(要 YEP_BattleEngineCore.js)戦闘中のパーティーウィンドウのオプション – YEP_X_InBattleStatus.js

(Requires YEP_BattleEngineCore.js) Adds a 'Status'option in the Party Window in battle.

This plugin requires YEP_BattleEngineCore. Make sure this plugin is located
under YEP_BattleEngineCore in the plugin list.

In battle by default, there's no way to check your party's status. This
plugin will add a new 'Status' command to the Party Command Window (with
Fight and Escape) to allow players to check party members. Here, the player
can view each party member's current parameters, get a list of all states,
buffs, and debuffs. The player can scroll through the list and view newly
added help descriptions of the states, buffs, and debuffs in a help window.

Note: If you are using YEP_X_BattleSysCTB.js, place this plugin under that
plugin for the best compatibility results.


For those who would like to add help descriptions to states, use these
following notetags:

State Notetags:

<Help Description>
</Help Description>
- This will set the help description of the state to the text used in the
notetag. You can use text codes.

Text Codes

By using certain text codes in your messages, you can have the game replace
them with the following:

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

State Help Function
\th[x] - Replaced by the text used in state x's help description.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Plugin Commands

For those who would like to change whether the 'Status' option is shown or
hidden midway through the game, you can use the following plugin commands:

Plugin Commands:

- This will cause the 'Status' command to show.

- This will cause the 'Status' command to not show.
param ---General---
param Command Text
desc The text used for 'Status' command text in the Party Window.
default Status

param Show Command
desc Show the in battle 'Status' command by default?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Window X
desc The default X location used for the in-battle status window.
You can use formulas.
default 0

param Window Y
desc The default Y location used for the in-battle status window.
You can use formulas.
default this.fittingHeight(2)

param Window Width
desc The default width used for the in-battle status window.
You can use formulas.
default Graphics.boxWidth

param Window Height
desc The default height used for the in-battle status window.
You can use formulas.
default Graphics.boxHeight - this.fittingHeight(2) - this.fittingHeight(4)

param ---Status List---
param Status Width
desc The width of the status list.
You can use formulas.
default Math.max(312, Graphics.boxWidth / 4);

param State Help Front
desc Text placed in front of each state's help description.
%1 - State Icon %2 - State Name
default \i[%1]%2

param State Help End
desc Text placed in end of each state's help description.
%1 - State Icon %2 - State Name
param Healthy Icon
desc Icon ID used to indicate the battler is healthy (no states).
default 127

param Healthy Text
desc Text used to label the healthy status.
default Healthy

param Healthy Help
desc Text displayed in help window when selected.
default User is currently unaffected by status effects.

param ---Buffs List---
param MaxHP Buff Text
desc The text used to display the MaxHP Buff Name.
default MaxHP Up

param MaxHP Buff Help
desc The text used for the MaxHP help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Maximum Health to %1%.

param MaxMP Buff Text
desc The text used to display the MaxMP Buff Name.
default MaxMP Up

param MaxMP Buff Help
desc The text used for the MaxMP help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Maximum Mana to %1%.

param ATK Buff Text
desc The text used to display the ATK Buff Name.
default ATK Up

param ATK Buff Help
desc The text used for the ATK help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Attack to %1%.

param DEF Buff Text
desc The text used to display the DEF Buff Name.
default DEF Up

param DEF Buff Help
desc The text used for the DEF help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Defense to %1%.

param MAT Buff Text
desc The text used to display the MAT Buff Name.
default MAT Up

param MAT Buff Help
desc The text used for the MAT help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Magic Attack to %1%.

param MDF Buff Text
desc The text used to display the MDF Buff Name.
default MDF Up

param MDF Buff Help
desc The text used for the MDF help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Magic Defense to %1%.

param AGI Buff Text
desc The text used to display the AGI Buff Name.
default AGI Up

param AGI Buff Help
desc The text used for the AGI help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Agility to %1%.

param LUK Buff Text
desc The text used to display the LUK Buff Name.
default LUK Up

param LUK Buff Help
desc The text used for the LUK help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Raises Luck to %1%.

param ---Debuffs List---
param MaxHP Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the MaxHP Debuff Name.
default MaxHP Down

param MaxHP Debuff Help
desc The text used for the MaxHP help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Maximum Health to %1%.

param MaxMP Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the MaxMP Debuff Name.
default MaxMP Down

param MaxMP Debuff Help
desc The text used for the MaxMP help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Maximum Mana to %1%.

param ATK Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the ATK Debuff Name.
default ATK Down

param ATK Debuff Help
desc The text used for the ATK help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Attack to %1%.

param DEF Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the DEF Debuff Name.
default DEF Down

param DEF Debuff Help
desc The text used for the DEF help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Defense to %1%.

param MAT Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the MAT Debuff Name.
default MAT Down

param MAT Debuff Help
desc The text used for the MAT help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Magic Attack to %1%.

param MDF Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the MDF Debuff Name.
default MDF Down

param MDF Debuff Help
desc The text used for the MDF help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Magic Defense to %1%.

param AGI Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the AGI Debuff Name.
default AGI Down

param AGI Debuff Help
desc The text used for the AGI help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Agility to %1%.

param LUK Debuff Text
desc The text used to display the LUK Debuff Name.
default LUK Down

param LUK Debuff Help
desc The text used for the LUK help description.
%1 - Rate %2 - Stacks %3 - Turns
default Lowers Luck to %1%.


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_InBattleStatus.js