(要 YEP_ItemCore.js)独立した機器は耐久性を持っています。 – YEP_X_ItemDurability.js

a (Requires YEP_ItemCore.js) Independent equipmentnow have durability, which when runs out, will break.

This plugin requires YEP_ItemCore.
Make sure this plugin is located under YEP_ItemCore in the plugin list.

Independent Weapons and Armors will now have a Durability value. Over the
course of battle, equipment durability will drop based on actions performed,
damage taken, and the like. When a piece of equipment's durability value
reaches 0, the piece of equipment will break. Durability can be repaired by
items and increased by skills, too.


The following notetags can be used to adjust item durability for equipment.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Durability: x>
This sets the item's default durability value to x. This is the starting
durability value for the item. If this notetag isn't used, the independent
equipment will refer to the value in the plugin parameters.

<Durability Variance: x>
This alters the starting durability value with a variance of x. This means
there can be a variance of -x to +x for the durability starting value.

<Durability Maximum: x>
This is the maximum durability value the independent equipment can have.
When repairing durability, the item's durability value cannot exceed this
amount. This amount is dependent on the base item's durability value.

<Bypass Durability>
This sets the item to not have bypass the durability system and making the
independent item unbreakable.

<Break Sound Name: filename>
<Break Sound Volume: x>
<Break Sound Pitch: x>
<Break Sound Pan: +x>
<Break Sound Pan: -x>
This changes the sound effect played when using this piece of equipment is
broken in battle. Filenames are case sensitive and do not include the file
extension into the filename.

Item, Weapon, Armor Notetags:

<Repair Durability: x>
This will repair any weapon or armor's durability by x. The repair effect
is accessed from the weapon or armor's action menu.

<Repair Weapon: x>
<Repair Armor: x>
This will specifically repair only weapons or armors by x amount. The
repair effect is accessed from the weapon or armor's action menu.

<Repair WType x: y>
<Repair AType x: y>
This will specifically repair only weapon-type x or armor-type x by y
amount. The repair is accessed from the weapon or armor's action menu.

<Repair Sound Name: filename>
<Repair Sound Volume: x>
<Repair Sound Pitch: x>
<Repair Sound Pan: +x>
<Repair Sound Pan: -x>
This changes the sound effect played when using this item to repair the
durability of another item.

<Unbreakable Durability>
Removes the equipment's durability and makes it unbreakable.

<Unbreakable Weapon>
<Unbreakable Armor>
Removes the weapon or armor's durability and makes it unbreakable.

<Unbreakable WType x>
<Unbreakable AType x>
Removes durability for specifically weapon-type x or armor-type x and
makes it unbreakable. Filenames are case sensitive and do not include the
file extension into the filename.

Skill and Item Notetags:

<User Weapon Durability: +x>
<User Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the user's weapon(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the weapon
will break.

<User All Weapon Durability: +x>
<User All Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the user's weapon(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the weapon
will break.

<User Random Weapon Durability: +x>
<User Random Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause a random weapon equipped by the
user to have its durability altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower,
the weapon will break.

<User Armor Durability: +x>
<User Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause the user's armor(s) durability to
be altered by +x or -x. Depending on the 'Damage All' plugin parameter,
this will affect either all armors or affect a random armor piece. If the
item reaches 0 or lower, the armor will break.

<User All Armor Durability: +x>
<User All Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the user's armor(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the armor
will break.

<User Random Armor Durability: +x>
<User Random Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause a random armor equipped by the
user to have its durability altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower,
the armor will break.

<Target Weapon Durability: +x>
<Target Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the target's weapon(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the weapon
will break.

<Target All Weapon Durability: +x>
<Target All Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the target's weapon(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the weapon
will break.

<Target Random Weapon Durability: +x>
<Target Random Weapon Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause a random weapon equipped by the
target to have its durability altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or
lower, the weapon will break.

<Target Armor Durability: +x>
<Target Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause the target's armor(s) durability to
be altered by +x or -x. Depending on the 'Damage All' plugin parameter,
this will affect either all armors or affect a random armor piece. If the
item reaches 0 or lower, the armor will break.

<Target All Armor Durability: +x>
<Target All Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause all of the target's armor(s)
durability to be altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or lower, the armor
will break.

<Target Random Armor Durability: +x>
<Target Random Armor Durability: -x>
Each hit of this skill/item will cause a random armor equipped by the
target to have its durability altered by +x or -x. If it reaches 0 or
lower, the armor will break.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Break Effect

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can use this notetag to have your
weapons and/or armors produce special effects when they break.

Weapon and Armor Notetags:

<Custom Break Effect>
var newItem = $dataitems[1];
$gameParty.gainItem(newItem, 1);
</Custom Break Effect>
This effect will only occur if the item breaks as a result of durability
reaching 0 or lower from an action.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Repair Effect

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can use this notetag to have your
repair item perform a custom effect when it is used to repair a piece of

Item, Weapon, and Armor Notetags:

<Custom Repair Effect>
item.price += 200;
</Custom Repair Effect>
The 'item' variable refers to the item being repaired. Any changes made to
it will be saved for the independent item.

Lunatic Mode - Custom Weapon/Armor Durability Modifiers

For those with JavaScript proficiency, you can use these notetags to have
your skill and item actions alter the target's equipment durability.

Skill and Item Notetags:


<Custom User All Weapon Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom User All Weapon Durability>

<Custom User Random Weapon Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom User Random Weapon Durability>

<Custom User All Armor Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom User All Armor Durability>

<Custom User Random Armor Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom User Random Armor Durability>
The 'value' variable determines how to affect the user's weapon/armor. If
'value' is negative, durability will drop. If 'value' is positive, then
durability will increase. If the user's equipment reaches 0 or lower,
the equipment will break.


<Custom Target All Weapon Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom Target All Weapon Durability>

<Custom Target Random Weapon Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom Target Random Weapon Durability>

<Custom Target All Armor Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom Target All Armor Durability>

<Custom Target Random Armor Durability>
value -= user.atk;
</Custom Target Random Armor Durability>
The 'value' variable determines how to affect the target's weapon/armor.
If 'value' is negative, durability will drop. If 'value' is positive, then
durability will increase. If the target's equipment reaches 0 or lower,
the equipment will break.

Plugin Commands

There are a few plugin commands you can utilize to show/hide the Repair
option in the Item Action Window and/or enable/disable it.

Plugin Commands

- This will show/hide the Repair command in the Item Action Window.

- This will enable/disable the Repair command in the Item Action Window.


Version 1.01a:
- Updated for RPG Maker MV version 1.1.0.
- Optimization update.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!
param ---Defaults---
param Default Durability
desc This is the default durability value for independent
equipment when made. Set to -1 to bypass durability.
default 100

param Durability Variance
desc The random variance value for durability.
default 5

param Durability Maximum
desc Default maximum value for durability.
default 200

param ---Durability Drop---
param Physical Action
desc When performing physical actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default -1

param Magical Action
desc When performing magical actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default 0

param Certain Action
desc When performing certain hit actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default 0

param Damage All Armor
desc When receiving damage, damage all armors or 1 random?
RANDOM - false ALL - true
default false

param Physical Damage
desc When performing physical actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default -2

param Magical Damage
desc When performing magical actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default -1

param Certain Damage
desc When performing certain hit actions, drop all equipped weapons
durability by this much.
default -1

param ---Breaking---
param Broken Text
desc The text shown when an item breaks mid-battle.
%1 - User's name %2 - Item Name %3 - Item Icon
default %1's %3%2 broke!

param Broken Wait
desc If using the Battle Engine Core, this is how many frames
the message will wait.
default 60

param Break Sound
desc This is the default break sound filename.
This is case-sensitive. Do not include file extension.
default Crash

param Break Volume
desc This is the default break sound volume.
default 100

param Break Pitch
desc This is the default break sound pitch.
default 150

param Break Pan
desc This is the default break sound pan.
default 0

param ---Repair---
param Show Repair
desc Show the repair equipment option when selecting equips?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Enable Repair
desc Enable the repair equipment option when selecting equips?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Repair Command
desc Command text for repairing eslected equipment.
%1 - Equipment Name
default Repair %1

param Repair Sound
desc This is the default repair sound filename.
This is case-sensitive. Do not include file extension.
default Skill2

param Repair Volume
desc This is the default repair sound volume.
default 100

param Repair Pitch
desc This is the default repair sound pitch.
default 150

param Repair Pan
desc This is the default repair sound pan.
default 0

param ---Window Info---
param Show Durability
desc Show durability values for equipment?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Durability Text
desc Text used to display durability:
default Durability

param Durability Format
desc The format in displaying the durability value.
%1 - Current Durability %2 - Maximum Durability
default %1

param Show Unbreakable
desc Show the durability value if item is unbreakable?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param Unbreakable Text
desc The text used to indicate an item is unbreakable.
default Unbreakable

param ---Durability Color---
param Unbreakable
desc Text color used for unbreakable items.
default 23

param Max Durability
desc Text color when durability is equal to its max.
default 29

param 190% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 190% default.
default 29

param 175% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 175% default.
default 24

param 150% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 150% default.
default 24

param 120% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 120% default.
default 4

param 110% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 110% default.
default 0

param 100% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 100% default.
default 0

param 80% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 80% default.
default 0

param 50% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 80% default.
default 6

param 25% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 25% default.
default 17

param 10% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 10% default.
default 2

param 1% Durability
desc Text color when durability is above 1% default.
default 18


紹介ページ https://github.com/suppayami/yami-engine-delta/blob/master/demo/js/plugins/YEP_X_ItemDurability.js