - Parameter %2 - Requirement %3 - Compare
default \c[16]Minimum %1:\c[0] %2 (%3)

param At Most Text
desc The text used to describe >= a parameter.
%1 - Parameter %2 - Requirement %3 - Compare
default \c[16]Maximum %1:\c[0] %2 (%3)

param Draw Classes
desc Draw the classes required?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Class Style
desc If classes are drawn, what style to draw them in?
0 - Name Only 1 - Icon Only 2 - Icon and Name
default 0

param Class Text
desc Text displayed to say what class is allowed.
default Class:

param Draw Skills
desc Draw the skills required?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Skill Style
desc If skills are drawn, what style to draw them in?
0 - Name Only 1 - Icon Only 2 - Icon and Name
default 2

param Skill Text
desc Text displayed to say what skills are needed.
default Skill:

param Draw Switches
desc Draw the switch names required?
NO - false YES - true
default true


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_EquipRequirements.js