(要YEP_MessageCore.js)ゲームのメッセージシステムにメッセージバックログ機能を追加してください。 – YEP_X_MessageBacklog.js

(Requires YEP_MessageCore.js) Add a message backlogfunction to your game's message system!

This plugin requires the following plugins:
- YEP_MessageCore

Note: If you have any Extended Message Pack plugins from the YEP library,
place this plugin under those entries in the plugin list.

It's not uncommon for RPG's to have a message backlog, an in-game tool for
the player to review any and all dialogue he/she has encountered previously.
This tool can be helpful in case a player would accidentally skip some
dialogue and/or would like to revisit what kind of messages were made before
making a decision during an important moment.

This plugin creates a message backlog system for your game's message system.
Upon pressing 'Shift' (or any other button you desire) during a message, the
player can open up a Backlog window to review over the last 20 encountered
messages (number of stored messages can be modified within the parameters).
These saved messages can also include any choices from the choice lists they
have selected, any numbers they may have inputted, or items they selected
from special events.

Now, your players can go forward, knowing full well they have little to
worry about in case they've missed any messages.

Disabled Text Codes

Due to the nature of some text codes, some of them are disabled for the
message log. Most of the default RPG Maker MV text codes will work, but some
custom ones added through the Message Core or Extension Packs are disabled
for various reasons. Here is a list of those disabled message codes:

RPG Maker MV Default:
\{ Changes to font sizes cause errors in the backlog.
\} Changes to font sizes cause errors in the backlog.

Message Core:
\AF[x] Face graphics aren't displayed in the backlog.
\PF[x] Face graphics aren't displayed in the backlog.
\FS[X] Changes to font sizes cause errors in the backlog.

\PY[X] While this works, it is known to cause some problems.

Extended Message Pack 1:
\LSON Letter sounds are disabled for the backlog.
\LSOFF Letter sounds are disabled for the backlog.
\LSR Letter sounds are disabled for the backlog.
\FACEINDEX Face graphics aren't displayed in the backlog.
\MSGPOSX Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGPOSY Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGEVENT Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGACTOR Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGPARTY Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGENEMY Backlog does not change message window size.
\AUTOEVENT Backlog does not change message window size.
\AUTOACTOR Backlog does not change message window size.
\AUTOPARTY Backlog does not change message window size.
\AUTOENEMY Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGROWS Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGWIDTH Backlog does not change message window size.
\AUTO Backlog does not change message window size.
\MSGRESET Backlog does not change message window size.

Extended Message Pack 2:
- Quantity, Actor, and Enemy text codes will be converted before added.
This is so the data made will be localized instead of current.

Plugin Commands

The following plugin commands can be used to alter various settings
regarding the Message Backlog.

Plugin Command:

- This enables/disables the message backlog from being playeraccessed.

- If enabled, new messages will be recorded to the backlog.
If disabled, they won't be recorded.

- This will forcefully open the message backlog if done on the map scene.
(Highly recommended to be used with Button Common Events)


Version 1.01:
- Message Backlog now removes more text codes regarding Letter Sounds.

Version 1.00:
- Finished Plugin!

End of Helpfile

param ---Backlog Key---
param LogKeyButton
text Backlog Key Button
parent ---Backlog Key---
type combo
option tab
option shift
option control
option pageup
option pagedown
desc When pressed during a message, this will open up
the Backlog window.
default shift

param EnableLogKey
text Enable Backlog Key
parent ---Backlog Key---
type boolean
on YES
off NO
desc Enable Backlog button for your messages by default?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param ---Settings---
param DefaultLogging
text Default Logging
parent ---Settings---
type boolean
on YES
off NO
desc Log all messages by default?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param LogSpecialInput
text Log Special Inputs
parent ---Settings---
type boolean
on YES
off NO
desc Log the special inputs made by the player?
NO - false YES - true
default true

param SpecialInputFmt
text Special Input Format
parent LogSpecialInput
desc Format used to display special input text in backlog.
%1 - The text used in the selected choice.
default »%1

param MaximumEntries
text Maximum Entries
parent ---Settings---
type number
min 1
desc This is the maximum number of backlog entries.
If more than max are added, oldest entry will be removed.
default 20

param ScrollBarEnabled
text Scroll Bar Enabled
parent ---Settings---
type boolean
off HIDE
desc Show a scroll bar for the message log?
HIDE - false SHOW - true
default true

param ScrollBarColor
text Scroll Bar Color
parent ScrollBarEnabled
type number
min 0
max 31
desc This is the text color used for the scroll bar.
default 0

param ScrollBarSpriteCode
text Sprite Code
parent ScrollBarEnabled
type note
desc This is the code used for the scroll bar's sprite.
Edit this if you wish to customize it for your game.
default "Establish basic measurements\nvar padding = backlogWindow.standardPadding();\nvar width = padding / 2;\nvar height = Graphics.boxHeight;\n\nCalculate number of visible rows\nvar visibleRows = backlogWindow.height - padding2;\nvisibleRows = Math.floor(visibleRows / backlogWindow.lineHeight());\nif (visibleRows < backlogWindow.maxItems()) {\n height= visibleRows / Math.max(1, backlogWindow.maxItems());\n}\n\nCalculate the size of a basic scrolling increment\nvar max = Math.floor(Math.max(1, backlogWindow.maxItems()) / backlogWindow.maxCols()) - 1;\nthis._increment = Graphics.boxHeight / Math.max(1, max);\n\nGenerate the bitmap\nthis.bitmap = new Bitmap(width, height);\nthis.bitmap.fillAll(backlogWindow.textColor(scrollBarColor));"

param ScrollSpeed
text Scroll Speed
parent ---Settings---
type number
min 0
desc This is the scroll speed used for backlog.
Lower numbers are faster. Higher numbers are slower.
default 4

param ScrollWrap
text Scroll Wrap
parent ---Settings---
type boolean
on YES
off NO
desc If player is at the bottom log entry, hitting down
would wrap the player back to the top. Enable this?
default true

param ---Visual---
param BackgroundType
text Background Type
parent ---Visual---
type select
option Window
value 0
option Dimmed
value 1
option Picture
value 2
option Transparent
value 3
desc What kind of background type do you wish to use
for the message backlog window?
default 1

param BackOpacity
text Back Opacity
parent ---Visual---
type number
min 0
max 255
desc If you are using a Window background type,
adjust this number to set the window's back opacity.
default 192

param DimColor1
text Dim Color 1
parent ---Visual---
desc If you are using a Dimmed background type,
adjust the first color here. Default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)

param DimColor2
text Dim Color 2
parent ---Visual---
desc If you are using a Dimmed background type,
adjust the first color here. Default: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)
default rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)

param Picture
parent ---Visual---
type file
dir img/pictures/
require 1
desc If you are using a Picture background type,
select a picture to use for your background.

param PictureOpacity
text Picture Opacity
parent ---Visual---
type number
min 0
max 255
desc If you are using a Picture background type,
adjust this number to set the picture's opacity.
default 255

param PictureStretch
text Picture Stretch
parent ---Visual---
type boolean
on Stretch
off Don't Stretch
desc If the picture used for the background is smaller than
the screen, stretch it to fit the screen?
default true


紹介ページ http://yanfly.moe/